Never Been So Happy to Have That Skill (18+)

Ten chapters and the first full blown smut has finally arrived! Feel free to skip this chapter if that's your thing. I will post all stat and skill gains in the following chapter and will do so in the future with chapters like this one.


'They taste so sweet,' Odd thought to himself as her lips brushed against him.

Of course, during Odd's short life, he hadn't tasted a large variety of pleasures, but he knew that this is what he had been waiting for. This was so much more magical than the savages in the cave banging each other in a dirty cave surrounded by other naked beats.

It was intimate. The plant woman wrapped her legs and arms tight and Odd submitted to her wonderful touch. He felt her soft tongue dart into his mouth as he enjoyed and focused on the pleasure of her sweet body and the pressure of her hips pushed against his.

The tongue kept sliding down his throat, he tried to cough, but couldn't. His eyes were watering in pain and the limbs wrapped around him were getting tighter and tighter.

He was going to die.

'What a fucking idiot!' he yelled to himself in his mind as he started so suffocate. 'The damn tree didn't say anything as I talked my heart out, released the burdens on my caged soul, and truly expressed myself for the first time in my life, and this is what I get in return?'

Odd was one pissed off Gob.

He channeled his anger at the betrayal that cut deeper than it should have. So what if the observation window warned him? The girl was beautiful, sweet, and had been resting in his arms for the last hour!

[Yin Lighting Affinity] rose from 0.5 to 0.7

[Mana Capacity] rose from 11 to 12

Odd let his magic and rage loose. He felt his mana drain quicker than the rate that it came back to him, but the tongue that was deep in his throat retreated and the limbs loosened.

Taking a deep breath, realizing that he was still alive, he didn't notice the soft glow that enveloped the tree for several seconds.

Odd slowly raised his eyes and glared at the female form in front of him. It looked... pained?

It didn't matter, this monster was going to kill him!

He wrapped his claw like fingers around the dryads neck and drained her energy as he felt his mana lower to 3/12.

"MMMMmmmmmmnnnnn!" a soft moan arose from the dryads throat as Odd clutched at her throat and stopped the flow of his torturous, hated magic.

Odd's entire mind was telling him to run, but he stood stunned at the sight of fluids spilling down her folds and dripping off her legs. It was also the first sound that the tree made. What happened?

The dryad in front of him was panting heavily and collapsed to the floor. The sight of her soft yellow eyes staring into his soul and cute pout of her plump lips lit Odd's body aflame and he grabbed her.

Spinning the dryad around and bending her over, he shoved his member into the woman. It was so tight around him that he had to fight with everything he had to not immediately unload himself inside her.

Gritting his teeth, he used all of his willpower not to cum as he started slowly driving his hips into her back. He's never touched himself or felt like this before, it was overwhelming!

[Unnatural Sponge] activated

[Willful Endurance] perk gained. Uses the power of the soul to directly reinforce the endurance of the body.

[Body] rose from 0.5 to 0.6

It was better now, Odd wasn't at a risk of embarrassing himself prematurely, but the perfect figure beneath him looked bored? She was milking him, but passively hung her arms down as if waiting for him to get over with it.

This... stupid... cunt.

Odd pinched her tits as hard as he could with his clawed fingers and started channeling his magic built for torture.

The obvious masochist started leaking fluids from her tits along with her pussy. "Fuck, baby, not so rough!" the sweet sound of her voice was like honey to his ears.

But, Odd wasn't as stupid as other young Gobs. He knew what this damnable plant wanted. He grabbed her neck, shoved her against her tree, slammed his cock inside of her and watched her curl her toes.

The mesmerizing sight was just like a normal humanoid would act, not a simple, tier 2 dryad, but Odd didn't question it. His cock was wrapped tighter in her pussy as the lust driven monster clenched harder around him.

More yin lighting crackled as he throttled her, watching her scream out in pleasure, "I can't... I can't take any more, please!" the plant begged.

[Yin Lighting Affinity] rose from 0.7 to 0.8

"I'm not finished with you yet," he breathed softly against her ear, spun her around, and pulled her close before he lifted the woman by her ass and plunged himself into that perfect pussy again.

"Aaah!" the dryad screamed out while she wrapped her bouncing legs around Odd's waist, drenching his lower body in the sweet fluids that continued to pour from her in a massive deluge of liquid that came in a far greater amount than any normal woman would ever be able to produce.

As Odd slammed into her as her back slammed against her tree, again, and again. He was drenched from the torso down, practically swimming in her fluids when he remembered how she reacted when he pinched the dryad's nipples before.

Slightly lifting her body for easier access, he clamped his sharp teeth down on her dark brown nipple, biting right through, channeling sparks directly inside of her.

The dryad screamed out at the top of whatever acted as the monster's lungs, louder than she had ever screamed before as sweat nectar spilled from her breast, almost choking Odd on the shear amount that poured into his mouth.

"I'm close," the Proto-Gob whispered against her face as she latched tighter onto him.

"Cum for me, Odd, cum for me hard," she whispered back to him sweetly.

The fact that the woman had been paying attention to his earlier ramblings, along with his ego screaming about how wonderful he was for making this beautiful creature cum so much, drove him to the edge as he kissed her sweetly. He used the last of his magic to melt a part of her tongue as pain ripped through her head, giving her another mini-orgasm.

[Yin Lighting Affinity] rose from 0.8 to 0.9

Odd passionately drove his body into hers as they held each other tightly while the world paused and he emptied his load into her tight body. As the dryad's form shivered and Odd felt exhaustion hit his body, her entire tree shook and rattled as if hit by a ferocious storm.

The couple laid across the dryad's roots, holding each other close, panting hard at the utter bliss they had just shared.

"I guess..." a sweet, soft whisper of hot breath found itself drifting against Odd's eardrum, "I guess I won't eat you now."

The odd Proto-Gob fell on his back and started cackling in a laughter of pure bliss and peace.