Arc 1 Chapter 8 part 2

Xiao Jun is confused when he gets dragged into the house. Yixuan's face doesn't look right. His face has darkened and he looks angry for some reason.

Ni Ni, what's going on? Did I miss something? Why is Yixuan suddenly angry?

[Maybe he has mood swings ╮(╯∀╰)╭ ]


[Nah I'm just messing with you. While you guys were on your date another creep was staring at you. You remember that Xie Yuan guy?]

No...who's Xie Yuan?

[Yeah your right. Xie Yuan is just some insignificant cannon fodder you don't have to remember him… well at least that's how it should have been. Xie Yuan is that weirdo who tried to hit on you the first day you arrived at the college. Somehow he's become obsessed with you. He finds you interesting and wants to stalk you. Yo Host, did you kill someone in your past life? Because you seem to attract all of the creeps and perverts in the world.]

Okay so what's actually going on?

[It's a long story]

Make the long story short


[Host… Basically that Xie Yuan guy has been trying to find out more about you since he first met you, but when you left he lost your trail. Now that he has found you again he has already gotten all of your info. When you and your Bae were getting into your foreplay Yixuan found Xie Yuan staring at you. He freaked out and lost the mood getting all possessive. So he's bringing you home to basically 'cage' you and make sure you can't leave him.]

I don't understand half of what you said...I didn't see any cage in the house though?

[ facepalm It's not a literal cage I was trying to use a metaphor..Forget it, I just mean that he wants to keep you by his side always.]


While Xiao Jun is spacing out during his conversation with Ni Ni Yixuan is pacing back and forth in irritation and an irrational fear. He feels like that man is going to take his kitten away from him and he's afraid that he may not be able to stop it. Yixuan turns towards Xiao Jun and pulls him into his arms. He cups Xiao Jun's cheek with his hand and slightly rubs it, feeling the soft, warm skin against his palm. His other hand caresses Xiao Jun slowly, moving from his shoulder to his hand. He grasps Xiao Jun's hand and lightly squeezes it. Feeling the steadiness of Xiao Jun's body he leans forward resting his chin on Xiao Jun's shoulder. Fearing that Xiao Jun may suddenly disappear he keeps him in a tight hold. Kitten you can't disappear...You can't leave my side. You have to be with me forever. You promised you would date me. Can't you stay?

"Jun-er...promise me that you'll always stay with me. Promise me that you won't disappear. I can't handle it if you leave me." Yixuan stares at him with desperation, as if his next words would either damn him or bring him salvation. "Of course I'll stay with you. Didn't we promise that we would date? I thought my job was to stay by your side and take care of you...are you firing me?" Xiao Jun is puzzled. "Hahaha...No, No I'm not firing you." Yixuan lets out a relieved and self-deprecating laugh. "Let's go to bed kitten, you must be tired." Yixuan and Xiao Jun head back to the room they share.

Xiao Jun uses the bathroom first and takes a shower. His new headphones allow him to wear them even in the bath, so his showers aren't super short anymore. Now that he has gained the ability to take proper showers, he always takes long, luxurious baths. Coming out of the shower he dresses in a comfy long shirt that reaches his thighs and cotton shorts that are hidden under the shirt. So it basically looks like he's wearing a long shirt with nothing underneath. He leaves the bathroom and heads into his room. The one that he has basically never used since he sleeps with Yixuan. He looks through his things trying to find his own sleep clothes, since the shirt belongs to Yixuan. None of his long pants have ever come back from the laundry, but he's sure he had another pair in his closet.

Ni Ni snorts. Yeah it isn't a mistake that your long pants have disappeared. You're so naive. That perv Yixuan ordered the housekeepers to throw out all of your long pant sleep clothes. He's definitely a masochist. Why does he even torture himself like that. Can only look but not touch *rolls eyes*

Xiao Jun gives up and heads back through the connecting bathroom to their room. As he walks into the bathroom he bumps into something hard. He steps back and realizes he crashed into Yixuan's hard chest.

Yixuan is in just a towel as water drips off his freshly showered body. He smells pine and sea salt. It's a weird combo but on him it smells heavenly. His hair looks slightly ruffled and is dripping water. Xiao Jun's eyes follows the droplet of water as it runs down his collarbone down over his abs and into his towel, covering his hips and below. Xiao Jun's heart starts beating a little faster and his throat feels a little dry so he tries to swallow. His eyes minutely widen and he can't tear his eyes away from Yixuan's body.

Ni Ni why am I feeling like this?

Ni Ni feels awkward. How do I tell my host that he's feeling horny? [Umm. Host, you are appreciating his hella attractive body and...and...You should ask him the rest.]

Yixuan watches Xiao Jun stare at his body and it's heating up his body. His desire surges up and there's only a thin thread of self-control that's holding him back from pouncing. "What are you looking at Xiao Jun? Like what you see?" Xiao Jun hears Yixuan's voice deepen and grow huskier. It sends a shiver down his spine and he doesn't hate it. He decides to be honest, "Yes, I find your body very attractive. I like looking at it. It makes my heart beat faster." Yixuan looks at Xiao Jun standing there in his shirt. The long shirt ends mid-thigh and it looks like he's not wearing anything underneath. His creamy skin and beautiful eyes are drawing him in. He really wants to touch his Jun-er. He reaches out his arms and pulls Jun'er into his embrace. Feeling his soft, warm body melting into him and his fresh lavender smell is really trying his patience. Breathing into Xiao Jun's hair, he just holds him and allows the peace of having his beloved in his arms to sink in.

Yixuan's towel is loosely hanging on his hips revealing his hot, well defined v-line. As much as he wants to eat his Jun-er, he knows that it isn't the right time so he lightly pulls away from his kitten. He leads Jun-er into his bedroom and says, "Jun-er wait here. I need to change real quick and then we can go to bed." Xiao Jun is docile and nods his head. When Yixuan closes the bathroom door Xiao Jun feels a light sense of loss. Xiao Jun places a hand against his chest. How come I'm feeling all of these things when I'm with him? Why is he special?

Ni Ni, have you ever had someone special to you? Have you ever loved someone? What does love feel like?

[Host...Do you really want to know my story?]

Yes Ni Ni, I want to know more about you.

Ni Ni smiles wistfully as her hair gently sways by her waist. [When I was a new system I was really naive and innocent...actually I was just stupid. All of the Host's I tried to guide always failed their missions. It got to the point where the higher ups wanted to give up on me, but there was a system that spoke up for me. She told them that she would take me under her wing and teach me. So they reluctantly agreed. I later found out that she was one of the best senior systems out there. Her name was Rong Ruo but everyone called her Ru Ru. She was kind and gentle, she guided me through everything I needed to know and then all of my Hosts started to succeed. Even after she finished teaching me we became friends. We used to talk about everything. The best part of my existence was when I would see her laugh. Her head would fall back and she would let out a loud belly laugh. Her hair would fly around and her face would glow. I found out that I fell in love with her. I was so nervous the day I decided to confess. What if she rejected me? What if it ruined our friendship? What if she hated me? But out of all the what if's the one that kept me going was the: What if she agrees? So I took her out to our usual hiding spot, I pulled out some flowers and I confessed.] Ni Ni let out a blinding smile. [She agreed. After that we were together all the time and I always felt lonely when she was gone for her missions]

What happened afterwards? Is she waiting for you to complete this mission?

[No Host. I haven't seen her in a million years. One day she stopped coming to our hideout. I looked everywhere for her. I asked everyone I saw if they knew where she was. I asked my boss, but nobody knew anything. I have taken vacations to find her but she's been missing for a long time. People told me to move on and find someone else. I've tried, but I can't. It has been a long time...but I haven't been able to forget.]

I don't know what to say Ni Ni. I can't say that I understand how you feel.

[It's okay. You asked me what love feels like. To me love is when you miss that person when they're gone even for a second. They make you feel warm inside and you know that they would give up anything for you but you want to do the same. You wish that they are always happy no matter what and you're willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen. Even if you fight you know that there is nowhere else you want to be. You like it when they smile at you and you wish that it would only be directed at you. You want to keep them all to yourself but you respect them enough to give them their freedom. Love is a lot of things and it doesn't always feel the same.]

Ni Ni...Do I love Yixuan?

[That's for you to figure out]

Yixuan comes out of the bathroom and looks at Xiao Jun with a soft and adoring look. He walks towards his kitten and brushes his cheek with his palm. He picks up his Jun-er and takes him to bed pulling him into his chest. Xiao Jun cuddles closer into him. Xiao Jun's eyes droop and he is about to slip into a deep sleep, but just before he falls into dreamland he drowsily thinks There's nowhere else I'd rather be…