Arc 1 Chapter 7

Xiao Jun was lead through two towering majestic doors. It was more accurate to call the place a mansion than a house. Yixuan used the corner of his eyes to keep peeking at Xiao Jun trying to see his reaction. His hands were fisted at his sides and he could feel his palms sweat. Inside the large foyer there was a spiral staircase leading to the next floor. The mansion had 8 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, a home theatre, indoor swimming pools, a game room and a music room. Yixuan had 4 different chefs who were in charge of all of his meals and he had more than 30 housemaids in charge of keeping the place clean.

Yixuan led Xiao Jun up to the landing with all of the bedrooms. He purposely gave Xiao Jun the bedroom next to his, especially since it had a connecting bathroom. He nervously looked at Xiao Jun to see if he had any complaints about the arrangement. "So...Xiao Jun...Do you like it?" He held his breath waiting for Xiao Jun's response. "It's fine. No big deal" Xiao Jun calmly replied. Yixuan felt both excited and disappointed. He was happy that Xiao Jun agreed but he also knew that it was because Xiao Jun didn't care.

[Host this room has a connecting bathroom...that beast is being a perv!]


[I mean the male lead…]

So what? Does it matter?

[I'm so done with your don't care attitude, and if you dare to say 'what happens will happen' I will find a way to get a body just so I can stab you.]

Ni're kind of violent.


Yixuan had the servants move all of Xiao Jun's stuff into the room. He drags Xiao Jun into his own room and sits him down. "So I said that I would explain your duties. I just need you to stay by my side at all times. If I have some technical task you will help me. If I need your company for something you will be with me. If I'm sick at home you will take care of me. You will help me choose my clothes sometimes, and if I'm too busy looking at documents to eat, you will feed me. So...are you okay with that?" Xiao Jun is silent while he digests all of the information, but his silence just causes Yixuan anxiety. "Okay." Xiao Jun responds with one word.

From that day Xiao Jun was glued to Yixuan's side. No matter when you looked at Yixuan, Xiao Jun was there. Eventually Yixuan somehow convinced Xiao Jun to sleep with him on the same bed but Yixuan probably regretted that more than anyone else. At first Ni Ni was tearing her hair out at Xiao Jun's carelessness in walking into the beast's lair. However once she saw Yixuan being tortured by being able to see but not touch her host, everything just seemed worth it. Every night Yixuan would feel Xiao Jun soft, warm body brush up against his chest and sometimes Xiao Jun would cuddle in his embrace. While he adored the close contact he was tortured by having to contain his burning desire. For those 6 months Yixuan was well acquainted with cold showers. As much as Yixuan wanted to eat Xiao Jun he would never take him without his consent. Yixuan also knew that if he asked Xiao Jun would probably say yes, but it would be because he didn't really care. More than his body Yixuan wanted his heart.

Yixuan blatantly chased after Xiao Jun to the point that everyone knew he was after his personal secretary. He changed the way he called Xiao Jun. "Jun-er I'm worn out will you help me recharge?" Yixuan begged Xiao Jun. Xiao Jun compliantly walked to Yixuan and took the initiative to give him a hug. Yixuan buried himself into Xiao Jun's embrace and sighed with contentment. Even though he knew that Xiao Jun didn't really give a damn about he believed that if he chased hard enough one day Xiao Jun would turn back and look at him.

Yixuan's secretary was moved at his determination. In the beginning he thought that it was just a fleeting interest to alleviate his boredom. After all of these months he can see the sincerity and desperation within his boss's eyes. Ni Ni was also touched by 'the beast's' pursuit. She always thought that Yixuan just wanted to 'eat' her Host, but she saw the self-constraint he used in never touching Xiao Jun. He could have taken advantage of Xiao Jun's unfeeling nature but his eyes always reflected a softness and desire for more. However Ni Ni didn't really understand him. What does he see in Host anyways? Host never gave him any care or even looked at him for that matter. There wasn't a time when Host even gave the impression that he would care or feel for him. Why does he chase after a love that may never be reciprocated? Is he a masochist? Nobody understood Yixuan's desire and he never planned on telling them either.

Though Yixuan was a gentleman in terms of sex, he was still devious and took advantage of Xiao Jun in different ways. He bought a smaller villa just for the two of them and asked Xiao Jun to move in with him permanently. He eventually even begged Xiao Jun to date him. When Yixuan's secretary heard of that particular event he was blown away. He expected Xiao Jun to reject Yixuan but he was even more surprised when he heard that Xiao Jun agreed.

The situation went something like this:


Yixuan took Xiao Jun to a beautiful park on a clear night. There was a small playground in the middle of the park and so they both sat on the swings. You would expect that Yixuan would look out of place sitting on the plastic seats of a swing, but surprisingly it looked harmonious. They both swung higher and higher getting closer to the sky filled with stars. The full moon was out, bathing them in a soft glow. The night seemed perfectly quiet and peaceful. Yixuan looked at Xiao Jun beside and saw his face clearly in the moonlight looking towards the stars. At that precise moment time seemed to stop. He felt like his heart was full and bursting with love. Xiao Jun's soft black hair and peach blossom eyes were engraved into his heart. Even if he closed his eyes, he could clearly see the man that he had grown to adore. He wanted to give Xiao Jun the world, anything and everything that he could ever need. Most of all he wanted to see Xiao Jun smile, and see his eyes sparkle with emotion. He didn't care if the eyes would be filled with fury, amusement or joy. He just wanted to give Xiao Jun the ability to feel.

He stopped swinging and Xiao Jun did the same. He reached out his hand to grasp Xiao Jun's soft palm. "Jun-er...I love you more than life. Will you give me a chance? Will you date me? I know that you don't love me or even care about me, but I still want you. So will you please give me a chance?" (A/N: Is it weird that I got super emotional when writing this?)

Ni Ni silently watched Yixuan hold his heart in his hands and offer it to Xiao Jun. She took back every bad comment she ever made about him. Her eyes slightly teared up and she watched him draw the courage to show his vulnerability to someone who could easily crush his heart. It must be hard knowing that your beloved might never love you back and still unconditionally trying to give him all of you. Host, you're so lucky and you don't even know it.

Xiao Jun for the first time in his life felt a slight thump in his chest. His heart slightly beat for this man who has chased him hard despite his lack of reciprocation. He wanted more. He wanted to see if this man could finally make him feel alive. He wanted to give this man and this 'thing', whatever it is, a chance. He slightly squeezed the man's hand and nodded. "Yes".

Yixuan's fear of rejection settled back down. He knew that this reaction may not actually be from the heart but he'll take it. As all of his emotion overflowed a few tears escaped his eyes. He chuckled and wiped it away. "Haha, it's dusty today."

They both spent the next few hours sitting on the swings immersed in their own thoughts as they gazed at the stars.


The next few months Yixuan chased Xiao Jun harder than ever, but he didn't notice that Xiao Jun was slightly looking back at him. Ni Ni watched over their relationship like an angel...well more like a concerned mother. As Xiao Jun started to feel weirder he started confiding in her.

Ni Ni...recently I have been feeling a slight thumping in my chest.

[What do you mean Host?] Is he getting sick or something?

Everytime I'm with Yixuan there's a slight thumping in my chest.

No fucking way. Σ(·口·) Is Host falling for Yixuan? Is he actually starting to feel?

[ does the thumping feel?]

It's kind of warm and I don't want it to stop.

Ni Ni wants to cry. It's official, the beast might have actually gotten through to Host. But he's not completely there yet.

What should I do? Am I sick or something?

[NO, No you're definitely not sick. In fact you should go to Yixuan and feel it more. The stronger it gets the better it is for you. It's even better if you tell Yixuan about the thumping. Actually go right now. Go. Go. GOOOO ┗(^o^ )┓三 ]


Meanwhile everyone has forgotten about the female lead who's blackening even faster as she hears about the CEO chasing Xiao Jun. Xiao Jun, just you wait. Soon...Soon you're going to lose everything. Hahaha trying to steal from me? You must have a death wish.