Arc 1 Chapter 9

For the first two weeks Yixuan vigilantly guarded Xiao Jun, barely ever letting him out of his sight, even when heading to the bathroom. Eventually Xiao Jun directly ordered him to stop. Yixuan couldn't bear refusing his kitten so he reluctantly pulled back. He was still watchful but he relaxed his tight hold on Xiao Jun's life.

Xiao Jun was pretty free since he had basically no work to do. So when one day he got a call from Luo Yi, he was willing to meet with her. She was hyper as always and despite wearing his new headphone, she still managed to hurt his ears with her exuberance.

She demanded to meet up with him. "Just because you have a job at a fancy company doesn't mean you can forget your friends! I haven't seen you in AGES! I went to your apartment and there was some man living there. He told me that you had already moved out. You didn't tell me ANYTHING!!!!! Anyways we are meeting up tomorrow. I don't care what you have to cancel to be there. Come meet me at Cafe XXX at 3 pm. I'll be waiting." Without even waiting for a response she just hung up.

Xiao Jun blinked for a second not understanding what just happened. He then turned to Yixuan who was working at the desk beside him. Xiao Jun had been hanging out on the sofa since morning just playing on his phone. He recognized that Yixuan must be busy so he didn't disturb him. The minute he looked towards the man, Yixuan looked up at him as if magnetically pulled towards him. "What's up Jun-er?" Yixuan put aside all of his work and pulled Xiao Jun onto his lap. He hugged his kitten like a teddy bear and sighed in contentment. Hugging Xiao Jun was always the best parts of his day.

Xiao Jun squirms in his arms in an attempt to turn and face Yixuan however as he's moving Yixuan just freezes. Yixuan can feel his body heating up when his kitten wriggles on his lap, so he freezes and tries to calm his lower body down. In a controlled voice he says, "Jun-er please don't move. I'll let you up." He pushes Xiao Jun up onto his feet so that Xiao Jun could face him. Yixuan crosses his legs trying to hide his too honest body below. Xiao Jun ignorantly continues what he was about to say, without paying any attention to Yixuan's slightly strained smile. "Yixuan, I'm going out tomorrow at 3 pm to Cafe XXX." Yixuan looks surprised because Xiao Jun doesn't normally go out or meet with anyone. "Are you craving something from that shop or are you meeting with someone?" Yixuan is curious about what would make his kitten want to leave the den. "My friend Luo Yi from college asked me to come meet with her. So I'm going." Xiao Jun sounds neither excited nor uninterested. It's his trademark tedious routine.

Yixuan is slightly jealous of the girl who has invited his darling out for some fun and he wants to cling onto Xiao Jun not letting him go. However, Yixuan isn't someone who would cage his lover, no matter how much he wants to. So he just distractedly smiles and insists that he be careful. Yixuan plans to send some body guards with Xiao Jun, but he's unsure if Xiao Jun would accept. He decides that he might as well ask. "Jun-er I want to send some body guards with you tomorrow."

"Mm" That's all Xiao Jun utters in reply. Taking that as a yes Yixuan wants to send a platoon of guards but he realizes he needs to be reasonable. After much self-debate he decides on sending two.

That night Yixuan doesn't sleep well. He keeps having a premonition that something bad is going to happen. The bad feeling just worsens as he wakes up and sees Xiao Jun preparing some casual clothes to change into at the company before leaving. He really doesn't want to let his kitten go but he convinces himself that he's just overreacting. Throughout the day Yixuan can't focus on the documents in front of him. He looks up every two minutes to make sure that Xiao Jun is still in front of him. Realizing that his panic isn't getting any better he increases the number of guards from two to ten. Feeling slightly more secure he's finally able to settle down a little.

At 2:45 Xiao Jun changes into a navy blue hoodie and light grey skinny jeans. He gives his bag with his formal clothes to Yixuan and turns to walk out the door. When Yixuan sees his receding back, he feels like his heart is stuck in his throat. Forcefully calming himself down he stiffly lowers himself back into his chair. After signing 5 documents with Xiao Jun's name instead of his own, he decides that he's not going to be able to function anymore for the rest of the day. He collapses into the sofa and glares at the clock, watching as each minute ticks by. Xiao Jun said he would only stay until 4:30 at the latest, but for Yixuan every minute feels like an eternity. He tries to read a new book that he just got two days ago. When he feels like 30 minutes has gone by he looks at the clock…it has only been five minutes. His hands are itching to call Xiao Jun, but he doesn't want to ruin his outing with his friends. Xiao Jun rarely ever goes out so he at least wants him to enjoy the moment. Finally 4:30 comes around but he hasn't heard anything. He tries calling Xiao Jun but no matter how much it rings, no one picks up. He calls the body guards but there too everything is silent.

A sense of deep dread is clawing through Yixuan's body. He grabs his car keys and sprints out of the company. He needs to see for himself that his kitten is safe. When he arrives at the Cafe, Xiao Jun isn't there. Yixuan rationalizes that he could have gone somewhere else with his friends after the Cafe, but why aren't any of the body guards responding? He searches the streets by the Cafe looking for any clues. He asked around about whether anyone saw a youth wearing a navy blue hoodie and grey skinny jeans. Most of them said no, but one guy sitting across from the Cafe said that he saw someone fitting the description. Yixuan almost begged to know more and the man was pretty easy going so he wasn't stingy with the information. Apparently the boy entered the cafe with a girl wearing a funky style of clothing. They sat there for a while and some other guy sitting at another table joined them. A short time after the boy and the other guy stood up to leave. They walked down the street and then he didn't see anything else. Yixuan thanked the man profusely and ran out to search for Xiao Jun in that direction.

Down the road there was a dark pathway leading to an alley. Yixuan paused and considered the possibility that Xiao Jun might have gone in, so he also walked in. What he saw next stunned him. On the floor of the alley, all ten of the body guards were passed out. He checked to see if they were dead but they were just unconscious. Every minute that ticked by was like hell for him. He was terrified that something might have happened to Xiao Jun, but he needed to wake one of the guards for any more information. In his haste he didn't give a fuck about being polite. He bought a bottle of water and grabbed the lead bodyguard's shirt pulling him up. He poured the water all over his face and then slapped him a bunch of times. He put in a lot of force into each slap. Even after the bodyguard slowly regained his consciousness, he still dealt another two slaps. It helped hi vent his fear of losing his kitten and his anger at the uselessness of the guards.

The leader was only conscious for a few seconds but during those seconds he just said two words.

"Xie Yuan"

At those words Yixuan's eyes reddened a he started trembling in extreme anger. Xie Yuan..Xie Yuan, you've decided to touch what's mine. You've brought about your own destruction. Don't blame me for being ruthless.

Jun-er, wait for me.