Arc 1 Chapter 10

Xiao Jun's POV of the fateful day:

Xiao Jun picked out a random hoodie and pair of jeans to change into for when he goes to meet Luo Yi. He turns around and sees Yixuan lying on his side, propping himself up with his elbow. There's an intensity in his eyes as if he's engraving Xiao Jun's image into his mind. Xiao Jun takes a moment to meet Yixuan's eyes and feels a warmth in his chest that he can't explain. Breaking the eye contact not ready to fully face what he's feeling, Xiao Jun packs his bag.

Yixuan and Xiao Jun arrive at the office early in the day. Xiao Jun just lays around on the sofa playing games on his phone. He can feel Yixuan's eyes on him from time to time. When Xiao Jun walks out of the door he can feel the worried look trained on his back. Picturing those troubled eyes he feels a small pinch in his chest. He doesn't even notice that his eyes have slightly softened.

Arriving at Cafe XXX he sees Luo Yi frantically waving at him from one of the window seats. She's wearing an outfit with explosive colors as always. It looks like a paint store exploded all over her. Xiao Jun is indifferent to all the weird looks the other patrons are throwing at them, and Luo Yi, as always, is immersed in her own world. She pulls him to the table and sits him down. She tells him that she already ordered chamomile tea for the both of them. Xiao Jun just nods in indifference. Luo Yi blabs on and on about something he doesn't care about and he just sits there wondering when it was going to be over. "OMG Xiao Jun, I was hoping that the other guys would make it but they had something to do. I tried to ask them to cancel but they just ignored me. How rude right?" Xiao Jun just inserts some random 'uhm's' to shut her up.

Xiao Jun gets distracted by Ni Ni's sudden voice in his head.

[ Host! It's urgent! Xie Yuan is approaching your table. I don't know what he's planning but I doubt it's going to be anything nice. You need to get out of here fast!]

Xiao Jun looks at Luo Yi and says, "Sorry I have to leave now, something just came up." Luo Yi looks at him blankly and is about to insist he stays, but before she can do anything a hand presses on Xiao Jun's shoulder holding him down on his seat. Luo Yi stares at the new addition and it's almost visible that there are hearts in her eyes. OMG he's so HOT! How can someone this hot exist in the world?

Xie Yuan stands beside the table and lights up a cigarette. Out of courtesy he looks at the two seated on the table "You want one?" But they both decline. Xie Yuan's eyes are soon riveted on Xiao Jun's body. "Ah Jun, it has been a while. Why don't you follow me so we can catch up? Hmm?" Luo Yi's eyes pass from Xie Yuan to Xiao Jun, looking stunned that Xiao Jun knows this kind of man. Xie Yuan winks at her with a rakish smile and she almost passes out. She starts to stammer, "Y-y-yeah, Xiao Jun, I'm sure you guys haven't seen each other in a while. Why don't you go with him? I'll pay for the tea and head out later. Go, you should go." Luo Yi practically pushes him towards Xie Yuan so he helplessly ends up following Xie Yuan. Xiao Jun isn't too worried because he knows that Yixuan has sent some bodyguards to protect him. However it seems he underestimated Xie Yuan's power, he's led towards a less populated part of the street and he feels a cloth pressed against his nose and lips. He starts to get dizzy and everything goes black. That last thing he sees before losing consciousness is Xie Yuan's smirk. The last thing he thinks is At least I've still got my headphones on.

When Xiao Jun opens his eyes, he has a huge headache. He finds himself strapped to a chair in an empty room with only a bare table in front of him. He's surrounded by white walls and he can't see a door anywhere so it feels like he's boxed in. The room is pretty small so for anyone else they might feel claustrophobic. No matter what, even though it seems like Xiao Jun is starting to feel, it's a miniscule improvement. Those feelings are only when he's around Yixuan, otherwise he's apathetic towards everything as usual. Looking around disinterestedly, he starts speaking to Ni Ni.

Ni Ni, what's going on? Where am I?

[Host, the plot never gave any information about Xie Yuan since he was less than a cannon fodder. He was just a random passerby. Now it seems Xie Yuan has a stronger background than we imagined. You're in some sort of underground lair. It belongs to one of the largest mafia groups in the country. It seems like Xie Yuan might be their young master. Be careful Host, I have a feeling this might be related to your background and your parents' death.]

What about Yixuan? What is he doing?

[Host...Yixuan got seriously panicked when you disappeared, but he heard Xie Yuan's name so he investigated Xie Yuan's background. Yixuan is seriously blessed by the male lead halo. He has already found out about this lair and he's on his way. I'm guessing he'll be here in about 4 hours? You need to hold on until he arrives. Even I'm not sure what Xie Yuan is planning for you. This whole part of the plot is classified for some reason.]

I got it Ni Ni, keep an eye on Yixuan. Oh and don't forget about the female lead. I feel like we haven't really done anything about her, she may have already come up with a plan.

Ni Ni shakes her head in pity. Poor Host, now I'm sure he's cursed. Somehow even an insignificant passerby has become a major villain. Can Host even complete this mission? I didn't even tell him that this will be the easiest world…(sigh) whatever. What happens will happen… 눈_눈 did he just convert me?

Xiao Jun was hanging his head in boredom, but he raises his head when he hears the door opening. Xie Yuan swaggers into the room and a heavily muscled man brings in a chair for him to sit. He takes a seat across from Xiao Jun and regally crosses his legs. "So, Xiao Jun, I'm sure you have many questions but let me start by saying welcome home." Xie Yuan gives him a haughty look expecting some kind of fearful or intimidated response. Xiao Jun just looks back at him in silence with dead eyes. Xie Yuan is dissatisfied by this lukewarm reaction and he starts to get agitated. "Let me get to the point Xiao Jun. When you rejected me I got really interested in you. What a bold little bunny that dares to refuse me. But I decided to look into your background and I found something fascinating. It seems you and I are fated. Don't you want to ask why?"

Xiao Jun remained silent and uninterested. Now Xie Yuan begins to get irritated. He grits his teeth and continues, "It seems my father had an affair with your mother so 'little brother' I wanted to get better acquainted with you. Let's get to know each other okay?" Xie Yuan intently stares at Xiao Jun to see his reaction at this explosive news, but he's doomed to always receive a bland response. Xie Yuan becomes obsessed with trying to get a reaction out of Xiao Jun. He starts to outline various methods of torture he has used before and threatens Xiao Jun.

"My favorite is when the man was still alive and we cut open his stomach, pulling out his entrails under his own eyes. I cut off his finger one by one and force fed it to him. It was so interesting to see him struggle but give up. The best was when we threw his into the cages full of hungry dogs, so that in his last moments he would feel the dogs ripping off his flesh. When the light left his eyes it just made me shiver. Doesn't it sound amazing? Oh and I love bring back some old methods. The ancients really knew how to punish people. There was the death of a thousand cuts, it must have felt so thrilling to see the life slowly leave their body with each cut. Oh and my favorite is the human swine. Do you know about the human swine? You cut off the limbs, gouge out the eyes, cut out the tongue and throw them in a pigsty to die. Which would you like to have a taste of?" Xie Yuan's face had a feral smile as he searched for a response. Xiao Jun's face remained cold and passive.

Xiao Jun got so irritated that he decided to play a little. Three and a half hours had already gone by and Xiao Jun remained unmoved, so he thought maybe a little pain would cause a change of expression. He took out a sharp blade and knelt before Xiao Jun. "Maybe you'll feel something if I scratch your pretty little face. What do you think? Hmm?" Seeing that he didn't even flinch, Xie Yuan pressed the blade against his half-brother's face. A small bead of blood emerged from beneath the sharp edge. He slightly cut into the flesh right under Xiao Jun's left eye, but seeing the blood he suddenly stopped. He pulled back the blade and sat flat on his ass. "Why won't you say anything? Why doesn't your face change?" Xie Yuan sounds almost desperate as he questions.

[Host, just hang on, Yixuan has entered the lair. He's about 5 minutes away from this room. He already got your location out of one of the gang members.]

Xiao Jun spaced out while listening to Ni Ni and Xie Yuan suddenly got a strange idea. I'm so stupid. He's wearing headphones...maybe he didn't even hear me! God I'm such an idiot!

Xiao Jun looks down at Xie Yuan just as Xie Yuan reaches out and pulls off his headphones. His ears start ringing. Every footstep, drop of water, swallowing of saliva, chewing and breath amplifies in his ears and pierces into his mind. His face slightly scrunches up and there are creases in between his eyebrows. Even at this moment his face doesn't show a dramatic change, but the small shift is noticed by Xie Yuan. Before he can rejoice at making Xiao Jun react, Xiao Jun starts to convulse in seizures. Xie Yuan is stunned and momentarily frozen before his face contorts in panic and fear. He doesn't know what to do to stop his half-brother from seizing. At this moment the door bursts open and Yixuan enters with wild eyes.

His eyes directly zone in on Xiao Jun and sees the seizures. His stomach clenches in fear but he knows that it isn't the time to panic. He runs towards Xiao Jun and pulls him into his arms. He holds down his arms and screams at Xie Yuan to find a spoon or anything. He forgets that Xie Yuan is his enemy in his moment of terror. Xie Yuan scrambles and finds a long piece of flat metal in his pocket. (A/N: Don't ask me why...for some reason Xie Yuan just walks around with it) Yixuan places it under his tongue and grabs his headphones placing it back over his ears. Xiao Jun slowly stops convulsing and the time of danger is over. Yixuan places Xiao Jun carefully on the ground and stand up. He stalks towards Xie Yuan with venomous eyes and grabs him by the collar. "I heard that Xiao Jun is your half-brother. For that one reason I am going to leave you alive today. I can already tell that I'm going to regret this, but no matter what you're his family. If you try to hurt him or even come near him again I will destroy you and I will destroy your entire group, even if it's the last thing I do." Yixuan punches him straight in the face, breaking his nose. He still doesn't feel satisfied so he punches him again and again until he's unconscious. He drops him on the floor and picks Xiao Jun up, cradling him in his arms, and turns to leave. Seeing Xie Yuan's body slumped on the floor, he kicks him a few times to vent a little and then walks out the door.