Arc 1 Chapter 13

Xiao Jun's hands grip Yixuan's shirt really hard and he stares at Yixuan's face. Memorizing his eyes, the mole underneath his left eye, the small scar on his right eyebrow that can barely be seen unless you look real close. He watches as Yixuan's lips pale and he sees drops of water landing on his cheek. Touching the water he looks for the source and realizes they are his own tears. For the him that used to feel nothing he is filled with panic, fear, desperation and deep worry. Not knowing what to do he caresses Yixuan's cheek and tightly grasps his hand. Xie Yuan runs to his side and understands the situation. "Xiao Jun look after him. I'll call the ambulance. Make sure he holds on!"

Xiao Jun nods without moving his eyes away from Yixuan. He whispers, "Yixuan you told me you would spend the rest of your life helping me feel everything, were you lying? What happened to 'I'll keep you company until we both die of old age'? What happened to I'll take you to travel the world? Was it all lies?" Xiao Jun's voice gets stronger with anger, "You made me so many promises! I trusted you and now you're taking it all back? I told you that I could only feel when I was near you and now you're taking back everything you gave me?"

Yixuan weakly squeezes the hand tightly grasping his. "Jun-er, I wanted to do so many things with you. I'll fight this, don't worry. It's not over yet" Yixuan coughs and blood streams out of the corner of his mouth. "I'm sorry you had to see this kitten. I wanted to let you only feel the best things in the world, but it didn't work out." He coughs weakly a few more times and then loses the energy to speak. His eyes are barely open.

[Host...He's dying. He only has about another hour.] Ni Ni feels terrible having to tell him the truth.

No I don't accept that. I remember you said you had a healing pill in my starter pack. Give it to me!

[Host, if you use it people will know that there' something off about you. It heals at a rate visible to the eye.]

I DON'T GIVE A DAMN! Give it to me right now!

[Yes Host]

Xiao Jun tightly holds the pill that appeared in his hand. He leans over Yixuan and places the pill in his mouth. "Swallow this Yixuan, it will help you. Listen to me okay?" Yixuan smiles at him with great effort, "Whatever my Jun-er says is always right." Yixuan swallows the pill with great difficulty. In front of Xiao Jun's very eyes the wound stops bleeding and closes up. Color returns to Yixuan's face. He looks visibly healthier and stronger. He opens his eyes and touches his chest noticing that he has been completely healed. He looks at Xiao Jun with confusion in his eyes. Xiao Jun evades his eyes, but holds his hands in happiness. Yixuan decides to believe in Xiao Jun and let go of any questions in his mind. If Xiao Jun wants to let me know, he'll tell me. Who doesn't have secrets in this world?

Yixuan pushes off the ground and stands on his own two feet. He still feels a little weak but it's not a big deal. He looks around and sees the gunman dead on the ground. "Where's Xie Yi?" Xiao Jun suddenly pales, "He went to call for an ambulance. What do we do now?" Yixuan looks at Xiao Jun distractedly. "What are you looking at? The ambulance is going to be here any moment now!" Yixuan just smiles, "I was just thinking, you show expressions on your face now. It's kinda cute." Xiao Jun bites his hand hard, "Can you focus?"

Yixuan makes a call to Xie Yuan, "I'm fine and I don't need an ambulance...don't ask questions, just find a way to get rid of them...ok" Yixuan holds Xiao Jun's hand and pulls him towards the company parking lot. "Xie Yuan will deal with the problem. We should go home. People would freak out if they saw my bloody clothes."

When Xiao Jun and Yixuan arrive home, Yixuan heads in to take a shower. While he's inside, Xiao Jun hears the sound of the water and his mind goes to a different place. He blushes as he remembers Yixuan's body when he came out of the shower, the muscles, the water running down his clavicle disappearing into his towel. His mind takes a turn as he swallows thinking that he wanted to touch...Xiao Jun shakes his head trying to get the image out of his mind. Yixuan comes out of the shower and sees Xiao Jun blushing while shaking his head. Looking amused at Xiao Jun's cute reaction he walks over to him. Placing a hand on his shoulder he peaks over his shoulder at his face. "What are you thinking about Jun-er?" Xiao Jun startles and jumps a little. "No-No-Nothing" He stammers blushing even harder. Yixuan lets him off the hook and pulls him to their couch.

Just remembering how his kitten almost got killed his blood boiled. "Yang Xi that bitch. She's trying to touch what's mine. It's time to get rid of her! Kitten you just relax your husband will take care of everything!" Xiao Jun looks at him weirdly, "When did you become my husband?" Yixuan puts on a really hurt expression as if he was violated, "Wifey...Don't tell me you're not going to take responsibility for me! After all we've been through." Yixuan adds in a weeping expression looking as though he's been really wronged. Xiao Jun is confused, never having been in this situation, he still hasn't fully understood society. His naivety makes him fall into the trap again. "Oh-Okay I'll take responsibility." Yixuan lets out an evil smile, "Don't forget what you've said today Wifey! You belong to me now!"

After that day Xiao Jun just eats, sleeps and enjoys life letting his 'hubby' take care of everything. Yixuan vents his anger on that b*tch Yang Xi. He first uses his contacts to help Xie Yuan plan a takeover of the Viper gang. Together Xie Yuan captures the entire gang and becomes the sole young master for the entire underground gangs in the city. As for Yang Xi he didn't have to do much. Using his power he made sure that no company would hire her unless they wanted to go against the Zhao Corporation. Unable to get a good job she tried to find another golden thigh to hold on to. After losing Han Yao she didn't know what to do. Unfortunately for her, she also didn't know that Han Yao had recorded their 'fun' times together to share with his friends. When Xie Yuan got ahold of this evidence he made sure to spread it throughout the city. He also wanted to punish her for her audacity at trying to touch his brother. When the only option she had left was to go underground and get a job as a host or smuggler, she had entered Xie Yuan's domain. He made sure that the rest of her life would be torturous by leaving her to the lowest class of prostitution house that served the most perverted people with all kinds of kinks.

The very same fate that Yang Xi once wanted to escape became the only future she would ever have.

Two years after they first began to date Yixuan took Xiao Jun back to the park where he confessed. He told Xiao Jun that it was an anniversary event. That night just like the first was on a full moon and the sky was filled with stars. They sat on the swings and enjoyed the fresh air, reminiscing about the past. Yixuan reached out to hold Xiao Jun's hand and brought him to a stop. He walked over in front of him and fell to one knee. Yixuan's palms were sweating and he was just as nervous as the first time. Holding Xiao Jun's left hand he asked, "Xiao Jun it has been two years since you agreed to try a relationship with me. Over this time I've only grown to need you more and more. Jun-er will you become mine for forever?" Xiao Jun's eyes were soft as he looked at this man who has been chasing after him for the past two years. He looked at this man who would trade his life for him always without regret. He looked at this man who would never let anything hurt him, and Xiao Jun knew that he would never find someone like him again. The only man who has ever been able to make him feel. So he looked deep into Yixuan's expecting eyes and said, "Yes...but only if you're also mine."

Yixuan took a big sigh of relief and opened a box with a pair of earrings. Xiao Jun was not expecting that. Yixuan handed him the velvet box and started explaining out of nervousness. "I know that this probably wasn't what you expected but it's something I've been working on for the past year. I remembered how when Xie Yuan (that ass) took off your headphones you started seizing and that scarred me for life. I don't want anyone to even accidentally pull off your headphones, so I got these earrings made. They are basically the earring form of what the headphones do. But they're not just normal earrings okay? I personalized it for us. It's a pair. I have them too, except mine don't have that function. Look and tell me if you like it. If you don't I can totally change it for anything else you want!" Yixuan just spit out a whole lot of verbal diarrhea in fear of what Xiao Jun might say.

Since the beginning Xiao Jun barely listened to Yixuan's words as he stared at the earrings. They were made of stephanite and silver. It was a yin yang symbol with sapphires for the internal drops on both sides. There was a slip of paper in the box that said I know it's kind of cliché but basically you complete me. There's no me without you. We fit.

Xiao Jun looks up at Yixuan. "I love it"

Xiao Jun and Zhao Yixuan got married in a simple ceremony but their marriage shook the world. Nobody expected that the CEO of the Zhao Corporation would be gay and get married. Yixuan's family disapproved and wanted to separate them but there was nothing they could do. They disowned Yixuan but they couldn't take the company away from him because he practically built it. Yixuan and Xiao Jun didn't give a shit about everyone else's opinions and they went on a honeymoon without caring about anything. The honeymoon extended for the rest of their lives. They just travelled until they were too old to travel anymore. They returned home to the villa where they first lived.

On their 50th wedding anniversary Yixuan took Xiao Jun back to the park where they had all of their beginnings. The first date, the marriage proposal, their 25th anniversary. And now everything was almost over. Yixuan, at 76 years of age, was reaching the end of his lifespan. He held Xiao Jun's hand as they sat on the swings on a full moon night. "Jun-er, the greatest gift and blessing I have received in this lifetime was being able to be with you. I know I promised you that I would be with you until you died, but this is one promise that I'm sorry I have to break. If there is a next life then I promise to find you again. After all...there is no me without you. Jun-er I love you, thank you for staying with me until the end." Yixuan whispers to him. That night when they slept side by side, Yixuan's breath left his body. Though it seemed like Xiao Jun was asleep, he was awake the whole time listening to Yixuan breathe. When the last breath left his body Xiao Jun leaned over to press a kiss onto his lips. A drop of water landed on Yixuan's wrinkled cheek and as Xiao Jun touched his own he realized it was a tear.

Xiao Jun closed his eyes and when he opened them again it was empty. It looked soulless, as if all of the emotion in this lifetime was just a dream. He laid down next to Yixuan and his spirit floated away entering his space.