Author Q&A

A: Ni Ni I have a task for you

N: Yo Whaddya need? Better me good, you just interrupted my sight-seeing and it was just getting to the good part.

A: ….Sight-seeing? You're stuck with Yun Heng...what sightseeing?

N: Don't need to go anywhere special to look for hot ladies. Damn there was this one woman looked so sexy in that hot little dress of hers, those long legs-

A: - Okay Ni Ni let's get back to the point. Everyone wants to know more about Yun Heng, so I'm going to need you to interview him.

N: Why me? Why can't you do it? God!!! I don't even get paid for the work I do, so what if I get promoted? Do I get any deluxe vacation package? Huh? Do I get a massage from hot chicks? No I don't. So why don't you go do your own f*cking interview.

A: You do know you're talking to your creator right?

N: And?

A: Okay I give up. I'll give you the deluxe vacation package.

N: …

A: ...And the spa.

N: Will there be beautiful women?

A: yeah, fine whatever!

N: K, Whaddya need me to do boss?

*Author silently cries* Why is she bullying me?

A: Take these questions and interview Yun Heng


Ni Ni and Yun Heng sit opposite each other on the sofas in the space.

N: So Host! Basically all of our special readers out there want to know more about you so I'm going to interview you!

Y: Ok

N: First of all how old are you? Oh and I mean the original you!

Y: I don't remember

N: 눈_눈 What do you mean you don't remember? WTF?

Y: …

N: Ok let's move on. What's your favorite color?

Y: Nothing in particular.

N: _(:3」∠)_ (Tears up script given by A) Okay I'm going to do this on my own terms. Yo Host, Tell us about your original fam!

Y: There's nothing special. My parents gave me whatever I wanted, eventually when they saw that I was different they looked distressed. My mom tried to make me smile and other stuff, but I never did. They took me to a psychologist who told them I had extreme apathy. My parents cried for many days. Nothing changed. When I was 17 they kicked me out. That's it.

N: I'm a little sad I asked...that was depressing. Okay moving on! What are your hobbies?

Y: ???

N: As in...what do you do when you are free?

Y: Watch people

N: That sounds too stalkery.

Y: … ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

N: *deep breath* Don't kill him Ni Ni, the story isn't over yet. *light bulb moment* Soooo...tell me about Yixuan ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) What exactly do you love about him? Hmmmm???

Y: *face slightly reddens* U-u-uhm. Yixuan chased after me for so long.

N: Yeah but so did He Chao...What was different?

Y: *mumbles inaudibly*

N: What was that? Hmmm?

Y: Yixuan never tried to change me.

N: He tried to make you laugh and cry etc. just like He Chao…

Y: Yeah, but he never expected it of me. He wanted to give me something I didn't have but he never forced me to change.

N: I don't get it…

Y: Let me put it this way, even if I didn't smile for our entire lifetime he would never grow tired or leave me. He knew exactly who I was, maybe that's why my heart beat for him.

N: Ooooooh *winks suggestively* your heart beat for him! What about when you saw him naked ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Y: *blushes til his face turns red. Looks like his face is going to drip blood.*

N: *replays their sexy bed scene for Yun Heng*

Y: *almost passes out from blood loss*

N: Okay that's all folks. Yun Heng has short circuited and can't be restarted for a while. *evil grin* See you next time!

N: Oh and before I forget. All you hot ladies out there, hit me up! (^_-)


N: Yo A, it's done! Don't forget to pay up!

Author: *crying* why do they always bully meeee?