Arc 2 Chapter 11

It took the army 2 weeks to pack up everything in preparation to return to the capital. Other than the regular sentries and soldiers who were permanently posted at the border everyone else got ready to leave. During the ride back to the capital everyone was laughing and in full cheer. They rode much faster than when they headed to the border. No one complained about the speed and in fact if they could ride faster they would. Many actually felt like riding through the night if it would get them back faster.

Sitting among the boisterous crowd, Feixiang let out a happy grin. He wished he could pull Tian Yi into his arms but he had to satisfy himself with sitting next to him. Even that was a pleasure after not being near each other for so long, he wanted to stare at Tian Yi's face and memorize every feature. Feixiang was slightly irritated that he had to be low-key because of everyone else's shit opinions. If he were a normal soldier he would have said fuck it, but he was the Crown Prince. Feixiang let out a frustrated sigh and tightly intertwined his fingers in irritation, but he calmed down when he felt Tian Yi lightly place a hand on his shoulder and rub it in consolation. Feixiang felt blessed because Tian Yi had been learning to emote more and more. He would see his smile more often even though it was barely noticeable. Now Tian Yi could actually chuckle!

During the war Feixiang saw Tian Yi's eyes dim when another dead soldier was carried out to be buried. Feixiang's heart ached when he saw Tian Yi's very faint expression of sadness and pain, but that was a feeling too. Life isn't all happiness and Feixiang was more than aware that Tian Yi would have many more struggles to come. He hadn't told Tian Yi yet, but he planned to claim the throne soon and relieve his Imperial Father of his burden. When that day comes he will formally crown Tian Yi as his Empress. Feixiang was nervous because he wasn't 100% sure that Tian Yi would agree. Feixiang had already planned out an elaborate way to propose to his lover, and his heart raced when he thought about what he planned to do hopefully a few days after returning to the capital. Feixiang knew that there were many complicated issues he would have to solve both with the ministers and with his Imperial Father about the handing over process but he was confident in his ability.

There was that time when Feixiang was known as the rogue of the capital but he had changed. Feixiang knew that before he had no ambition and no real interest in fighting for anything. Now everything had changed, he could only openly be with his beloved if he took the throne and changed the rules. He knew there would be many hurdles, but it was worth it. Not only for him but for so many others, to get the chance to live freely and openly, who wouldn't want that?

While Feixiang was lost in thought, there was another man also consumed by his own thoughts and worries. Tian Wu couldn't stop thinking about what he saw that day, and whenever he saw Tian Yi or Feixiang he would give them complicated looks. Subconsciously he seemed to want to keep Song Huang away from noticing Tian Yi and Feixiang so he would always distract him or redirect him towards a different area. At first it was discreet but after a while Tian Yi noticed the complicated looks and his weird actions.

Ni Ni, what's going on? What's wrong with Tian Wu?

[He saw you and your man making out]

Oh so is he planning to rat us out or ruin us or something?

[ He's trying to keep Song Huang away from you guys to stop him from figuring it out. I have to admit I never thought he would ever be decent in any way, but I seem to be getting things wrong more often these days.]

Why though?

[I guess he had this spiritual realization or something. He has become hella tired of his life and I guess he wants to help you out one last time after being a total dick to you. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I feel touched.]

… Really?

[Yeah I think he must have found Budha or something. Ahhh more people should find Budha.]

… I feel like this went way off topic.

Tian Yi decided to forget it, anyways it's good for him. It was getting darker so Tian Yi headed to his tent. Feixiang used the excuse of saving resources and planning with the strategist to legitimately share a tent with him.

[His ability to bullshit with a straight face gives him approval points from my book. I'm liking this guy more and more. If I had a body we could've gone out for a drink sometime and discussed interesting mutual hobbies]

Like what?


What was that?

[I meant crustacean. You know! I think we would both enjoy some seafood!]

We're in a landlocked nation, I don't think Feixiang has ever eaten seafood in his life.

[Yeah but he'd probably enjoy it! I could introduce him to the pleasures of seafood!]

Tian Yi looked at her suspiciously but decided to believe her. Tian Yi wiped the invisible sweat off her brow. Why is Host getting smarter? I think I liked him better during his clueless days!

After some fast travel the army reached the gates of the capital. As the gates opened the cheers of the people could be heard. People threw flowers at them and women tried to throw silk purses at the 'heroic' men that caught their eye. However many many many many flirtatious glances were thrown towards the Crown Prince, but they were sensible enough not to provoke him. Song Huang also received his fair share of appreciative looks from the maidens. Song Huang was a very handsome fellow, he just slightly paled when compared to Feixiang's wild and unrestrained masculine hormones. Song Huang was more restrained, but he was definitely eye candy. Tian Wu was feeling a little bitter about the looks he received. Even though he knew that Song Huang wasn't a lecherous person, it was the truth that every girl here had a better chance with Song Huang than he did. Even a laundry maid or sweeper had a better chance than he did. But Tian Wu's thoughts calmed more easily. Does this mean that he's starting to let go? Tian Wu was a little hopeful that maybe he would be able to release himself from this cycle of torture.

The procession wound through the capital towards the palace. It was for the capital to see their saviors after which the Emperor would reward them for their meritorious service. As they passed the homes of the officials, Tian Mei stood outside frantically searching among the faces for the one that dominated her dreams. When she found the Crown Prince amongst the sea of soldiers her face morphed from anxiety to relief. She had been praying for his safe return. Now that he was back, they could finally meet and begin their future together. It was time to enter the palace and show the prince that they were fated to be together, she would reform him and they would rule the country together. She would have his ultimate love and fidelity and she would be the Mother of the Nation.

Ni Ni could feel the disgusting stare and she shuddered. It was like a disgusting tar or slime coating her skin. Just those sickly sweet, delusional thoughts made her want to hurl. How did she already dream up to becoming his Empress.

[Host, you better keep a tight eye on your man. Remember I told you to unsheathe your claws? The cat fight is about to begin. Your good sister, Tian Mei has already zoned in on your Hubby. That girl is seriously delusional so she might do something crazy. Keep an eye out for her tricks!]

Wait why is it a cat fight?

[Well I thought you were more aloof like a cat, you know like not all emotional. Oh do you want her to be a dog? Like a dog with rabies? Maybe we should call it a dog-cat fight?]

We're getting off topic.

[Oh right, anyways she's heading to the palace right now, and I think she's planning one of those cliche, unexpected meeting things. You know...where they're like, 'oh I didn't expect to see you here!' cue random sprained ankle, just so she can be carried in his 'handsome muscled arms' ….ugh gag]


[I'm out...I can't handle this]

After the looooong procession everyone made it to the grand palace hall. There was a complicated ceremony and a grand speech by the Emperor. People got commendations, awards and other awesome stuff, but Feixiang was just itching to pull Tian Yi out of there. Once all of the formalities were over and the army was dismissed the Emperor called Feixiang over. Tian Yi left to wait at their residence while Feixiang met his Imperial Father. Feixiang practically ran to see his parents so that he could get it over with and go back to Tian Yi, however when he met them his footsteps slowed.

His Imperial Father and Mother were waiting for him in their personal quarters. They dismissed all of the servants so that they would be alone. His parents shed their image and status as the pulled him into a tight embrace. His mother frantically looked him over to see if he was injured anywhere. His father held his hands tightly and looked so relieved that he was in one piece. No matter how highly they were regarded, or how much authority they had, in front of their beloved child they were just normal parents. Feixiang's eyes softened at the sight of their worry and relief. His Imperial Mother had always had to act with dignity in public and his Father even more so, but nobody knew how they were in private.

When he was younger his Mother used to finger paint with him and let him make a mess. While she had to teach him the etiquette that he would have to abide by, in private they would always make mischief together. Surprisingly it was his mother who taught him to skip stones in the water and hide in the Imperial garden. His Imperial Father, the Emperor of all under the Heaven, used to give him piggyback rides and taught him how to scale walls and climb trees. However now his mother's gorgeous and carefree no longer rang through the palace halls, his father's mischievous teasing of his mother and secret messages with him no longer appeared. Their faces had slightly aged, and his parent's hair had strands of white. It was time to relieve his Father of the stress he should no longer have to face. Feixiang hoped that they could spend their twilight years in peace.

Feixiang gave his parents a bright smile and reassured them that he was perfectly fine. He tightly hugged them both, soaking in their warmth and love. He cheekily grabbed his Mother's hand and gave it a kiss telling her that she was beautiful and that she should wait for his proposal. He snuck a look at his Father and saw him pout, ready to push his rascal son away from his beloved wife. He then hugged his Father tightly and whispered into his ears that if he spend more time with Mother and take care of her, he would run away with her and find her a better man, and he ran before his Father could catch him. He could hear his father yelling at the brat, Feixiang, to come back and that if he caught him he would get a real beating. Feixiang laughed as he left their quarters, it was only after he noticed the maids and eunuchs that he reinstated his regal appearance.

As Feixiang took a shortcut to his palace through the gardens he bumped into a maiden. She fell back onto the ground and looked up at him with teary eyes that complained of pain. She had a doll face and would be considered conventionally beautiful but he didn't notice. Feixiang apologized for hurting her and turned to leave. Tian Mei had expected him to help her up, but seeing him turn to leave she let out a pitiful whimper of pain. When Feixiang turned back to look at her, he saw her pitifully holding her ankle as though it was hurt. Who was Feixiang? Of course he saw through her act in a second, but he knew he couldn't be rude. However Tian Mei really underestimated him by expecting him to be conventional. Feixiang just gestured for the maids and eunuchs to help her find a physician, and left without a second glance.

Tian Mei grit her teeth in annoyance but once she saw people around her, her expression smoothed back into its signature Holy Mother look. None of them noticed that Song Huang was walking past at that exact moment and saw the entire incident. Tian Wu was walking in front of him so didn't know anything until he realized Song Huang wasn't beside him. When he turned back, Song Huang was standing a few feet behind him looking towards the palace side garden. He walked back and searched for what Song Huang found so interesting. By that time the Crown Prince had already left and there was only his sister Tian Mei standing there, supported by a couple maids. "What's wrong your Highness? Is there something you need with my sister?" Song Huang turned to him in surprise, "You know her?" Tian Wu was both confused and suspicious about his interest. "Yes she's my older sister Tian Mei."

Tian Wu wondered if Song Huang had been enchanted by his sister. If that were the case then he could only laugh realizing that he was the most pathetic fool in the end, after all the man that he had loved for more than 10 years, loved his sister. What was more pathetic than that?

Song Huang however was thinking something completely different. He too had grown up in the palace, how could he not recognize that the girl was trying to hook his Imperial Brother. His only thought was, could he use her to his benefit? Maybe they could both come to a mutual understanding.

Both immersed in their own worlds, they walked back to Song Huang's palace.