Arc 2 Chapter 5

Tian Yi stands before the Emperor looking pale from the lack of sleep. The Emperor scans the blueprints for the weapons with great intensity. The parchment detailed the creation of bombs and cannons and napalm. His stern expression slowly transform into joy and excitement. "Son of Tian you have conducted a great meritorious deed. You may rest easy you shall be greatly rewarded." The Emperor turns to Feixiang with great satisfaction. "Feixiang you have suffered. We are regretful for misunderstanding you. Do not fret, We shall clear up the rumors that smear your reputation. However the only issue is how to allow the Son of Tian to remain at your side…. Okay, We shall allow you to keep him at your side as a concubine. We will expect the Son of Tian to often visit to help with the creation of these weapons and to teach the soldiers how to use them." The Emperor commands them and then gestures for them to leave. As they leave they can see the Emperor carefully examining the parchment again.

Over the next few months Tian Yi can be seen scurrying from Feixiang's courtyard to the Emperor's public court, standing beside the other ministers. However Tian Yi arrived in disguise, he had to change into men's clothing before arriving at court. His valuable insight turned him into an important asset for the Emperor, and the other ministers looked at him with suspicion and respect. After court they all tried to meet with him to speak but he always disappeared giving them no chance to encounter him. They all sent their guards and spies to find out information about him but he was like a ghost, it was as if he didn't even exist. The information about the new weapons was a tightly guarded secret so they didn't completely understand why the Emperor put so much significance on this young man. He didn't look older than 20, there were many more ministers much older and more qualified than the youth. Of course being the Son of Heaven, the Emperor did not have to listen to any of these insignificant courtiers. They only held power if he wished it and even their lives were forfeit at his will. So everyone had to repress their dissatisfaction and content themselves with occasional bitter looks at the youth.

On the other end Feixiang was also feeling dissatisfied and bitter. It had been months since he had been able to spend time with his beauty. He didn't even get the chance to cuddle with his Yi-er at night.  ̄へ ̄ Father Emperor is taking his lover away. Hmph. Feixiang leaves the room just in time to see Tian Yi scurrying out of the courtyard. He grabs Tian Yi's hand and pulls him into their quarters. "Yi-er, you've forgotten me as soon as you got a job? How cruel!" Tian Yi looks at Feixiang in confusion, "Aren't I doing this so that we can stay together?" Feixiang feels guilty for playing with Tian Yi when he doesn't even get that he's just joking around, but he decides to get some benefits out of the situation. "Yi-er I'm so lonely, you left me all alone so you should make it up to me!" Tian Yi innocently believes Feixiang and easily agrees, "What do you want me to do?" Feixiang lets out an evil smile and gets Tian Yi to agree to spending a whole uninterrupted night with him.

At a residence on the south side of the palace two people sit facing each other. Within the third prince's private residence only two people are allowed entrance. The third prince faces Tian Wu as they discuss the next steps after their failed plan. Tian Wu had already confessed that Tian Yi was his elder brother as they enacted their plan, but now it had failed. Both of them were confused as to how it failed after the Emperor personally summoned Tian Yi. The third prince looked irritated, "You didn't lie to me did you? Tian Yi is really your older brother?" Tian Wu tried to gauge the third prince's mood and responded quickly, "Yes Sire, Tian Yi is my elder brother from the first wife." Tian Wu had always been able to read the third prince's expressions and adapt accordingly. Tian Wu was the only one allowed to call the third prince by his name, but Tian Wu knew that even that had its limits. While Song Huang might seem to trust him, at the end of the day Tian Wu knew that power would always be more important than friendship to him. He had known the third prince since childhood and he always admired him.

Tian Wu reminisced about the time they first met.

We first met when his father brought him to the palace when he was 5 years old. He escaped from his father and left to explore the palace, but he got lost in the maze of the garden. As he walked around starting to feel lost and afraid he saw a boy climbing a tree on the other side of the bushes. He decided to hide in the bushes and spy on the boy, trying to see what he was going to do. After the boy climbed the tree the boy hid within the branches. He heard some men calling out for the boy and they passed under the tree oblivious to the boy hiding above them. When they called out third prince I realized that the boy was a part of the royal family and that I shouldn't meet with him, but unluckily for me he discovered me. He called out for me to reveal myself or he would call the guards. I was afraid so I crawled through the bush and stood to face him. The first time we met he was in clean robes with his hair tied up making him look handsome. I was covered in dirt and leaves, wisps of my hair had been pulled out of my braid and I looked like a peasant. He mistook me for some servant's child playing around, but I told him I was the son of the Tian Family.

He didn't seem to fully believe me but he was probably bored so he ordered me to play with him. He was the leader and I had to do everything he said, but he took us on these interesting adventures. We climbed trees, we spied on servants secretly having their little love affairs, and we pretended we were secret guards trying to evade the tutors that were searching for him. Too soon people came to find me and I had to leave. I could see that the third prince was reluctant to see me go, but he was a proud boy just as he is now a proud man. He ended up ordering me to come back to see him, and that was one command I was happy to receive. Over time I would come to see him more often and we would do whatever new ideas he could come up with. One day I guess he had deemed me a real friend and he commanded me to stop calling him 'your highness' and to call him by his name. I was shy and afraid but I couldn't disappoint his expectant look. "Song Huang" I whispered. I blushed and I could see the tip of his ears turn red.

Every time I was at home I was faced with pampering and I could see my sister getting showered with attention. I saw Tian Yi thrown aside and at first I pitied him. He was such a beautiful and cute child, I couldn't understand why they didn't like him. I would go to his courtyard in secret and bring him some of my toys. I would try to teach him new games that I learned with the third prince, but one day I got caught. It was the first time I got severely scolded and I was so confused about what I did wrong. They started to tell me that Tian Yi was an unlucky child that would ruin the family. They told me that he was a mistake that never should have happened and that he was the reason his mother died. They told me that he was supposed to be a twin but he ate his twin inside the womb and he was evil. But could such a soft-hearted child really be evil? Over time I just grew to accept it so every time I had to cover for the third prince's mistakes I would throw the blame on Tian Yi. At first I felt so guilty that I would cry myself to sleep, but he was an evil spirit so maybe it's what he deserved.

I never told the third prince about Tian Yi's existence, so he always thought that I was clever in getting him out of trouble. Partially I wanted to keep that impression he had of me, and I also didn't want him to know of that beautiful child that anyone could love. What if he didn't want me and chose Tian Yi instead? As we grew older Song Huang's pride and princely composure grew stronger. I felt like I didn't deserve to stand by his side, but maybe it's my luck that he never threw me away. I admired him and my eyes always followed him. I don't know when that admiration turned into this strange disgusting love. When I was 13 I had my first sexual dream. It should have been something that would make me embarrassed but also slightly happy, however I just hated myself. The protagonist of my dream was the boy I've admired since I was 5. Every time I saw him I felt guilty and disgusting. I don't deserve to stand by his side but I cannot bring myself to walk away.

While I watched Song Huang with stars in my eyes he never noticed. He stopped looking at me as his thirst for power grew. I think it was his mother who started whispering in his ear that only power would give him the world. If he wasn't in power, he would always be at the mercy of others and constantly face death. His adventurous side and mischievous nature faded away and everything around him changed. I was the only constant thing in his life and that made me feel reassured and special, but it was probably that one day in spring that made me realize how fragile our relationship really was.

That day I saw how tired Song Huang was and decided to order the kitchen to make him some tea to relax him and relieve his stress. I guess he saw me talking to the maid because he looked at me with a strange look in his eyes. When I brought him the tea he had a poison tester drink it first. He started to suspect that I might be colluding against him and ferociously questioned me. When I called out his name he snapped at me asking me when I became presumptuous enough to call out the name of a prince of the royal family. It was like a slap to my face, he distrusted me though I had always been by his side. I realized that he had never considered me as an equal friend, just as the first time I saw him I was only an amusement and a follower. Maybe he regretted it late as he commanded me to once again use his name but by that time I had learned my place. I, just like everyone else, am just a servant that is replaceable. But what does it say about me since that didn't diminish my love for him one bit?

Over time I have come to carry out his dirty schemes against others just so that he can amass power. I allowed his crimes to blacken me and I came up with ideas myself to help hurt others in his name. The me that once had reservations against hurting people and guilt at the harm I caused disappeared. I suppressed any dreams I had for my own future so that I could help him achieve his. There are many people that commit crimes but they are either unaware or truly believe that they are right. I am aware of the monster I have become but I choose to take a step forward anyways. For him I have killed my true self and I know that I will continue to do so.

Song Huang looked at Tian Wu who seemed to have spaced out and called out sharply to regain his attention. "Hey! Tian Wu! I am talking to you! Do you dare to ignore this prince?" Tian Wu snapped out of his daze and examined Song Huang's face with tiredness within his eyes. Song Huang realized that there was something off about Tian Wu but ultimately decided to ignore it. "We need to come up with a new plan to bring down that good brother of mine! Though he's a rogue wastrel that just plays around, he is still doted upon and has a clear grasp on the throne!" Song Huang sounds bitter and enraged. Tian Wu reaches out to grasp his hand in reassurance but Song Huang pulls his hand away. Tian Wu's hand is awkwardly hanging mid-air but he just withdraws it as if this has happened a million times before. "Your Highness, be reassured, we will come up with a useful plan. You are the rightful heir to the throne!" Tian Wu soothes the third prince. Song Huang looks mollified and appeased. "Hmph, of course I am the rightful heir! Come up with a plan for this prince and I shall reward you greatly!" Song Huang haughtily responds, but Tian Wu knows that he feels happy. Since they were young Song Huang has never been able to put down his pride. Tian Wu says a few more flattering words before excusing himself to return home. Hopefully he can come up with another plan to aid his prince.

Tian Yi is once again standing before the Emperor as he reports the progress of the manufacturing of weapons. The Emperor notices Tian Yi's fatigue and generously grants him 2 days to relax before returning to his post. Tian Yi bows in gratitude and gracefully glides out of the room. He walks absentmindedly towards Feixiang's quarters thinking about what he is in store for at night. His distractedness causes him to crash into someone and fall backwards onto the ground. As he sits stunned on the ground it takes a minute before he notices who he bumped into. Even before looking up he just hears Ni Ni.

[Oh Shit! Why does this always happen? ╭(╯^╰)╮]