Unknowingly Human

While most of the Enlightened like to view themselves superior, Gobs are people too. No, I'm not talking about those animistic Proto-Gobs, but even the youngest and most savage of Gobs can be taught to be good. I trained my husband from a finicky, brutish Green Goblin to my hunky, green skinned lover.

-Exert from, "I Married a Goblin," by Betty Black


Early in the morning, Odd stood at the riverbank, looking at a tree that stood alone in a clearing. He was curious about Dryads. He was curious about everything, really. Also, because his mother told him he could never survive it, part of him wanted to prove her wrong.

He wanted to learn from the creature and hopefully try breeding, but he also was confident in his abilities to get out alive. He struck the killing blow on the tier 3 that would have been the end of his boss without his intervention. He had ridden a bird into the ground as he slayed in the sky! He was Odd, not some ordinary, weak Proto-Gob!

So Odd, in his newly rigged clothing that fit his current size of just under two feet and his knife attached to his cloth belt, swam to the other size of the river without hesitation. He knew it was reckless and stupid, but he didn't care, he didn't want to wait three days to evolve into a stronger Gob.

The river itself took a bit of time to cross and was way deeper than it looked, but it should have been obvious to the Proto-Gob when he say a mermaid arise from it two days before.

Without incident, he reached the opposite shore and started towards the tree that should have a dryad when he felt a pull.

[Mind] rose from 1.4 to 1.5

[Soul] rose from 0.4 to 0.5

Looks like the magical attraction was defeated easily enough. The dryads prey was primarily weak minded Goblins though, so it wasn't that surprising to the prideful prodigy that he resisted her allure.

From the roots of a thick, dark brown tree with luscious green leaves sprouted a form that came to a height slightly smaller than Odd's form. A female figure with caramel colored skin, bright green hair from a fantasy and eyes that were colored a soft yellow. Yellow eyes usually looked predatory, but the dryad made them look soft and irresistible.

[Observe] activated

Name: N/A

Race: Dryad, T2

Race description: A Slimeborn plant that obtains the genetic material of a Proto-Gob can become a dryad by following the 'deceptive' path. Dryads are creatures with minimal sentience and have severe cravings for human, Enlightened, and humanoid Gob flesh. They are limited to creating a projected form a small distance from their plant. Dryads can form from any plant material in existence due to the malleable Proto-Gob genetic material used for their initial creation.

{Stats: Extremely high [Body] that is limited by an atrocious speed that only the unconscious wouldn't be able to avoid. Its [Mind] is equal to yours while its [Soul] is slightly weaker. It has a [Nature Affinity] that is around 3.0.]

"Uhh," Odd clamored awkwardly, "Could you please choose another form so we can talk? Goblins are just... Could you be more elfish?"

She cocked her head innocently and shifted her features. It was much better, the wrinkly, goblin-esque skin and gangling features were replaced with bountiful breasts, wide hips, and smooth soft skin.

"Ahh, thank you, thats much better," Odd remarked.

The dryad rested a soft hand on Odd's shoulder and blasted her charming allure again.

Odd ignored it, sure, she was incredibly attractive and he wanted to pounce the willing body, but he was thinking about that slave and his mother, so he just started talking.


Odd and the feminine form rested on one of her roots as he just finished his story. Everything from his birth, his bipolar mother, what fighting the bird felt like, the mermaid, the raid on fellow Gobs, being beat by his boss and forced to watch him rape his newest slave, and how he couldn't make a real decision about slavery in the first place! Odd poured his heart out to the tree as she sat silently, holding his hands were hers.

If she wasn't a carnivorous beast that hungered for his potent flesh, the moment would have been real touching.

"So I want it all, is that too greedy? I feel so Goblike at times and Ungoblike at others. Mother says I'm just overthinking everything, but she's not exactly the picture of mental health no matter how much I care about her."

The dryad continued to say silent, but started pushing her bountiful breasts against the young Gob.

"I... I do, I actually care about the crazy woman. It isn't just possessiveness! I will decide who I want to be good towards and who to mercilessly destroy! Return kindness in turn and hurt those that deserve it! Like that Roark bastard!" he hugged the dryad, "It's all so simple, I don't know why it took me so long, thank you so much for listening!"

It took two days of existence for Odd to learn something that took generations of humanity forming communities with sticks and stones. He was unknowingly ahead of the curve in developing a moral code.

In response to his decree, the dryad wrapped her arms around him and crashed her lips into his.