Arc 2 Chapter 12

When Feixiang walked back to his quarters he couldn't wait to get some real alone time with Tian Yi. He hadn't been able to properly speak, touch or even see his man for months. However when he entered their room he saw Tian Yi dozing off on the bed. He had fallen asleep while waiting for Feixiang to return. Tian Yi had been sitting on the bed with his legs hanging over the side of of the bed, but now his upper body was slumped over to one side while he was still maintaining his seating position. It looked very uncomfortable and it was obvious that no one could sleep in that position unless they were incomparably exhausted. Feixiang helplessly gazed at the man who couldn't properly take care of himself. Feixiang approached the bed and lifted Tian Yi's legs onto the bed. He turned Tian Yi so that he was lying on his back, and then covered him with a blanket, ensuring that he was comfortable. Tian Yi didn't even stir at having his limbs maneuvered around.

Realizing that Tian Yi must have been drained from the months of hyper attentiveness and stress, he decided to just let Tian Yi sleep for however long he needed. Feixiang stepped out of the room and stood on the path that led to the hot springs that he had specially remodelled just for Tian Yi. He remembered how hard he pushed the workers to complete it by night. He employed more than a thousand workers and oversaw the entire process to make sure everything was perfect. Now that he thinks back, it was such a nerve wracking moment. If Tian Yi didn't like it, everything would have been for nothing.

Feixiang thoughtfully looks forward and thinks about how he wants Tian Yi to stand by his side forever. Now he just needs to bind Tian Yi to his side forever. He needs to propose...Feixiang's palms are sweaty just thinking about how to go about proposing to him. What if Tian Yi says no? What if he thinks that being with Royalty is too much stress? What if I'm not as important to him as he is to me? We only said we would try, we never made any promises about forever. This path will be a hard one, there will be so many hardships and we will face a lot of opposition. It could get dangerous. Can I really put him through that? Can I really bear to expose him to danger? Can I be so selfish?

Feixiang looked distressed and confused. His hands clenched and unclenched at his side, but his face remained expressionless. No matter how messed up he felt inside, he would never break the Royal facade. Never let anyone find your weakness, never let anyone see your emotions. Feixiang was very clear that he could never fully trust the people by his side, humans were so fickle, their hearts could change at any time. Feixiang ridiculed himself for becoming so emotional. He had never believed that any emotion could be forever, even love. He always knew that his parents were one in a million, he knew that he would have a political marriage with no feelings. However now everything had changed.

Feixiang decided he would propose to Tian Yi anyways. He wouldn't be so hypocritical and make the decision for him. He would tell it like it is and Tian Yi could make the decision about his own life. How could he say that he loved Tian Yi if he didn't even trust him to make his own decisions? Feixiang wanted to give this a shot, his emotions for Tian Yi weren't temporary or fickle so Feixiang wanted a chance at forever.

Feixiang relaxed and headed back into the room where Tian Yi was still sleeping. Tian Yi looked so defenseless, his arms were splayed outwards and his mouth was slightly open. He seemed so relaxed and comfortable, so Feixiang decided to join him. Feixiang removed his outer robes and laid next to Tian Yi. His eyes softened as he watched Tian Yi's cute, innocent sleeping face, and he drifted off with his eyes still on Tian Yi.

Ni Ni sat cross-legged as she observed the whole situation. Seeing Feixiang's nervousness and conviction she had mixed feelings. She could relate with the butterflies in the stomach feeling. How many times had she stood nervously waiting to give Ru Ru a surprise. The clammy palms, trembling hands and shuffling feet were so common that even now her body remembers those feelings so acutely. After a millenia Ru Ru's face is still permanently etched into her mind. Everyday she fears that she might forget Ru Ru's face, but it never fades. Everytime she closes her eyes Ru Ru's smile and mischievous eyes come to mind. Maybe I'm like Tian Wu...I just can't let go. Everytime I see a woman I search her face for any resemblance to my Ru Ru. It might be a relief and reprieve to forget Ru Ru and move on, but her heart stubbornly clings to the memories and years of feelings between them. Even when Ni Ni tries to appreciate other beautiful women, Ru Ru's image overlays their faces. Host I'm jealous of your love…

While Tian Yi and Feixiang were resting Song Huang left the palace in disguise. Song Huang walked into a teahouse clearly meant for the affluent families in the capital. It was decorated tastefully with ornate lamps placed appropriately above every window and spaced out to provide lighting for all of the patrons as soon as dusk arrived. Comfortable couches surrounded each table and the center of the table held an intricately designed incense burner. In front of the burner a small wooden box carved with lilies and peach blossoms held different scents of incense. Each patron could select the mild fragrance they wished to burn during their meal. The common people could only look on in envy and even a single stick of incense from the teahouse would cost more than what their family could earn in a year.

Song Huang entered the teahouse and requested a table in corner for some privacy. His features were hidden by a veil, but the hostess could tell that this man was powerful by the way he conducted himself. She led him to a table near the back of the teahouse, it was by a window so he could look out into the town. Song Huang nodded in satisfaction and sat waiting for his companion. Song Huang stared out of the window immersed in his own world as he planned out various scenarios to defeat his Older Brother.

Soon a figure caught his attention from outside the window. It was a woman wearing a veil, her grace and composed actions told everyone that she was a daughter from an affluent family. Song Huang's lips curled into a slight smirk, the person he was waiting for had arrived. Just as he expected a woman approached his table and stood beside it. She probably expected him to rise and help her to her seat, but who was he? He was Song Huang, the third prince, he was royalty and he would never rise to respect a mere subject. It was beneath his station...even his Older Brother, for all of his supposedly friendly attitude, would not lower his status. The atmosphere became momentarily awkward but Song Huang's attendant quickly swooped in to salvage the situation. His attendant helped the woman to her seat. After the woman took her seat she looked around to confirm that no one was around and then raised her veil.

Tian Mei's fair countenance exposed itself from beneath the veil. Her skin looked so soft and smooth, and her eyes were shimmering with a slight wetness that made her seem like a cute and helpless small animal. Any man could have fallen for her charms, but Song Huang was no ordinary man. What tricks hadn't he seen in the palace? But he appreciated her talent as it would help this cooperation if she agreed to work with him. Song Huang did not remove his veil, he didn't want her to know who she was working with. He would not let anyone grasp even a tiny bit of weakness.

The atmosphere stagnated into silence once more so Tian Mei pulled down her veil once more to call a hostess over to place an order for some soothing chamomile tea. She glanced towards the man to see if he would react to deny her order but he said nothing. Once the hostess brought the tea over and left, Tian Mei once again removed her veil. She realized that the man had no real opinion about her tastes, so she placed an incense into the brazier and it released a mildly sweet smell. Throughout this process Song Huang hadn't said a word. After pouring them both a cup of tea and taking a sip, Tian Mei finally broke the silence. "Sir may I ask your identity and why you requested this meeting?" Her voice was soft and lilting, trying to elicit a protective feeling and his manly desires, but Song Huang was unmoved. Song Huang opened his mouth for the first time and spoke. "I have called you here to ask if you were interested in a mutual cooperation. I know that you harbor affections for the Crown Prince, but whatever wiles you try you will fail to arouse his interest. If you work with me, I can help you become his woman." Song Huang deepened his voice so that she wouldn't recognize him.

Tian Mei bit her plump cherry lips in contemplation and her eyes flitted from side to side as she considered his proposal. She was a little suspicious so she eyed him warily. "What do you get out of this deal" Her voice change to become a little pouty. She clearly hadn't given up trying to capture his subservience through her seductive tricks. She couldn't read his expression as he was still concealed by his veil. "I have some business with the woman at his side," Song Huang lied flawlessly. Tian Mei's suspicious expression lightened somewhat as she started to believe him. However she still felt like she needed some insurance. "Why won't you reveal your face? How can I trust you? What if you're trying to deceive me?" Song Huang thought to himself At least she isn't a complete idiot. "I'll give you some information for free first, then you can decide if you wish to cooperate. The Crown Prince leaves the palace in disguise every Thursday dressed as an imperial guard to observe the lives of the common people. He leaves from the East Gate, so if you stand at that part of the town you will run into him. If you decide to work with me, meet me here at the same time next week." Song Huang is clearly dismissing her, so she gives him one more deep look before wearing the veil and leaving unwillingly. Song Huang sat there for a little while longer enjoying his tea, and then he left a few coins at the table and he too left.

However both Tian Mei and Song Huang hadn't realized that they were being watched from someone below. There was a famous eatery across from the teahouse and a man blankly stared out of the window at the place Tian Mei and Song Huang had been sitting. Tian Wu was slightly dazed at seeing his sister sitting across from a man at a teahouse. While the man was veiled Tian Wu would recognize him anywhere. Song Huang and Tian Mei were secretly meeting up and the Third Prince didn't even tell him. Tian Wu's stomach churned and he stared down at the table in front of him to hide his eyes heating up from a mix of emotions. Tian Wu took a deep breath and pushed down all of the overwhelming emotions. He decided to try and think it through rationally without letting his feeling cloud his reasoning. He had known Song Huang since childhood and knew that he wasn't the type to fall in love at first sight. The Song Huang he loved was a cynical and controlled man. He would never lose to his emotions when seeking power, so there had to be something else going on here.

Tian Wu's eyes firmed up with determination as he decided to find out what was really going on. Tian Wu paid the tab and walked out of the eatery heading towards the direction he had seen Song Huang go.