Chapter 14: Of the Past

Jisoo finally gets to start working at Kim Group Company.

Yes..HR (Human Department)...most of those whom she gets to work with are friendly people..but she can also feel tense there too. Some of her colleagues do not seems to like her very much. Some are even not making any eye contact with her at all.

She doesn't have much opportunity to meet Namjoon a lot. He is the boss and she is just his the employee. Maybe that's why he doesn't seem to eager to meet her even there are chances that he could contact her. What is happening? He doesn't care about her anymore? Whatever happens in Flower Town is just fake love?

At one time, Jisoo bumps into Namjoon.....

The documents from her hand falls down in office lobby. Namjoon doesn't seem to mind her about bumping very much. He helps her pick up the documents...

Jisoo: "I'm sorry.."

Namjoon: "It's ok, Ms"

And when he is about to go..

"Joonie," she slips...she wants to continue, "Don't you remember me?"

Bu she couldn't.

He turn back to her again...saying

"Do I know you before?"

Jisoo is very surprised by this..but then again he is called to work by the manager he just left saying...

"Oki...see you later, Ms!"

He smirks and walks away.

At that time, So Hyun is walking behind and she sees the whole scene.

So Hyun is thinking to herself,

"She must someone who is with Monie Hyun when he went missing...wait...I also saw Minho at the Dragon Town...when Hyun get shot...I will need to get this information from Minho....."

But she is not the only one who notices Jisoo with Namjoon. There is another man who notices Jisoo...of course it is Mr Kim Young.


So Hyun is thinking about how to ask Minho. She could not rest at all, and she can't sleep that night. She doesn't want to ask him under her own roof. She feels it isn't safe. She must asks him outside here. But where?


The next day comes.

So Hyun (wearing a blue dress) is siting and waiting for Minho at the dinning restaurant in Strand Luxury Hotel..(the one where Rosè is working as a pianist). So Hyun has chosen this particular hotel because it is the in which most of her family, relatives and friends don't care to visit at all because it is situated far from the middle of the city...and it seems secretive too somehow.

Minho (all in black) comes in and sits at the same table as So Hyun.

He takes of his sunglasses.

"Ma'am, why do you want me to come here, especially without anyone of Kim Family know..."

"Because it is secretive as of now!...You know the lady Jisoo, right! You know all about Monie Hyun while he was missing and ....and .. about Uncle Young involving in this matter. Please tell me all about it Minho....if you still respect Kim Family.."

... Minho looks her and thinks seriously. Then he tells her almost everything except much of his involvement with Kim Young's business.

Rosè is playing Spring Day at the moment. So Hyun's favourite song. Minho looks up at her to the stage. He likes the song too. At that very moment, Minho is thinking that Rosè is really beautiful and elegant at that very moment.

There is another man who is wearing a hat, sitting next table to So Hyun and Minho. He hears everything they said.

So Hyun thinks a lot that night lying in her bed. She knows they are in great danger. But why would Uncle Young hates them this much! But she thinks she should approach Jisoo too because Jisoo might become her sister in law in near future.

At that meanwhile, Namjoon in his own bed is thinking about Jisoo too. He thinks he knows her before. He somehow feels very familiar with her like he used to have a strong bond with her before. Why couldn't he remember anything. But he is thinking. It is good that he can act like a normal guy working for his family. But part of his brain cannot remember some parts his past very much. He feels very dizzy sometimes. He knows himself that he isn't as cheerful or in high IQ as his friends claim him to be now. But he thinks he should try to get back the life. And he knows that part of his missing life must involve Jisoo. He knows that since he just saw her CV to his company. The manager seems a little confused whether or not to take her because of her lack of experience but he had argue that she seems to have a strong will to work..and that they might probably be better to handle her even easier than those with experiences.

"I will get to know more about her!"


It is lunch time the next day. Jisoo is preparing to go for lunch.

While suddenly, Namjoon's car ring the bell to her. She is a little shock. Namjoon's car door glass of his side goes down and he takes of his sunglasses and smiles at her.

"Hello, Miss, Umm ....I need to talk to you a little...."

Jisoo is a little confused. She doesn't know whether she should go with him or not. But finally she decides to get on his car.

He takes her to one of the luxurious restaurant that situated a little away from the company.

Jisoo wonders why he comes this far.

While they are sitting at the table, they are shy with each other for awhile until he asks.

"Umm you know me before right, Miss?"

Jisoo is shocked to be asked like that..

But she answers..

" not really..I just make a mistake somebody with you..."

Jisoo really wishes to tell all the truth but she can't because before meeting him, she has already met with Kim Young and So Hyun. She is thinking back about her conversation with them.