Arc 2 Chapter 4

Feixiang and Tian Yi run into two unexpected nuisances. Standing in their path are Tian Wu and the third prince, Song Huang. Tian Wu has been close to Song Huang since they were kids and he always instigated a lot of trouble but never got punished. He would shift the blame to the innocent Tian Yi who would end up bearing the weight of his crimes. Tian Wu had a smirk on his face as he stared Tian Yi directly in the eyes.

"Older bro-...sister, What a coincidence meeting you here." Tian Wu looks towards Feixiang standing beside Tian Yi and formally bows. "Greetings Your Highness." Tian Wu tries to look solemn but he can't hide the slight smugness on his face.

Ni Ni, what's wrong with this guy?

[Host, this guy is Tian Mei's dog. He was the one who came up with the plan to push you into this snake pit of a situation. That dickhead third prince next to him is ambitious for the throne and Tian Wu plans to help him. His grand plan was to either get you killed when you are revealed as a man by the Crown Prince or reveal your gender himself and spread rumors that the Crown Prince is gay for not exposing and killing you. This way he'll get to either only dispose of you or deal with both you and the Crown Prince. What a jackass...but at least he's a little smart.]

So these guys are here to secretly mock Feixiang?

[Yup! Oh btw you want to know something interesting? Tian Wu is super homophobic!]

What's interesting about that?

[He's secretly in love with Song Huang...He's so terrified that someone will find out, so he covers it by being a complete asshole and ferociously, viciously homophobic. I just did some research and found out that in the original plot, this guy became a fellow cannon fodder. When the Crown Prince monopolized the heir position and defeated the plot of the third prince, Song Huang was imprisoned. Tian Wu risked it all to try and save Song Huang and flee the country with him, but he got caught. As they were about to get captured Song Huang pushed him, sacrificing Tian Wu to successfully escape. Even when Tian Wu was on the execution stand he was happy that at least Song Huang escaped. He never confessed and took his love to his grave. What a pitiful guy...doesn't make him any less of an ass though!]

Tian Yi observes Tian Wu and realizes that he's actually pretty obvious but no one watches carefully enough to notice his feelings. Tian Wu gravitates towards Song Huang. Everytime he says something, he subconsciously looks towards Song Huang to check his reaction. His eyes soften whenever he looks at Song Huang, it's clear that he's whipped. Tian Yi regards Tian Wu clinically and engraves every little motion he makes into his mind just in case he needs to use this secret against Tian Wu someday. Feixiang's eyes were trained on Tian Yi the entire time and his mood plummets when he sees Tian Yi's attention focused on someone other than him. Feixiang grabs Tian Yi's hand tightly to redirect his attention back towards himself. Tian Yi glances at Feixiang lazily disregarding his dark expression and remains silent. The atmosphere stagnates and Song Huang takes the initiative to break the silence. "So this is your sister? Tian Wu you haven't told me much about her. She's such a beauty, how come we haven't seen much of her?" When Tian Wu hears Song Huang's question his hands clench at his side. His expression doesn't look quite right and the others can detect that something is a bit off but they all interpret it differently. Song Huang and Feixiang believe that Tian Wu must not like this sister very much, but Tian Yi knows that he's jealous of Huang calling him a beauty.

"Yes, this is my sister Tian Yi. She's shy and she has always been on the slightly fragile side so she wasn't able to attend any of the banquets or gatherings in the city. I hope the Crown Prince will take good care of my sister with her weak constitution." Tian Wu pointedly reminds Song Huang that Tian Yi is Song Feixiang's concubine and therefore off-limits. Both the princes don't understand his subtext since Song Huang was never interested in Tian Yi to begin with. Feixiang and Tian Yi engage in a little more inane conversation and then both groups excuse themselves heading in different directions.

Ni Ni, you said Tian Wu likes Song Huang but what about Song Huang?

[Song Huang was always fixated on power so everything else was just superfluous.]


Tian Yi and Feixiang enter Feixiang's private residence and Feixiang immediately relaxes. Feixiang spends the rest of the day talking to Tian Yi and trying to cultivate their feelings, he wants to know everything about this beautiful boy who has captured his heart. Tian Yi always responds with single-word answers or really short sentences but it doesn't faze Feixiang. As night falls Tian Yi wonders where he's going to stay and asks Feixiang. Feixiang freezes for a second and responds, "Stay with me". Tian Yi has no visible reaction and agrees with no hesitation. He allows himself to be manhandled into the bed and into Feixiang's embrace. Feixiang doesn't try to do anything else, he just folds Tian Yi into his arms and brushes his hair with his fingers, lulling Tian Yi to sleep. The familiar warmth gives Tian Yi a sense of satisfaction and safety. They both thought they wouldn't be able to sleep but they easily drift off.

For the next few weeks Tian Yi and Feixiang were basically joined at the hip. They spent all of their time together trying to get to know each other better. Despite the knowledge that Feixiang was most likely his husband from his past life, it didn't automatically mean that Tian Yi fell for the man. Over the weeks Tian Yi started to feel more comfortable with Feixiang. His thumping heart became steadier and stronger. There was a lingering need to stay close to Feixiang. When he was apart from Feixiang for long enough his feelings drained away into an emptiness that couldn't be filled. Tian Yi stayed in Feixiang's residence every night sparking rumors that Feixiang was enchanted by the new concubine, so Tian Yi was treated with respect by all the palace maids and eunuchs.

After the next few weeks Tian Yi noticed that he was getting weird looks. People stared at him up and down, some even had disgusted looks on their faces. Feixiang was also receiving strange stares by everyone. Even the palace maids became presumptuous enough to whisper about him as he passed. Of course they learned their lesson pretty fast when he executed some of them as an example. Feixiang realized that his usual playful nature had let everyone believe he was a pushover. He needed to remind everyone that he was a part of the royal family. Feixiang called one of his hidden guards, "Go investigate what's going on." The hidden guard bowed and melted into the shadows.

Tian Yi retreated to Feixiang's private quarters and jumped onto the bed, splaying out his limbs. He tried to relax his mind, but the constant reactions from everyone kept replaying in his mind, he felt uneasy.

Ni Ni what's going on?

[Host, Tian Wu and the third prince have initiated their plan. Once the rumors that Feixiang is enamoured with you spread out they decided to take the chance to spread the news that the Crown Prince is gay. They have released small rumors that you are a man. It hasn't blown up into a full scandal but people are starting to be curious about the truthfulness of the rumors. I have to warn you, the Emperor just heard the rumors during morning court today. He plans to summon both you and Feixiang to verify the truth of the matter. Shit's about to go down. What are you going to do Host?]

Hmm. How much is the weapons designing skill?

[It's 200 points, why do you ask?]

Feixiang has been busy with the news of the Eastern Tribes planning for an attack. It looks like we need to go to war. If I prove my usefulness the Emperor will probably go easy on us. I can spin the situation to our favor. By the way, how come you didn't tell me about this from the plot?

[It wasn't that important. By the time this happened you were dead anyways sooo…]

Anyways I wanna buy the skill, give it to me

[Yes Host. You will be transferred into the training space to learn the skill. Don't worry one year in the space equals one second of real time. But lol your body will look like you're stoned. If Feixiang comes to find you, you will be totally out of it. You should probably lie down and pretend to sleep.]


120 years pass in the training space while Ni Ni is waiting in their soul lounge feeling bored as fuck. When Tian Yi regains consciousness he looks haggard and exhausted.

[Oh thank fucking god! I was about to go nuts if you were in there for any longer. I spent all this time trolling through every prestigious family searching for all the beautiful daughters. I was a total perv to the point that it was even freaking me out. If you were in there any longer I probably would have lost all my morals...not that I have much in the first place…]

Tian Yi doesn't respond to her complaints while he lays there completely dazed. His eyes are unfocused and blank. Ni Ni finally notices that he seems totally out of it and it starts to worry her.

[Host? Host? HOST? Are you okay? Did the training space break you? Did it mind fuck you? Are you broken? HOOOOOST?!?!?!?]

Ni didn't even give me any time to speak. I'm fine, just a little tired. I was grilled for a 120 years. No breaks...I got electrocuted every time I failed...Well, at least I won't forget anything.

[Host...I respect you so much more now. I always thought you were an aimless, goalless, feckless, inept, useless, incompetent, inefficient, worthless, slothful, unambitious, spiritless human being. You've opened my eyes!]

Ni Ni...I didn't realize you saw me that way. You really hate me.

[ Σ(T □ T) way Host. You're the best…] Ni Ni replied monotonously.

Before Tian Yi could say anything further he heard a cough from the entrance. When he looked over he saw Feixiang leaning against the door with an amused smile on his face. "Yi-er you're so cute! I could watch you forever. But sweetheart unfortunately it's time to get up. We've been summoned by my Imperial Father, don't be afraid I'll talk to him"

Ni Ni watches the scene with a mixed expression on her face. I mean it's great that he loves Host but why do his words always sound so stalkery? Is it some kind of requirement that male leads always have to be so possessive in such a freaky way? Ni Ni shudders, This is why girls are so much better.

Ni Ni unknowingly spoke her words aloud causing Tian Yi to give her a thoughtful look as he got out of bed. He spoke to her within his mind making sure to keep a blank face.

So girls aren't possessive?

Ni Ni is slightly embarrassed that she spoke her words aloud. [No Host, girls are possessive too. I just feel like they hide their stalkerishness better. Lol, I still find their possessiveness cute. Oh there was this one time when I was with Ru Ru...There was another girl that hit on me and I just looked at her for like 5 seconds but Ru Ru got jealous. That girl was pretty cute and I guess Ru Ru felt a little threatened even though I told her a million times that I would never stray. Lol she set that girl's house on fire. I know it sounds bad, and it is, but I couldn't stop rolling on the floor and laughing. Of course I bought that girl another house and made Ru Ru apologize. She wouldn't speak to me for a week afterwards, but whatever.]

Tian Yi silently listened and didn't respond to her story. He walked up beside Feixiang and placed his hand into Feixiang's outstretched palm. They both walked towards the main hall with their hands intertwined. Every person they passed stared at their joined hands and then lowered their heads in fear of the Crown Prince's anger. When they both reached the hall, they stood below the emperor and bowed in respect. Tian Yi kept his eyes trained on the ground and didn't look up so he couldn't see the Emperor's countenance. "You may both rise" The Emperor's commanding voice echoed in the empty hall. Tian Yi rose and finally got the chance to see the Emperor's appearance. The Emperor looked like an older version of Feixiang. He was still quite handsome but there were some grey hairs mixed with the black. However his aura remained fierce and suffocatingly authoritative. His piercing eyes seemed to look through Tian Yi and expected him to cower in fear. Tian Yi didn't feel anything towards anyone except Feixiang so he remained tranquil and unmoved.

The Emperor was taken aback by his calm composure and he was slightly appreciative of this interesting character. He continued to look down at his favorite son and his son's favorite 'woman'. However it was the 'woman' part that was now under question. Despite his overwhelming love for his son and his blind doting of him, he could not appoint a homosexual as his heir. While he doesn't have too much of a repellence against homosexuality society wouldn't accept it. Though he is the Emperor, he still has limitations in that he cannot immediately change a belief system. He, as the Emperor, may not totally embrace homosexuality but he accepts all of his people without question. Being an Emperor that wishes to make his nation prosper and support the common people, he doesn't have it easy.

"Feixiang... We have not questioned your behavior in the past, and We have let you roam free for many years, but you know why you are now here. We have indulged and pampered you, but it has now reached the limit. We have heard rumors that this concubine that you have been so enamoured with is a man. This cannot be allowed. We will need to verify the truthfulness of these claims, and if it is true a punishment is in order." For the first time since Tian Yi entered the hall, the Emperor no longer has his awe inspiring might. He just looks like a tired father trying to care for his son. At this moment he truly looks his age, the fatigue and stress is apparent on his face.

[It's not easy to be the ruler of all under the heavens. He doesn't get any break, damn having to face what he does everyday would probably fuck me up.] Ni Ni gives the Emperor a pitying look as she speaks to Tian Yi.

Feixiang also looks sympathetically at his father. His father looks more tired than ever and is clearly in need of a vacation. He opens his mouth to reply to his father but Tian Yi speaks before him. "There's no need for a check Your Majesty. I am a man." Tian Yi is very blunt and fearless causing both the Emperor and Feixiang to look at him. Feixiang is worried and angry that he just directly stated the truth. The Emperor looks distressed as his deep worry is confirmed to be true.

The Emperor closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. As he opens his eyes he lets out a tired sigh. "Feixiang, you know that We wish We could give you everything you desire, but if you love a man that is one thing that We cannot let you have. The punishment for deceiving the Royal Family and entering as a homosexual into a Royal Harem is execution. We will set the date for the execution soon, but until then you must be imprisoned Son of the Tian Family."

Feixiang has a defiant and determined look on his face as he is ready to fight anyone that dares to approach his beloved even if that means going against his Imperial Father. However before anything escalates to that point Tian Yi speaks up once more. "Your Majesty, there is a misunderstanding here. The Crown Prince and this subject are not lovers."

Feixiang is dumbfounded at his statement and has no idea where he's going with this. The Emperor is also curious to hear what this beautiful youth is going to say. "Your Majesty, may I have a private audience with you? This is not for the ears of any but Your Majesty, it is important." The Emperor's curiosity is further piqued. He agrees and guides both Feixiang and Tian Yi to his private quarters. He dismisses all of the servants and orders guards to ward off anyone from approaching the room. "Son of the Tian Family you may now speak." Tian Yi bows in acceptance and begins spinning his bullshit tale. "Your Majesty, as your Eminence knows, the Eastern Tribes are stirring and preparing for a rebellion so our nation may very soon be going to war. The Crown Prince has been in charge of dealing with this issue and has been very busy these past few weeks. This subject has certain skills that can aid in this war effort, but the Crown Prince wished to keep this plan a secret so as to use the element of surprise to defeat our enemies."

The Emperor is interested in this information and decides to indulge this youth and hear the specifics. "What particular skills do you have Son of the Tian Family?" Tian Yi tries to seem modest as he replies. "This subject is a weaponsmith, and has developed plans for new weapon creations that will give the army a way to reduce their losses and win the war." The Emperor becomes a sharp ruler once again when it comes to matters of the nation. "We hope for your sake that you are not deceiving Us. We will need to see the plans you speak of, or else you will face a much worse end than what your originally faced." Tian Yi gives a deep respectful bow as he replies. "Yes your Majesty, this subject will do as you bid."

The Emperor motions for Feixiang and Tian Yi to retreat after ordering Tian Yi to arrive with his plans the next day. Both Feixiang and Tian Yi return to Feixiang's private chamber. During their walk back Feixiang is silent and both of them are immersed in their own thoughts. When they reach the room Feixiang finally breaks the silence and grabs Tian Yi by the shoulders, shaking him. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? You could have gotten yourself KILLED!!! What are you going to do now? You need to create some weapons plans by tomorrow. Okay, don't worry. I will try and find a weaponsmith to make some plans and send it to us by one of my secret guards. I won't let anything happen to you so don't be scared!"

Tian Yi lets Feixiang go through his entire rant and once he finishes Tian Yi finally gets the chance to respond. "Feixiang, I wasn't lying. I really am a weaponsmith, I really do have some plans. Don't worry about tomorrow, I have everything well within my hands." Feixiang stares at Tian Yi in shock with his mouth hanging slightly open when he hears his words. Feixiang doesn't snap out of his daze for the next 10 minutes, when he finally reacts he basically vibrates with exhilaration. "Really?! You really have plans? This is great! Imperial Father will have to acknowledge you! Amazing! Why didn't you tell me you had this plan earlier? Okay! Wonderful!" Feixiang keeps going on and on in excitement, but Tian Yi just tunes him out. While Feixiang freaks out beside him Tian Yi is already starting to plan in his mind about what blueprints he should draw and use for this war. It has to suit the times and can't be too advanced, he also has to make sure that no one else gets the information on how to manufacture these weapons or everything could end in disaster.

Both Feixiang and Tian Yi are stuck in their own worlds and Ni Ni watches the entire drama in bemusement.

When Ni Ni thinks back to how easily Tian Yi dealt with the Emperor all she thinks is, Damn, Host learned how to smoothly mix lies and truths so easily. Why do I feel both proud and sad? Is it because he's growing up? _(:3」∠)_