Arc 1 Chapter 4

Zhao Yixuan has been monitoring Xiao Jun for the passed three weeks. It has grown into a kind of obsession. His secretary has been in charge of handing him the daily report and surveillance pictures from the day.

Boss seems to have gone mad...Is he pent up? His curiosity has gone beyond stalker level. I just light a candle for that poor Xiao Jun. What evils did he commit in his last life to have gained the interest of this demon.

Despite the secretary's sympathetic thoughts his facial expression remains calm. "Boss, Xiao Jun has just gotten promoted to the team leader of the tech design team. He's also acting as a consultant for the coding team.

Zhao Yixuan responds in his trademark deep husky voice, "I got it. You may leave." Inside Yixuan starts fantasizing. Kitten you're so smart...Are you staking out your territory? How cute...Don't get too comfortable, you'll be mine soon enough! ^ω^ Yixuan smirks as he looks out the window. Coincidentally he sees Xiao Jun, as Xiao Jun walks towards the convenience store at the end of the street. His eyes stay glued to Xiao Jun's body watching him enter and waiting for him to exit. He sees Xiao Jun holding a plastic bag, returning to the company. Looking up at the clock he realizes that it's lunch time. You aren't taking care of your body kitten. I need to feed you better.

When the secretary walks back in after the lunch break holding a file with Yixuan's schedule, he sees Yixuan staring intensely at his laptop. He thinks that the Boss must be busy with some important company matter, but when he sees the reflection of the screen in the glass he's speechless. Boss...Why are you looking up nutritious meal recipes? Are you planning to fire your chef? Who are you planning to kill with your poison? Did he forget the time he tried to boil water and almost burned the kitchen down?(; ̄Д ̄)"Boss...are you planning on sending new recipes to your chef?" The secretary prays that he doesn't plan to cook himself. Yixuan gives him a sharp look. How can he let his kitten eat food made by anyone else? "I'm planning to cook these dishes. Look up more healthy food recipes and send it to me by the end of the day." The secretary silently lights a candle for the poor victim. "Yes Boss"

Meanwhile at the design section on the third floor of the company Xiao Jun sits working hard oblivious to his soon to be unlucky fate. Ni Ni almost busts an organ trying to hold in her laughter. Her host is going to face some traumatizing dishes.

Lol how did that devil even believe that he was capable of cooking? How many people did he poison with his inedible dishes of death? Lol I wonder how those guys smiled through the pain just to convince that demon that he was a cooking pro. (ノ≧ڡ≦) Should I tell Host that the male lead is watching him? Nah it'll be more entertaining seeing where this goes. I can't wait to see how the rock face male lead tries to chase the ice-block Host. Lol I think I'll die laughing. It might seem cruel but maybe the host will feel something if he's faced with something unexpected. Anyways, i'll just warn him if he's in danger. This is just some harmless fun. I'm bored out of my mind with this guys lame ass life. He never says or does anything even remotely interesting. How the fuck is he going to complete the finding love mission?...Wait a sec, now that I think about it the male lead is so obsessed that he might actually take over Host's love life. ╮(╯∀╰)╭ hahaha promotion here I come!

Zhao Yixuan feels a shiver go through his body. Is kitten thinking about me?

If his secretary could hear his thoughts he would definitely try to remind him Boss he doesn't even know you exist.

Xiao Jun looks up in the middle of his work. Ni Ni what's going on? What's the status on the female lead and the male lead?

[Host, the male lead has recently been interested in something new so he's been ignoring the female lead. Hurhurhur ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) The female lead is getting frustrated by the lack of progress with the male lead so she's trying to find ways to get his attention. She managed to bribe one of his lower-level secretaries to find out the male lead's schedule. She found out that the male lead has a meeting and the project manager in charge of your team's proposal is going to present. Since she's working as an assistant project manager she plans to steal the important information from the hard drive and make him look like a fool. Just as everything goes to shit, she'll swoop in and save the presentation. She's going to use this opportunity to show off her brilliance and ability to snag a position as his personal secretary. What a bitch...she didn't even consider that this is potentially a million-dollar deal. What a greedy hoe. So Boss what's the plan?]

We need to reveal her true colors to everyone in the company. I'll hack into the security system and make sure that we video her stealing the hard drive. We probably won't be fast enough to actually stop her from messing with the presentation. I'll go to the project manager and convince him to take me on as a technical advisor. Let's steal her thunder. We'll let her plan work out but I'll just take over her position. It's not like she can present better than me anyways...It's my proposal.

Xiao Jun's lips slightly turn up. It's so slight that it's almost nonexistent but Ni Ni definitely didn't miss it. She almost had a heart attack as she could feel it thumping out of her chest. Her eyes opened so wide that it looked like her eyeballs might pop out. OMFG did he actually SMILE?!?!?!?!?!? Did hell freeze over? Am I in some kind of alternate dimension?!?!?! Did my Host get switched for an imposter?!?!?!? Σ(·口·)

[Ummm Host. Did you just smile???? How do you feel? Is there any thumping in your chest? Or a light headed feeling from your brain?]

Nothing's changed. I just felt an itch on my face

Ni Ni almost cried from the disappointment. My whole life is a lie. I must have been delusional to believe that he actually changed. (╥_╥) Ni Ni took a deep breath to settle her turbulent feelings.

[So what next Host?]

Xiao Jun walked steadily towards the project manager's office and knocks on the door.

"Come in" A nasal voice sounds from inside the room. "Sir. I would like to speak to you about the project meeting today" Xiao Jun speaks in a steady tone, which the manager interprets as a humble tone. Ni Ni just facepalms at the misconceptions from every single human being her Host comes across, But Ni Ni has gotten used to it by now.

"Ah Xiao Jun. What would you like to say?" The manager kindly asks. Everyone sees his headphones and immediately treat him kinder because of their pity for the 'disabled'. "Sir, I am worried about any technical problems that might arise during the meeting so I would like to ask your permission for me to accompany you as technical support." Xiao Jun's monotonous voice seems to echo in the small office. While the manager would take offense at such a request from anyone else, he doesn't guard against Xiao Jun. Xiao Jun has always been steady and rather unambitious so he doesn't believe that Xiao Jun would try to use this opportunity to climb the ladder. Especially since he's shy and a bit of a loner. In a fact the manager is happy to receive such a request since it means that Xiao Jun is opening up to him. He wants Xiao Jun to show off his talent more and get recognition for his work. Xiao Jun is too talented for his position.

Maybe it's because of his unambitious attitude that people feel like supporting him and extending kindness to him. Or maybe it's just his cute, oblivious peach blossom eyes. Whenever they look into his eyes he looks like a cute harmless animal. It's a huge contrast to his forever passive expression. The manager excitedly nods his head. "Xiao Jun I definitely need you! What a great proposition!!! I should have thought of it earlier! Prepare yourself, we'll have to leave in an hour."

Xiao Jun doesn't understand what he's so excited about but he slightly inclines his head in a nod.

It's finally time to face off with the female lead.

[Is it weird that I'm getting really hyped up to KO her ass? Her 'innocent' face that hides her green tea bitch attitude just pisses me off. (╬ಠ益ಠ)]

Calm down Ni Ni. What happens will happen. She'll get what she deserves.

[Now you're pissing me off 눈_눈]
