Arc 1 Chapter 6

Xiao Jun walks into the office and feels everyone giving him weird looks. When he reaches his section he sees his subordinates all staring at him with a mix of admiration, respect and confusion. He decides that he can't hold it in anymore, he needs to know. "What's going on? Why is everyone giving me weird looks. Lei Yu, tell me." Xiao Jun points at the team member who is always connected to all of the gossip. Lei Yu slightly blushes because he knows exactly why he's called out. "Team Leader...we're all just surprised. How did you get the personal secretary position for the CEO?" Xiao Jun looks at them with genuine confusion in his eyes. Though his face is stoic they can read his disbelief. " didn't know???" Lei Yu finally understands why Xiao Jun has been curious all morning about their unusual behavior. "Boss you should probably go see the project manager."

Xiao Jun nods and heads off to meet the manager.

Ni Ni, what's this about a personal secretary position?

Ni Ni feels really guilty and nervous at his question. What do I tell him? I totally screwed up. I didn't expect that beast to actually use this way to tie Host to him. What a fucker, he ruined everything… (╥_╥) Host just told me yesterday that he trusted me. I'm so fucked. It's all or nothing, I might as well come clean.

[Ugh Host...Do you remember when I told you that I made a mistake when I called the male lead your man? I didn't make a mistake. Ummm Zhao Yixuan is interested in you. In a romantic way… As in he wants to date you and screw you and stuff...So he used this chance to make you his secretary and get close to you. _(:3」∠)_ ]

Ni Ni waits for his reaction.


[Okay?... That's it? You're not mad? Or grossed out that there's basically a stalker that likes you? Are you interested in him? Do you think he's hot or something? What are you going to do now that he's going to stick to you? What if he wants to make you his bitch?]

Calm down Ni Ni. This works well with the mission. If I'm close to him I can find him a lover and I can reveal Yang Xi's true colors.

[So you don't care that he likes you? What if he tries to do something to you?]

What happens will happen.

[ 凸ಠ益ಠ)凸 ]

Xiao Jun knocks on the manager's door. "Come in, Ah it's Xiao Jun. I was about to call you myself. So let me get to the point. The CEO was at the meeting yesterday and saw how competent you are. He thinks that you will do great as his secretary so you're being promoted. Congratulations Xiao Jun!!! I always thought you were too overqualified for your job. Just be yourself and everything will work out!"

Xiao Jun bows to him in thanks. The manager just excitedly continues, "you're expected upstairs in about 2 hours, so clear out your desk and your duties will be explained to you by the head secretary at the CEO's office. Good luck!"

Xiao Jun thanks him again and leaves the office to clear out his things. He gathers his team members for a final meeting where he tells them that he's leaving and that they need to continue to work hard. Xiao Jun just meant it as serious advice for workplace management but all of his subordinates got very emotional. They all believed that this was his farewell speech and his way of showing care and concern for them.

When they first met Xiao Jun they thought he was a cold and haughty man because of his lack of communication skills, but over time he just seemed adorkable. His straight face when offering praise and his stunted speech when giving feedback became qualities that they found cute. When they learned about his past they felt sympathy and compassion for him. Eventually he became their baby despite the fact that he was their superior. It made this parting even more bittersweet, but they were happy that he was getting recognized for his amazing talents.

The men and the women started silently crying while they offered him worried advice. "Team leader take care of yourself! Don't forget to eat and don't always buy food from the convenience store! Don't be shy to start talking to people. Do your best and if you don't like it you can come back and be our team leader again!" While giving him the advice they just made themselves more worried. Two months after he took over as their team leader they started to get to know him better. They saw him buy lunch at the convenience store everyday and ended up asking him why. When they heard that he bought all three meals a day from the store they were appalled. They learned that he didn't know how to cook at all and couldn't even make instant noodles. From that day his workers made a spreadsheet where they signed up for days when they would bring him meals. After a few months Xiao Jun got used to being fed by his colleagues. He still occasionally went to the convenience store for snacks and for breakfast and dinner but he was healthier than before.

Xiao Jun just listened while they released all of the concerns within them. He just nodded through their instructions and then looked at the time. They had advised him for more than an hour. He only had 30 minutes to get to the office so he left them with a few last farewells.

Xiao Jun stood waiting for the elevator and when it finally opened he ran into Yang Xi. When their eyes met, Yang Xi's slightly widened in disgust. It only flashed for a moment and then she hid it behind her righteous facade. "Which floor?" She asked. Xiao Jun didn't reply and just pressed the button for the top floor. Yang Xi saw the floor number and she had an incredulous expression. "What are you doing at the CEO's office?" Xiao Jun was too tired to get into word games with her so he just shortly replied, "personal secretary". Shock and anger flashed across her face as she forced a smile. " you got the personal secretary position?" Xiao Jun just minutely nodded.

Yang Xi turned her face to the side so that he couldn't see her. Her face turned dark and she started to plan how to destroy Xiao Jun. You fucker. You stole my personal secretary position. You're definitely an evil curse. If I don't remove you you're going to take everything from me… Yang Xi grit her teeth and turned back to face him. First I need to gain his trust, then I'll destroy everything he has, piece by piece...

Ni Ni rolled her eyes. What a delusional hoe. She destroyed the original Xiao Jun just because she was threatened by his skills and believed that he was out to get her. Poor guy. Lol ironically this time she's right. Host is definitely out to destroy her plans. ╮(╯∀╰)╭ Karma bitch.

Yang Xi first got off at the floor for normal secretaries. She turned to throw a slightly innocent but flirty smile at Xiao Jun. Yang Xi believed that every guy in the world would fall for her charms as long as she tried. So she planned on hooking Xiao Jun and then using him before throwing him away. Unluckily for her Xiao Jun doesn't feel a damn thing. Person, plant, thing animal, nothing could move him. Ni Ni didn't even know if he was gay or straight? Or is he asexual? Until he learns to feel no one knows a goddamn thing about him, not even himself.

Xiao Jun stands outside of Yixuan's office and knocks on the door. He hears a deep husky voice asking, "Who is it?" He responds, "It's Xiao Jun you're new personal secretary." There's a pause with no sound coming from the inside, and then he hears some scuffling, a bang and a whispered curse.

Ni Ni is rolling around laughing her ass off at the ridiculous scene inside the office. As soon as Yixuan heard Xiao Jun's name he shot straight out of his chair. He turned to look at a mirror placed inside his drawer. (A/N: don't ask me why he keeps a mirror inside his drawer.) Straightening his tie and trying to fix up his hair he looks anxiously, hoping that he looks as perfect as possible. He tries to personally go to the door to welcome his kitten but in his panic he bangs his foot against the side of the table. "Fucking hell" he curses under his breath. He takes a few deep breaths, smooths out his suit, forces a calm smile onto his face and opens the door. "Oh kitt- I mean Xiao Jun, you made it just in time"

Yixuan's secretary, who had been ignored as if he was invisible, stood next to the desk. He was amused and stunned at the sight of his panicked boss. So even the demon has a time when he loses his composure. Somehow all of the torture I've faced at his hands feels worth it just for this moment. (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و.

"Come in, Come in. So I'll explain everything you need to do as my personal secretary." Yixuan grabs Xiao Jun's hand and pulls him to a leather sofa placed on the right hand side of the office space. He sits Xiao Jun down on it and sits closely next to him. He doesn't let go of Xiao Jun's hand while speaking to him. "So I'm going to need you by my side 24/7. I need you to take care of anything I'll need at any time of day. So it's probably best if you move in with me. Don't worry I'll make sure you're comfortable…" Yixuan looks at Xiao Jun's face for any sign of rejection. When he sees nothing he decides that silence means consent. (A/N: definitely not true guys. Always get verbal consent...and don't worry Yixuan won't become a rapist) On the other hand the secretary is still standing next to the desk. His face reveals some disbelief. 'Sweatdrop' boss in which world does a personal secretary have to move in with his boss. There's no way he'll agree to that. At least start by acting like a moderately normal human being..._(:3」∠)_

Ni Ni is struggling with the same predicament. Host this isn't normal...why are you just sitting there as if everything this beast is saying is normal?!?!?!?!

[Host...Are you sure you want to go with this man? You don't have to do this. You do get that this isn't normal right? Normal personal secretaries DO NOT have to live with their boss.]

Ni Ni I'm fine. There's nothing wrong with living with him. It's just a change of address. I'm not attached to the apartment anyways. Let's just go with the flow.

Xiao Jun looks at Yixuan's anticipatory expression and nods at him. "Okay". Yixuan looks like he's about to cry from joy. His entire body from the strands of his hair to his toes are radiating with happiness. He tries but fails to conceal his elation. "Okay, okay", he repeats to himself. He looks back into Xiao Jun's eyes, "I'll explain the rest of your duties at home. Move in with me tonight." The delight he gets from saying home is boundless.

Yixuan is definitely going to be crowing with happiness for at least the next 6 months. His secretary looks at his boss in dismay. What happened to the cold, intimidating man that no one could get close to? How is this foolishly happy idiot the same man?

Yixuan sharply looks at his secretary. "Did you say something?"

The secretary's back starts lightly trembling from fear. "No boss I didn't say anything".

Yixuan replies, "Oh okay, I thought you said something"

'Sweat drop'...why do I never learn? The secretary swears again never to think anything bad about the boss because he always seems to read his mind...