Arc 1 Chapter 8

Xiao Jun walks up to Yixuan but his steps falter. He's feeling 'hesitant?' There's a knot in his stomach every time he thinks about telling Yixuan about the thumping. He's unsure of the reaction he will get. However his nonchalance takes over once more and confidently approaches Yixuan. Yixuan's eyes are focused on the files in front of him but he looks up when he feels someone approaching. Seeing Xiao Jun, his face visibly brightens and his lips spread into a wide smile. "Jun-er? What's going on? Do you need something?" Yixuan's eyes glisten with anticipation at the thought that Xiao Jun might request something from him.

"Yixuan I need to tell you something. It's about us, and our relationship." Yixuan's eyes widen in fear that Xiao Jun is about to throw him away. He wants to stop him but he can never be forceful towards his beloved. "O-O-Okay" Yixuan stutters. Xiao Jun grabs Yixuan's arm and pulls him towards the sofa and sits down. "Yixuan I feel a thumping in my chest when I see you." Xiao Jun directly gets to the point. Yixuan's face contorts in confusion and then lightens with cautious anticipation. He dearly hopes and prays that this means what he thinks it means. "Jun-er...what do you mean?" He carefully asks.

Xiao Jun stares him straight in the eye causing his heart to jump in his chest. "Whenever I'm with you my heart slightly thumps in my chest. It feels warm and I always want more. Being near you is comfortable. It's like I can slowly feel for the first time in my life."

Yixuan blushes and his face turns deep red. He looks down at his hands and smiles uncontrollably. Xiao Jun looks at his face curiously. "Are you okay? Why are you red? Are you sick?" Yixuan is embarrassed and tries to control his expression. "No I'm not sick, I'm just happy." Xiao Jun takes a deep breath and asks, "So do you know what it means that I'm feeling like this?" Yixuan grins and says, "It means that you like me too. Jun-er I'm so happy." Xiao Jun's lips slightly turn up at the edges. Yixuan looks at his stunned at the sight of his first smile. It may be light but it was the most gorgeous thing he had ever seen. Yixuan pulls Xiao Jun into a soft embrace. He holds Xiao Jun as if he's a precious treasure that might shatter at any moment. He cherishes this moment and knows that it is the happiest he has ever been in his 26 years of life.

"Jun-er will you go on a date with me?" Yixuan becomes more casual and fearless as he speaks to Xiao Jun. Now that he knows that Xiao Jun likes him, even a little, he feels like nothing in the world could compare. "Where will you take me?" Xiao Jun replies in his trademark monotony. "Anywhere you want to go" Yixuan holds Xiao Jun in his arms in contentment.

They end up going to eat street food since neither of them had tried it before. It was a laid back and relaxing evening. Yixuan held his hand the whole time to let the world know that Xiao Jun was his. His cute possessiveness and attachment made Xiao Jun feel warm. The CEO's possessiveness became known to everyone in the company. His dog-like nature in clinging to Xiao Jun was often seen. He was like a puppy begging for his owner's attention. He would also snarl at anyone who tried to come close to his 'Jun-er'. His begging look blinded all of the single dogs in the company. Everyone felt awkward looking at them. There was such a contrast between the CEO's cool image and this grovelling creature, he looked kind of….pathetic. He lost a lot of his admirers but he was completely unaware. However he gained a ton of fujoshi and fudanshi shippers who wanted to watch their interactions all the time. There were even some hardcore fans who wrote fanfic about them and sold it to all of the desperate fans.

During Xiao Jun's first date, while he was strolling through the streets he caught the eye of a certain man. In the cafe opposite the food stall he was visiting the man he had forgotten, Xie Yuan, was sitting and watching him. Ah it's been a long time. What have you been doing? I forgot to follow up on you...I won't let you off this time. Just because we've left college doesn't mean I can't find you baby. Wait for me... Xie Yuan had a slightly sinister look on his face as his sight never left Xiao Jun's back. Yixuan felt some kind of intense attention directed towards them so he turned searching for the source. His eyes collided with Xie Yuan's and their eyes locked on each other. They kept staring at each other until someone walked in front of Yixuan breaking their eye contact. When he looked back at the cafe again Xie Yuan was gone. Yixuan felt disturbed by the man and felt a sense of danger emanating from him. He felt like the one he was targeting was not him but rather his kitten. Feeling threatened and extra protective of his kitten, he cut their date short and pulled Xiao Jun back to the car to return home.