Arc 2 Chapter 7

Tian Yi stepped into what was supposed to be their bedroom, however the entire roof had been removed to reveal the night sky. Instead of the normal wood flooring there was a trail lit by several lanterns clearly indicating the path he should follow. Taking firm steps Tian Yi glided down the pathway, the clear night sky and full moon made the lanterns unnecessary. Surrounded by the natural forest that used to encircle the back courtyard, the breeze blew against his face allowing his dark black hair to sway behind him. Tian Yi could see a dim light ahead and his steps were more firm in his urge to reach the light faster. A sense of anxiety and anticipation at meeting Feixiang burrowed deep under his skin.

The light grew brighter the closer he got and finally he could see the brightness that lured him. And even he who struggled to feel was breathless at the scene that greeted him. Disregarding Tian Yi, Ni Ni was speechless. In front of them was a hot spring, the edges outlined by natural stone. At regular intervals around the perimeter of the spring there were night pearls placed that illuminated the spring with it's soft glow. Tian Yi's eyes took in the glorious sight but then naturally looked across the spring and his eyes met with Feixiang's figure. Feixiang stood there in dark blue robes, with his hair simply tied up and his gaze never left Tian Yi as he greedily wanted to drink up Tian Yi's every expression.

Feixiang would have blended into the night with his dark robes but the moonlight shone on him bathing him in a glow that made his sharp features stand out. Tian Yi slowly began to walk around the spring to meet him, and with every step of his Feixiang took a step to match. They met in the middle and Feixiang very naturally reached out his hand to capture Tian Yi's hands. He intertwined their fingers and softly smiled, but despite the confidence he tried to emit his slightly sweaty palms and the nervousness in his eyes gave it all away. He was not all calm like he pretended to be. The image them facing each other, bathed in natural moonlight and looking into each other's eyes was ethereal.

The moment was silent and peaceful, but finally Feixiang took the initiative to speak. His whisper echoed through the silent surrounding as he quietly asked, " you like it?" His heart was racing as he waited for what would be either heartstopping success or a disappointing failure. For some reason he felt like this had happened before, this moment resonated within his very soul. There was a fear and anxiety that was unfamiliar but so familiar at the same time.

For the first time he saw a quiet smile in Tian Yi's eyes and his lips slightly curved at the ends. Feixiang was stunned at the sight of this first real smile, Tian Yi had never looked more radiant. For the rest of his life he would never forget the sight of this real smile contrasted against the star-studded sky surrounded by the mist of their own personal world.

Tian Yi whispered back, "I like it." Tian Yi knew exactly what like, attachment and astonishment felt like. There was no need for any explanation, it was bone deep and so natural. Tian Yi opened up his arms, for the first time initiating any form of intimacy. He wanted to be close to Feixiang and feel surrounded by his safe warmth. With infinite care and devotion Feixiang pulled Tian Yi into his arms. There was nothing sexual about this moment, it was just a scene of realization and vulnerability.

However Feixiang wanted the night to be more enjoyable and light for Tian Yi. He didn't want to stay in that deep, peaceful contemplation, because he wanted Tian Yi to experience more. Feixiang chuckled, breaking the mood and pulled Tian Yi to the side of the pool. He sat them both down and dipped his legs into the water. Tian Yi followed his example as he dipped his legs into the water and played around. He leaned against Feixiang's shoulder and his eyes were calm with no ripples. Feixiang abruptly got to his feet and removed his outer robe. He jumped into the water with a splash and laughed when the water hit Tian Yi. Tian Yi's outer robes had gotten wet so he decided to follow Feixiang's example and enter the pool.

Ni Ni realized that this touching scene was probably going to get X-rated so she just set up some cameras and got the hell out of there. Ni Ni was hella curious though. In one day Feixiang basically dismantled his courtyard, and sure this hot spring is natural but he constructed a path and embedded night pearls. Is he some kind of wizard? Ni Ni spreads out her vision to encompass the entire Crown Prince palace and bingo! She finds the special 'ability' of his. Hundreds of servants are almost passed out on the floor as they can barely feel their arms and legs. Their bodies are drenched with sweat.

Yup! Someone's happiness has got to depend on someone else's suffering. people... Ni Ni conveniently forgets that she's one of those people who bullies her underlings just for the sake of it. A total sadist.

At the spring, Tian Yi slowly slips off his outer robe. The robe brushes over his skin as it falls to pool at his feet. His red robes complemented his creamy skin almost making him look unreal. Tian Yi pulls off the wooden hairpin that held his hair up. His hair flowed down until his lower back, it rippled like a waterfall and as he dipped into the water, it spread out like a curtain on the surface of the pool. Feixiang couldn't take his eyes off of Tian Yi, his Yi-er was like a seductress. With a crook of his Yi-er's finger, he would do anything. He would give him the world. Feixiang's eyes were wide open and he didn't even blink, as if it would take away precious time that could be spent taking in the view.

Tian Yi turned towards Feixiang with a confused look on his face, as if asking him 'what are you doing?'. Feixiang shook his head to clear his mind and flashed an innocent smile at Tian Yi even though he was a wolf waiting to devour his prey. They played in the water for a while, even though if was mostly Feixiang trying to get more of a peak of Tian Yi's body. Unluckily for him, Tian Yi's hair covered him well. However he didn't have to wait for long before he got a good look at his beloved's body. Tian Yi boosted himself out of the water, and Feixiang stared at his back, watching the water cascade off of his body. Tian Yi's inner robes clung onto his figure tightly outlining his body. His hair stuck to his back and when Tian Yi turned to face him he sharply sucked in his breath.

Tian Yi's robe had slipped off of his shoulder a littler and Feixiang saw the water running down Tian Yi's clavicle. He couldn't take his eyes away as he pulled himself out of the water and strode towards Tian Yi. Tian Yi looked up at him and he could see water drip off of his Yi-er's long eyelashes. He just wanted to eat up his Yi-er so he reached for Tian Yi's robe. Tian Yi's face was red and a little flushed, he tilted his face in embarrassment making Feixiang grin. He was glad that Tian Yi wanted him too, because he would never touch an unaware Tian Yi. Touching an oblivious person who didn't know what they were consenting to was like defiling someone.

Tian Yi wanted to turn away from Feixiang's body but he also wanted to look some more. When Feixiang came out of the water he could almost physically feel all of the blood rushing to his face. Water plastered Feixiang's robe to his body and it looked transparent. His toned muscles and abs were apparent through his robes. As Tian Yi's eyes moved upwards he could see rivulets of water dripping off of Feixiang's silky black hair. Feixiang's healthy bronzed skin contrasted against his transparent white inner robe. His wet lips and dark eyes that were staring at him with searing looks just made him blush more. Tian Yi felt his throat go dry and he felt thirsty. When Feixiang reached for his robes he didn't say no, he was embarrassed but he wanted it. He could remember those times with Yixuan but he couldn't fully recall the feeling. He knew that he enjoyed it and he wanted to feel it again.

Feixiang placed a finger under his chin and tilted his face up to look into his eyes. Feixiang hoarsely asked " you want to? With me?" Tian Yi understood what he was asking but he didn't want to respond, unfortunately he knew that this stubborn man wouldn't start anything until he clearly said something. He minutely nodded and almost inaudibly said, "Yes".

Feixiang' eyes lit up with joy and hunger. He couldn't wait to pull Tian Yi under him. Just as he was about to start eating his beloved he heard a voice call out his name. Feixiang had made sure that no one could enter their place, but he had allowed his secret guards to look out at the halfway section of the path. They were explicitly ordered not to disturb unless there was an emergency. Hearing the voice calling his name his eyes flashed murderously. He had just been about to pounce. The person who called had better hide because Feixiang was already plotting different methods of torture to deal with him.

The interruption had ruined their chance and they had to leave. Feixiang pulled out some fresh, dry robes from the side of the spring. He had clearly been prepared for their escapade. They both hurriedly dressed and Feixiang held Tian Yi's hand when they walked back to their shared residence. Feixiang's irritation didn't fade away, if he found out that the reason wasn't urgent enough, he would kill whoever disturbed his time with his lover. Feixiang didn't release Tian Yi's hand even after they entered the residence, it was only when they had to enter the common room for meeting guests that he let go of Tian Yi.

Both Feixiang and Tian Yi were curious about who would come calling at such a late hour. Once they saw who their visitor was, their faces turned serious. Any irritation or curiosity drained away and all that was left was grim focus. They didn't know what was to come but they knew that it wouldn't be anything good.