Arc 1 Chapter 11

Xiao Jun feels a warm hand running through his hair and it feels familiar. He nuzzles into the hand wanting to get closer to that warmth. Unknowingly a feeling of safety and comfort has developed between Xiao Jun and Yixuan. Even without opening his eyes he already knows the owner of the hand willing him to consciousness. He opens his eyes and sees Yixuan's worried face looking down and him. Through his blurry eyes he can tell that they are sitting in a car. Xiao Jun didn't realize that at the sight of Yixuan he let out a small smile. Yixuan was dazzled at the genuine and hard-earned smile directed at him. He knew that this moment would be engraved in his mind forever. Despite his worry and stress at Xiao Jun's disappearance, his relief and joy at sitting in Xiao Jun's presence was greater. Cupping Xiao Jun's cheek with his palm, his hands shook with residual fear. "Xiao Jun don't do that to me again. I can't handle you leaving me. You promised you would stay with me." Yixuan's voice trembled. The cold, fierce businessman who never showed weakness was currently burying his face into Xiao Jun's chest, trembling and choking back tears.

They didn't know how long Yixuan was buried in Xiao Jun's embrace because by the time they looked up they were already at the villa they shared. Yixuan carried Xiao Jun out of the car and took large strides to bring him into their bedroom. For the next few weeks Yixuan was the most attentive lover you could ask for. He hovered over Xiao Jun so much that event the man who rarely showed emotion got slightly frustrated. Eventually the only way that he could make Yixuan calm down is when he agreed to let Yixuan plant a tracking chip on him. Xiao Jun didn't really mind either way especially if it would ease Yixuan's worries. Yixuan still kept Xiao Jun beside him at all times and if Xiao Jun was missing for more than 10 minutes he would start to panic. At first his secretary was unimpressed with his reaction but after finding out what happened he knew that this was something his boss needed to do to remain sane.

Just like that months passed, and the longer Xiao Jun spent with Yixuan the more emotions he was able to feel. His heartbeat would speed up much faster when Yixuan leaned over to steal a kiss. The first time that happened it didn't show on his face, but over time his face would start to blush. Yixuan was delighted by these tiny changes of expression. He tried to find things that would make Yixuan smile, blush or pout. They almost all forgot about the female lead, but one day Ni Ni had to remind her host.

[Host, I hate to rain on your parade, but Yang Xi has started to make her move. She has spent all of these months trying to find a way to get chummy with the mafia so that she could put out a hit on you. She's so hypocritical. She was all like I never want to depend on selling my body, and now she's using her body. Wow take a look in the mirror bitch, get it together. Anyways, she has finally gotten in with one of the higher-ups in the Viper gang, and she's been spreading some poisonous words about you. She has finally convinced them to 'take care' of you. It's the same old 'drug you and get men to rape you'. And it's going to happen at that fancy party tomorrow. C'mon why can't people be more creative? Why is it always the gang rape thing? Oh and apparently tomorrow she's going to try to seduce your man. Lol you should go and see what that's about. I'll let you know if anything else comes up. Now you can go back and cuddle with your man.]

Thanks Ni Ni

The next day Xiao Jun and Yixuan walked into the high society party looking fine as hell. Xiao Jun was dressed in a sleek black suit showing off his beautiful skin, pink lips and peach blossom eyes. Yixuan stood next to him in a tightly fitted grey suit that showed of all of his lines. They looked harmonious together as if it was natural for them to be a pair. Everyone's eyes were drawn to this pairing that almost looked like a piece of artwork. Yang Xi stood at a corner in her white mermaid line dress, looking like an angel. However all of the attention was centered on the couple in the suits. Xiao Jun! This is the last time you'll be able to steal my stage. Let's see what will happen when you're revealed as the slut you truly are tomorrow. The party went on and Yang Xi waited for her perfect moment. She saw Yixuan walk out to the garden and went after him. She didn't even notice that Xiao Jun was standing beside him.

Once they were out in the garden, Yang Xi pasted a smile onto her face and greeted Yixuan. Just as they were about to politely return her greeting Yang Xi decided to use the oldest trick in the book. She pretended to trip on her dress and fall onto Yixuan. Unfortunately for her Yixuan wasn't like other men. He didn't have any compulsion to save the fairer sex, so he stepped aside and she fell on her face. From the side everyone just heard a snort, giggles and then full blown laughter. Yixuan turned towards Xiao Jun with wide eyes and an open mouth as he stared at the man who was almost rolling on the floor laughing. Xiao Jun's face was bright and had reddened from laughing so hard. His hair fell onto his face and looked tousled. His eyes sparkled and glistened with tears from laughing so hard.

He looked absolutely beautiful and Yixuan felt a burst of joy in his chest from the knowledge that he was the reason that his Jun-er laughed. Yixuan realized that he would have no problem being another 'King You of Zhou'. He would trip Yang Xi and make her fall on her face as many times as it took if it made his Jun-er laugh. Yixuan couldn't help himself and pulled Xiao Jun into his arms. He leaned down and his lips touched Xiao Jun's as he stole a kiss. Just once wasn't enough so he peppered one kiss after another. It still wasn't enough, so he pulled Xiao Jun deeper into his arms. He invaded Xiao Jun's mouth with his questing tongue, he plundered Xiao Jun's mouth taking everything he could. So sweet, my Jun-er tastes so sweet. Stopping only when Xiao Jun ran out breath he pulled back. He lightly licked Xiao Jun's lips and stared into Xiao Jun's eyes with heat and desire. He had to hold himself back from pouncing on his Jun-er right then and there. Sadly, they had both forgotten about Yang Xi who was still there on the ground. She glared at Xiao Jun hatefully as she planned more ways to torture him. Xiao Jun you bitch! You actually dared to steal what's mine?!?!?

When Xiao Jun walked back into the party his lips were red and swollen from the loving he received. His clothes were slightly rumpled taking away from his neatness from before. He looked cute as hell, but he also looked like he had just rolled in the hay with someone. People had their guesses but they kept their opinions to themselves and acted as if nothing happened. Xiao Jun and Yixuan were separated as Yixuan got surrounded by his business partners, so Xiao Jun decided to go eat. When he arrived at the table a man came up to him and started to politely chat with him. He had to remain respectful so he politely responded. The man went on and on for a while, and then he held out a flute of champagne for Xiao Jun and raised his own glass in a toast.

[Host, that champagne is drugged. This guy is one of the people hired by Yang Xi.]

Ni Ni, I remember that you said I had a starter pack, is there anything to counter this?

[Yeah there's an antidote, I'll transfer it into your pocket. You have to find a way to add it to your drink on your own]

Thanks Ni Ni

Xiao Jun had a plate of food in his other hand so he naturally pretended to place the plate on the table. As he turned he slipped the pill from his pocket into the drink. He turned back to the man and raised the glass in a toast. They both smiled and drained the flutes. The man gave Xiao Jun a strange smile and left to socialize with others. Despite his departure every time he was speaking with a group he always remained close to Xiao Jun. Unfortunately for him nothing happened to Xiao Jun. The party ended and Xiao Jun left with Yixuan normally as if nothing happened.

Yang Xi, who was watching him the whole time, squeezed the handkerchief in her hands and gritted her teeth in hate.

[Host, while you escaped this time, she's not going to stop. She'll try another way to screw you over. She has blackened fully. She now believes that she has lost everything because of you and that the only way for her to get everything back is by killing you.]

That's great for me. I still haven't finished the mission. I need to reveal her real face and make sure I escape my fate and live a long life. I may have escaped the original fate, but if she kills me I still fail.

[Host...I never knew that you were so thoughtful and responsible (T▽T) I'm sorry for doubting you.]

Well at the end of the day what happens will happen.

[I take that back host (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ you piss me off after all.]