Arc 1 Chapter 12

Xiao Jun wakes up in Yixuan's arms, when he tries to get up he's pulled back by the arms. Surrounded by the warmth, he decides to just stay in bed and soak up the warmth for as long as possible. Yixuan opens his bleary eyes and the first thing he sees is Xiao Jun sprawled across the bed and nuzzling into his side. He looks like a lazy cat. If I could wake up to this every morning it would be heaven.

But all good things must come to an end, so despite their unwillingness they both had to get out of bed. Today was the day of the whole company meeting where the CEO addresses all of the staff. They had to be there early to make any last minute adjustments. They head out to their car and drive to work. During the ride Yixuan is going through all of the documents he needs and Xiao Jun is dazedly looking out of the window.

[Host, sorry to interrupt your daydreaming but it's important. Yang Xi has started to make her second move. Since the whole 'rape' thing didn't work out she has gone to the next most common and cliché move. She's going to use this meeting to put up edited pictures of you f*cking random men on the screen. God why can't people come up with more original ideas? Everyone keeps recycling the same old methods to take someone out. Host...when it's your turn I hope you can do better.]

Ni Ni...are you telling me to prepare myself to ruin someone?


Oh okay


Anyways, during the meeting switch out her pictures for that video I took of her stealing the company information to hijack the board meeting. Let's see how she'll escape this one.


Before Xiao Jun could question Ni Ni's tone and lack of excitement he has already arrived at the company. Yixuan touches his arm to get his attention and leads him into their office. Xiao Jun is filled with anticipation for the meeting to begin. It's a weird sensation to feel anticipation. Xiao Jun never dreamed that a day would come when he could understand and feel emotions. Yixuan has given him the gift and curse of feeling. He has learned happiness, irritation, amusement, anticipation, worry, longing and he knows that there are many others that he hasn't experienced yet. He is not looking forward to pain, anguish, disappointment, grief, but he knows that life is not something he can control and what happens will happen.

Time flies and it's time for the meeting to begin. Yixuan takes the podium and begins his year-end speech about how far they've come, the company results from the year and a motivational speech about what needs to happen going forward. It's a long speech...Xiao Jun stands to the side of the stage the whole time. Taking advantage of the shadows to become invisible to the other employees. Finally Yixuan opens a slide and puts up a video of the new tech plan for the next year. When he presses play, a different video pops up. At first he goes to fix the issue but he pauses when he sees the person on the video. Everyone sees Yang Xi sneaking into the Project Manager's office. She takes the hard drive from his desk and pulls out her own laptop. Since the camera shot is from a corner that shows both the door and the laptop screen everyone can clearly see what she's doing. Yang Xi inputs the important information into the laptop and erases that information from the hard drive. She places everything back exactly as it was and leave the room with a visible smirk. They can faintly hear her voice saying, "Haha The President is mine!"

Yang Xi is standing in the middle of the crowd but everyone around her turns to look at her. She finally becomes the center of attention just like she wanted, but at this moment she just wanted to disappear. Everyone gives her disgusted looks and take a step away from her as if she's a virus. She can hear people whisper, "Isn't she the attention whore from the secretary's office?" "Oh my god! Yes! I heard that she always looks down at everyone else with her holier-than-thou expression" "Wow, at the end of the day she's just another desperate gold digger trying to throw herself at the CEO". Some of them don't even try to be discreet. "What a bitch! So disgusting!" "She's a snake, so scary! What if she tried to steal my work and got me fired?" "Yeah, we definitely need to stay away from her." "If she can steal company information then What is there that that she wouldn't do?!?!?" "Right?"

Yixuan, on the stage, looks utterly disgusted. From the beginning she was just a plaything, but he didn't think that she would forget her place. She's more disgusting than he thought! Immediately Yang Xi hears something that almost made her pass out from shock. She just got fired from the company... In front of everyone. Her life is over, no one else would employ her once this gets out. But instead of trying to understand her wrongs her eyes just get bloodshot. Xiao Jun! This is all your fault. Now that I'm over don't think I'll let you live a happy life! I'll take you down with me!

Yang Xi pushes her way out of the crowd and leaves the company. Walking into an alley beside the company she takes out a phone and makes a call. She starts crying into the phone, "Han Ge, Xiao Jun, He-he-he tricked everyone in the company and got me fired. He slandered me wuwuwu Now I can't get a job in any company. You have to help me get revenge!" The hoarse voice on the end consoles her, "Don't worry Xi-er, I'll get rid of him for you. I've been missing you, why don't you come meet me and we'll have some fun tonight. Hmm?"

"Han Ge, you're making me embarrassed...Okay" Yang Xi demurely replied.

Han Yao, one of the leaders of the Viper gang, set out a hit on Xiao Jun. Whoever killed him would be rewarded half a million dollars. As this spread among all of the members Xiao Jun became surrounded in danger.

[Host, Yang Xi got one of the leaders of Viper to put out a hit on you. Be careful, even I won't be able to identify every single member who'll come for you. Stay alert, anyone on the street could be after you. Good Luck Host]

Okay I didn't fully expect that, but we'll figure it out. I don't know how to tell Yixuan though. I can't give him the truth. Ni Ni, what do I do?

['re so goddamn lucky. You don't have to do anything. Xie Yuan, your half brother, he's coming to meet with Yixuan. I think he's going to tell him what's happening. I have no idea why the fuck he's doing this.]

Yixuan stands at his office looking out the window. Gazing out at the city line he listens to his secretary telling him that a man named Xie Yuan wants to meet him, "Send him up"

Xie Yuan walks in through the door, his face still swollen from the beating he took. Yixuan looks at him with faint disgust and visible anger. "Was the beating you took not enough? You've come for another round?" Xie Yuan looks irritated and incensed but he controls his anger. "I'm here for something important. If you want to save Xiao Jun's life you will listen to me." "Yixuan's eyes grow in anger and slight panic. "What did you do to him? I'll kill you this time if you hurt him." Xie Yuan facepalms at this misunderstanding. "No not me. I didn't do anything! You know that girl that I heard you just fired? What's her name? Ya Xin? Oh right Yang Xi. She hired men from Viper to kill Xiao Jun! You need to protect him right now! I've already sent some men to watch him, but they can't stop everyone and they can't stay with him 24/7. I heard that you love him, and if that's true you better protect him. If you let my brother die I will kill you myself!" Xie Yuan spits out angrily.

Yixuan just looks confused. "You kidnapped him and hurt him. Why do all of a sudden care about him?" Xie Yuan is slightly embarrassed, "I never hated him. I just found out that he was my half-brother recently. I wanted to meet him and talk to him. The whole threat thing was just a prank. I went a little overboard so I felt really shit about that. About the whole seizure thing, I didn't know about his hypersensitivity thing until after everything happened. God I hate myself for that. Anyways don't tell Xiao Jun about me coming here. I'm sure he hates me and it's fine to keep it that way!"

Yixuan unwillingly believes him, "You're still an ass for what you did. But why don't you want Xiao Jun to know?" Xie Yuan looks away from him, not wanting to show his pained face, "It's better if he doesn't get involved in my world. If he forgives me or ever feels like mending our relationship he will always be a weakness for me. My enemies will target him, and it's enough that he just stay safe." Yixuan feels a little moved by him but he stand by his position, "It doesn't stop you from being an ass though." Xie Yuan pinches the bridge of his nose and takes a deep breath. "Okay I'm ass, can we move on now?" Yixuan looks satisfied by his acceptance and pats his back in reluctant acceptance. "Thanks for the info…" Yixuan calls Xiao Jun and asks him for his location. When he hears that Xiao Jun has left the company he feels his stomach churn. He sprints out of the office and heads down the stairs, unable to wait for the elevator. Xie Yuan gets a bad feeling from his reaction and chases after him.

Xie Yuan had walked out of the company to the convenience store to buy the sweet steam bun that he loves. On his way to the story he realizes that maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

[Yeah Host I've been telling you this whole time! Why don't you listen to me? I already told you that people want to off you and somehow a steam bun is more important?]

Well...we're already here, we might as well buy the bun.

Xiao Jun buys the bun and unwraps it, stuffing it into his mouth as he walks back.

[Host Watch OUT!!!!]

Xiao Jun turns and sees a car gunning for him. He dives out of the way and car speeds past him before making a sharp turn to run him over. Xiao Jun runs into the nearest building and through his peripheral he can see Yixuan and Xie Yuan running towards him. He takes a side exit and runs into another road. The drivers don't see his escape route so he's temporarily safe. Yixuan had his eyes trained on him, so he sees Xiao Jun run into a small rarely used road. Just as they arrive Yixuan's and Xie Yuan's eyes widen "Watch out!" They see a gun man standing behind Xiao Jun ready to take a shot. Both of them dive towards Xiao Jun trying to get him out of the way. Yixuan reaches first and pushes Xiao Jun out of the line of fire.

Xiao Jun hears a bang of a gunshot and a grunt from someone who crashed into him. His eyes widen and he turns. He sees Yixuan beside him covered in blood. There's buzzing noise in his ears as everything drowns out. His entire focus in on the man he has dragged into his arms, and the blood pouring out of his chest. He doesn't even notice Xie Yuan who has started fighting with the gun man and is disabling him.

His entire vision narrows to the man paling from blood loss, who still only cares about him as he hoarsely whispers, "Jun-er are you alright?"