Chapter 15: Jisoo Got Offers

Jisoo thinks back about her meeting to Kim Young and So Hyun prior to Namjoon.

It is yesterday, Mr Kim Young came to approach her when she was heading home from work.

The flashback,

Jisoo is clearing up her work desk and preparing to go home when one of the employee came...

Employee: "Miss, er...Mr Kim Young wants to see you and talk to you. He is waiting at the lobby."

Jisoo: "Ok... thank you..I will go and meet him in a second"

Jisoo took all her personal stuffs back to her bag and walked to the office lobby as fast as she could.

Mr Kim Young was sitting sofa. He stood up when he saw Jisoo.

Mr Kim Young: "I have a little work for you Miss"

He handed Jisoo a brown folder bag.

Jisoo took it.

Mr Kim Young continued..."I will take your report back in a week. Hope it goes all ok"

And then he just walked out.

Jisoo reached her apartment, took a shower and she looked at what was in the fold...she was surprised to find it was just a letter.

It read,

"Dear Miss Jisoo,

Well.. Let's just get straight into the matter. I know what happened to you and my nephew at Flower Town. Don't be so alarm that I am the one who made him arrive there. The boy just too big headed to be gone out of this world. I'm very tired and frustrated. I want everyone who he loves gone with him. But you are too beautiful for Miss. So I am giving you a chance. Work for me. Spy on this nephew of mine to get information to me. Nah...I am not making you work for me free. You may become a manager here at Kim Group after all the work is done and you may get the share too....but if you do not agree to this you and your mother will be great trouble... besides won't you want to take revenge on the Kim family that has wronged your family once...

Best Regards Miss,

Young "

Jisoo was very shocked reading it. At that very moment her mobile phone rings.

Jisoo picks up the phone. It is Mr Kim Young number but her mother voice comes out...

Her voice is clear,

"Jisoo, my daughter, don't think anything too much dear. Please just do what you think is right and keep faith with it. Besides, what is over is already over.''

The phone then is cut off.

Then, her phone rings again.

This time is from Mr KimYoung and Jisoo picks up ..

Then, she just says, sobbing too.

"Hey.  Mr Kim Young. Please don't do anything to my mother. I will do the work for you."

"Very well, my dear lady Chu!", replies Mr Kim Young. There is an evil laugh in him.

The next, in the morning when Jisoo arrived at the office, she encountered Kim So Hyun.

So Hyun: "Sister, I know who you are to my brother...I really need a favour to ask you"

Then, So Hyun handed Jisoo a paper and then she just walks away after saying.

" I will want the answer back very soon Sis"

Jisoo read the letter.

"Dear sister,

I know about you and Monie brother. Please help him remember the past. If I ask would you come to live in our place to make him that. I have a plan. I believe in you, will be glad if you are near him. Please accept my proposal of being my assistant at my home office. Hope you reply about this later soon. Hope you accept my plan.

Thank you very much!!

Yours sincerely,

Kim So Hyun

Although Jisoo has not yet given the answer to Kim So Hyun, she has already determined to accept the offer.


Back to the present, Namjoon and Jisoo are sitting in a restaurant.

Jisoo has lied to Namjoon that she had mistook him with somebody.

Namjoon doesn't seem to believe it very much.

They just continue their lunch and talk about the company work.

But Namjoon decides to ask on lighter subjects too such as her favourite hobbies.

Namjoon:" I love reading books, writing lyrics...and sleeping...they just help me with my energy to live...Yep miss it's actually great to talk about other things too.."

Jisoo: "why...but if you asks me I love those things too sometimes..."

Namjoon: "Maybe because I feel familiar's too bad that I can't remember anything in past since I woke up from sleep 2 months ago"

Jisoo just looks up at him with a little sadness.

Then Namjoon says again..

"Umm...we are done with food now I think and it's near 1 let's go back to office"

They go back to Kim Group.

Jisoo can sense a lot of employees especially women looks at her with a little disdain for being able to near Namjoon. Jisoo feels a little odd. But she feels happy and light somehow. At least for now she is getting nearer to the man she loves.

She works cheerfully for the rest of the day.

On Namjoon's side, he doesn't much believe in what Jisoo has said that she doesn't know before. There must be something and he needs to find it out soon. Besides, he also feels good and relieved somehow he was with her although he doesn't remember her at all at the moment.

However, when she reaches near to her apartment. She suddenly is grabbed by one mysterious man.

He is no mysterious anyway for it is Suho her friend.

Jisoo is happy when Suho turn to let her see him.

"Oh... are you.. I and Rose are so worried about you..but Suho Why do you change your hairstyle to curl up like a comedian .....I nearly not remember you."

Suho seriously looks at Jisoo.

" Jisoo, I'm working some dangerous job at a casino..the owner is also a thief or a robber. It is a very dangerous place to become employee for but I need to do the job...for a lot of things...I just want to tell you something"

....Suho pauses for awhile then continue...

"I love you, Jisoo, I know it is too sudden. You might not like but I have been loving you since we were both studying in college. I don't know if I should tell you...but for a man who needs to put his own life in a game for and death are not so I am telling you this..."

Jisoo is so shocked again...she had never once thought Suho feels for her in this way....she definitely love him as her best friend but her heart is given to someone already"

Jisoo: "Nahh....Suho ... you are a mighty will survive it all. And you must live because you are my best friend. Well you and Rose are."

Suho (looking at her sadly): How about your heart Jisoo"

They both looked serious now.

Jisoo: "Umm...Suho..I..I already have someone whom I already love...and I don't think I could change...And anyway... Suhoshi can find a better lady.."

Suho looks very sad now...but he just smiles dimly...

He already knows it from Minho and So Hyun conversation the day before at the hotel where Rosè is playing the piano. Yep he is that mysterious man sitting next table to Minho and So Hyun.

He just want the confirmation from Jisoo about her and Namjoon.