Arc 1 Chapter 5

Xiao Jun enters the board room behind the manager with his head lowered. He doesn't want to draw attention to himself until it's time to steal the spotlight. Walking closely behind the manager leaving only centimeters between them he looks shy and nervous to the board members. He managers to minimize his presence when he takes his place in the corner with his laptop. But no matter how small he tries to make himself he still feels a blatant stare trained on his body. He searches for the source and his eyes collide with the male lead's burning look. Xiao Jun naturally moves on and looks back down at his laptop as if nothing significant happened.

Yixuan grits his teeth in frustration. He was so excited when he noticed his kitten walking through the door but the closeness between him and another man enraged him. Kitten it seems you've gotten used to too much freedom. Just wait for your punishment. I'll tame you soon enough. How can you look at another man baby? When his stare was returned with a nonchalant attitude it just pissed him off. You're trying to dismiss me? How can you be so cruel kitten? Look at me. Only at me...

Ni Ni lights a candle for her host. Damn that guy is messed up. His possessiveness is on a whole other level. He's like a beast stalking his prey. Host...I hope you can save yourself.

Ni Ni what are you thinking about?

[Nothing host, nothing at all]

Xiao Jun looks at the entrance to the room when the door opens. Yang Xi has just entered the room. It's ridiculously obvious that she's here to seduce someone. She's wearing a tight knee length 'office' skirt that shows off her curves and a white blouse with a low neck, slightly showing off her cleavage. Her bright red lipstick highlights her creamy complexion and she's wearing 9" black fuck me heels. She strides demurely towards the other side of the projection screen and tries to look professional by clutching her folder and putting on a serious expression. Maybe she thinks her act is perfect but when she glances towards Yixuan for just a millisecond she gives herself away. All of the board members give her a knowing look, and some of the more sleazy members start checking her out.

Ni Ni...I thought Yang Xi was supposed to be a perfect actress. Why is she so obvious and vulgar?

[Host, maybe when your man started losing interest in her she panicked. She probably lost her composure.]

My man?

[hahaha, I meant the male lead...just a little mistake]

Xiao Jun doesn't think any further about her slip and throws it to the back of his mind. The lights dim and the projector turns on signalling the start of the presentation. The manager begins his whole spiel about the tech proposal about extending the tech base to include devices for the hearing impaired community. During his speech there is one board member who isn't looking at him at all. The member is staring at a certain tech support member with heated eyes. Xiao Jun just ignores his attempts at gaining his attention. The time has finally come to take the stage.

The manager opens the next slide and most of the key information is missing. While the manager is pretty adept at his job, he doesn't know the full picture without the information. He starts to panic and in his desperation he looks towards the only person he knows. When he sees Xiao Jun he remembers that the proposal was drafted by him. His eyes lighten as though an angel has come to save him from his predicament. He stares at Xiao Jun and pleads with his eyes, asking him to take over. Xiao Jun gives him a minute nod and his whole body loosens with relief. It's at this precise moment when Yang Xi speaks up. "Manager what's wrong? Why aren't you continuing with the presentation?" Yang Xi lets out a tiny smug look, waiting for the manager to become speechless with embarrassment.

She follows up with "Well I can-", she's cut off by the manager who speaks over her. "I wanted to introduce Xiao Jun, who will be taking over the presentation from here. He's the original creator of the draft and no one knows the plan better than him." The manager speaks so smoothly that it looks like that was the plan all along.

Xiao Jun walks up to the stage and starts speaking. All of the board members are first distracted by the headphones he's wearing. Some of them look dissatisfied at what they believe is disrespectful conduct. "Xiao Jun is it? What are you trying to do speaking with those headphones on? Are you taking us for a joke?" Xiao Jun just looks back calmly but the manager is taken aback. Yang Xi gleefully looks on from the side of the stage. Expecting to be able to take over after all. Yixuan glares at the man from the fierce interruption. Who are you to question and attack my baby? It seems like you don't want to live anymore! Yixuan leans back in his chair and whispers to his assistant standing behind him. "Write down that man's information. Find out his weaknesses and deal with him." The assistant looks at that man with pity. Poor guy, you messed with the wrong man today.

Before Yixuan could speak out to make a good impression on his baby Xiao Jun himself takes charge of the situation.

"Sir it is not that I mean to be disrespectful but these headphones are a necessary tool in my everyday life. I have a hypersensitivity to sound and cannot live without muting the sounds around me. I got the idea for this proposal from this condition that held me back from having a normal life." There is no inflection in Xiao Jun's voice during the entire explanation. It's as if he's reading from a script but it just elicits pity from the audience. Yixuan's eyes become soft as he gently looks at Xiao Jun. Don't worry baby. I'll protect you forever. You won't ever have to face any difficulties again. I'll take care of you. He has so many words of love that he wants to say to Xiao Jun, but this isn't the time for that yet.

"Sir this proposal gives a chance for both the hypersensitive and hearing impaired community to be able to function in society. This will add more capable individuals to the job market and help boost the economy. (A/N: I'm just making up some bullshit) I used to only be able to try and read lips throughout my entire life because I could only wear noise-cancelling headphones. I'm now wearing the prototype that I've created. It's a noise filtering headphone which allows me to talk to you all normally. I've brought another prototype for you to see." Xiao Jun places another pair of headphones on the table for the board members to pass around. He ends the meeting with all of the members agreeing to the proposal. Through just his explanations he has secured a multi-million dollar deal for the company.

Xiao Jun bows to the members and walks back to the manager. The manager looks really proud and claps him on the back. Meanwhile two venomous glares are trained towards their corner. Yang Xi is glaring hatefully at Xiao Jun for ruining her plans. Xiao Jun you fucking disabled freak. Why don't you just go to some special needs center somewhere. You're trying to ruin my plans again! Looks like I need to get rid of you first. She lets out an evil snort and bounds off angrily.

The other venomous glare comes from the big boss. Yixuan wants to burn a hole through that manager. How dare you touch my kitten. Looks like you don't need that arm anymore. Kitten it looks like I need to get you away from all of these bees. You've given me the perfect opportunity. Wait for me baby, I'm coming for you.

Ni Ni shudders from all of the attention her host is getting. ( ̄□ ̄) Wow he's being stalked by a snake and a beast. Was he born under an evil star? He must have been surrounded by a lot of negative feng shui. Poor guy.

[Host...the female lead is blackening. You need to be careful, she's planning on getting rid of you.]

Okay, monitor Yang Xi and make sure to tell me her plans.

[You got it Boss. I'll be on her like white on rice!]

….what does that mean?

[ ( ̄ー ̄;Forget it...I just meant you can depend on me]

I always trust you Ni Ni

Ni Ni feels both touched and guilty. This is the first time host has said anything like that to me. (T▽T) Should I tell him about the male lead?'s okay. It's not like he's in any danger. He'll be fine. In fact, I'm probably helping him by trying to put him in situations where he can learn to feel! Ni Ni manages to convince herself that she isn't doing anything wrong.

On the top floor of the company the big boss is twirling his chair in circles as he lets out an evil smile. Kitten you're mine now. I'm going to keep you close. Real close. He starts chuckling. Yixuan's secretary pushes up his glasses as he keeps a straight face. It's official, boss has gone mad. Xiao Jun you poor boy. You're being stalked by a creep.

Yixuan looks at his secretary, "what did you just say?" The secretary's heart almost rips out of his chest but the only indicator of his surprise is a slight lift of his eyebrow. Did boss just read my mind? "What boss?? I didn't say anything?" "'s nothing. Go find Xiao Jun's boss and tell him that kitten's being promoted to my private secretary." The secretary mentally pats his chest. It's too damn dangerous. It's like he can sniff out my thoughts. Better be careful… "Yes Boss." The secretary walks out of the office.

Yixuan stands by the window, looking out at the city. There's a faint smile on his face and his eyes soften as he thinks about Xiao Jun.