Arc 2 Chapter 8

Sitting on the seat of honor reserved for the Crown Prince was the Emperor. He had a cup of tea in his hand as he agitatedly waited for his son and Tian Yi. When he noticed Feixiang and Tian Yi at the door he momentarily wanted to rise to greet them but sat back down with a thump when he realized his own position. He wearily gestured for them both to sit, even though it was his son's residence. Everything under the heavens belongs to the Emperor, the son of the heavens, and everyone easily accepted it. Tian Yi and Feixiang could see the deep creases of tiredness within the Emperor's face, his eyes were shadowed with dark circles and his body clearly exuded the worry and anxiety that he was feeling.

Feixiang tried to keep his voice soft as he enquired about his Imperial Father's condition. "Imperial Father...what's wrong? Is there something you need of this worthless son?" The Emperor gazed at his favorite child that he had doted on for so many years and realized he had grown up. Over the years he had always treated Feixiang as the child he showered with love, but somewhere along the way the boy had matured into a man. " is time for you to prove your worth to the country and protect our citizens and our homeland. The tribes have declared war, and We have decided that you will be the general leading the troops. Do not blame Us for pushing you into danger, as much as We would like to protect you, you cannot be sheltered by Us forever. The people need to know that you care and that you will save them in their time of need. We do not have much more time and you will soon be replacing Us, it is time to show the world who you are." Though he looked tired, the pride and authority engraved in the Emperor's bones would always distinguish him from the rest of the world. He was a true Emperor and he was born to rule.

Feixiang closed his eyes, trying to gather his thoughts, but at his Imperial Father's words his entire body straightened up. When he opened his eyes they were filled with conviction. "Yes Imperial Father, I receive your command." The Emperor smiled proudly at this son that he knew would achieve great things. The Emperor's eyes lost all of its warmth directed at family and haughtily faced Tian Yi. "Son of the Tian family, you have worked hard these past few months and it has yielded great results. We acknowledge your great contribution to the preparations for war. Now once again We have a mission We wish to request of you. You are allowed to refuse if you so wish, We will not command you as it will cause you to risk your life. Son of the Tian family, will you join the army's march to war and act as their tactician? There is still more to be done in training the soldiers in the use of these new weapons as well as the timing of when it should be employed. You would receive a great military commendation upon your return. We shall give you some time to think about it before you tell Us your answer."

Tian Yi boldly looked at the Emperor without permission to gauge his sincerity. All he saw was a fierce determination to win and destroy any threat against his land. Tian Yi had long decided that he would follow Feixiang anywhere, but somehow he too wanted to believe in this Emperor's cause. "No need for any time Your Majesty. I will go." Tian Yi firmly replied. The Emperor looked at him with approval and directed his next words towards them both. "You will leave in 3 days. Prepare everything you need."

The Emperor left the hall with a swish of his robe and his entire entourage followed. The full room now felt very empty with their absence. When Tian Yi met Feixiang's eyes he was surprised at the anger he saw there. "What's wrong?... Feixiang?" Feixiang looked resentful and pissed off. "I kept signalling you to say no! Why did you agree to come with the troops? Don't you realize how dangerous this is? You could DIE!!!" Feixiang's voice rose with every word until he was practically shouting. Tian Yi wasn't fazed at all by his loud voice. He was quite deadpan when he responded. "Yes, but so could you" Feixiang ran an irritated hand through his hair, "that's different!" Tian Yi remained calm and his voice never changed from its tranquil state. "Why? Why is it different?" In the heat of the moment Feixiang blurted out his true thoughts. "I'm allowed to get hurt but you're not!" Feixiang's eyes widened in shock at realizing his own true feelings. Tian Yi approached him and rubbed his back soothingly. He tugged Feixiang back into their inner room to prepare.

As he dragged Feixiang away he in return breezily tried to put into words what he felt when he thought about being left behind. "I'm not a delicate flower. I don't need you to protect me all the time. If that's what you think of me then you are very wrong. I'm a man too." Feixiang digested what he said. "It's not about whether you're a man or a woman. I care about you so how could I let you get hurt?" Tian Yi understood his worries but they were unfounded. "Then what about me? I'm not allowed to care about you? Or worry about you? You're heading to die too in case you forgot...I'm your equal don't forget that." Feixiang nodded his head and then poked Tian Yi teasingly, "So does that mean you'll protect meee?" He grinned, he expected to lighten the mood, but Tian Yi was dead serious when he replied. "Yes."

Ni Ni felt ignored on the side, but she was also slightly offended by their words.

[Hey host! What do you mean you're a man too? Yeah sure you are but are you trying to imply that women can't be badass? I'll have you know I once entered a room with 50 guys and only one gun, let's just say I was the only one who came out alive! So down look down on us bad bitches!]

Wait what? Ni Ni did you go on some killing spree? Why did you just killing a bunch of dudes?

[...Ha ha Host, I was just joking...that never happened, forget about everything I was just example about some female badassery…] Ni Ni tried to change the subject to get Tian Yi off of that topic.

[Anyways Host you're going to war right? Don't you want to upgrade your martial arts skill? You're still at a pretty low level, you'll fail your mission if you die now. You haven't completed most of it yet.]

[Wait...don't tell me you forgot about the mission! OMFG did you just get caught up in your whole romance thing?!?!?!...I should have known. Love is way too distracting.]

Ni Ni...I'm sorry Tian Yi hung his head in shame

[Nah Host, it's my fault. I should have reminded you, but there were some really fine women from the Lu family and I got a little caught up. Hey did you know that if you succeed like 5 missions I get a body? So maybe I'll actually get a chance to hit someone up! ...Damn I got distracted again]

Anyways I can't help it, I need to go to war. Well the female lead is always around the male lead, so I'm pretty sure she'll show up somehow. What happens will happen.

Noooooo I thought we got rid of that motto! It's baaaaack (╥_╥)

Feixiang poked Tian Yi to snap him out of his trance. The next 3 days flew by as they had to find appropriate gear for each of them and Tian Yi had to stock up on male clothing. Feixiang wasn't really sure if Tian Yi had any self-defense or fighting skills so he hovered like a mother hen. He finally got over it when Tian Yi fought him and dumped him on his ass. They were pretty equal in strength of Tian Yi fought dirty. By the time they gathered everything it was time to move out, so they each swung onto the horse they had previously selected. Tian Yi stood near the back of the formation and he watched how his man gloriously took control. His sharp authority and his talent in invoking battle spirit made him stand out. All of the soldiers easily submitted to him and were in awe of his dominating aura. It took Feixiang 30 minutes to gain the respect of 30,000 warriors. At his command they marched out towards the border where many would lose their lives. The soldiers left the capital and their families knowing that they may never return.

War is glorified and sung about and it is the dream of many children to become soldiers. The people often feel complacent and entitled to their safety but they forget that their peaceful lives are built on the blood and deaths of many brave men, who have chosen to sacrifice their lives for their country. The soldiers leave the gates of the capital looking strong with their backs straight and their faces stern with fighting spirit and bravery. The citizens look at these men with pride knowing that these men are fearless and will save them. But only those men know that they are trying to swallow that lump in their throats and trying hard to suppress the fear from showing on their faces. Among them who really wants to die?

They all march with Feixiang leading the way and Tian Yi guarding the rear riding fast, trying to get to the border within 3 days.

While they are marching on the side Song Huang is seething with anger, trying to plan a way to bring his brother down. He tightly grasps Tian Wu in anger, forcing him to come up with something useful.