Trazayuya’s Maze

After my nice time with Dryad I went on my way to explore this Maze it's special and fantastical after all I am gonna make Zen give me administration privileges so I can come by to play all the time. The first 50 floors of the maze consists of 80 interchanging parts it's rather interesting.

If you stay at the connections long enough the floor in front of you goes either to one of the sides or up and down, watching it is really strange you feel like your world becomes just an illusion. There is a representation of every weather condition in this maze.

There is a desert it's slightly hotter than the other rooms, a jungle, a snowy tundra, mountain-like terrain, grassy plains, and even cave-like places. It's really like a fantasy even though the places all are in the same place some kind of magic keeps them in their condition maybe it's a unique skill of Trazayuya the readers of the original don't yet know about.

But I really have to thank him at some point making such an amazing place like a complete fantasy world all on its own is amazing and it is meant to teach people self-defense against monsters. It has the monsters in it that you would normally expect in a jungle or in a desert and it's amazing it prepares you for any possible scenario.

Monsters that where found in the desert are Leoparigos, Highyenas, Hellscorpion, and Sandamander. In the snowy tundra where Snowwolves, Great White Bears, and Nightmare Owls. The jungle had Black Panthers, Sonic Birds, and some insect type monsters.

It's really a big mix of everything you could even find material mostly only accessible in such places normally like unique herbs and special wood also some earth crystals like fire and water crystals they're used to make military staffs for magic use.

It's amazing how easy these things are made for fun I tried working on some Staffs while exploring and I was able to finish one for each element. Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Ice, Lightning, Light, and Darkness other elements are considered unique or special making it harder finding the corresponding crystals.

After looking around for 5 hours I reach the 50th floor there is a golem and number 7 waiting for me also three other units but they are of no concern to me. I am looking at number 7 she is giving the speech she also gives in the original. It's really nice seeing her she has few signs of emotion on her face, it's still more than with the other units in the room.

After she finished her speech I destroy the golem. She tells her three sisters to retreat while she starts to get my attention. It's rather easy for her to get my attention clothes don't really hide her big breasts, they are jiggling around in all directions. It grabs my attention she feels proud thinking her attack makes me concentrate on her.

She is really a sweet angel I knock her out. I put her in a separate space a grassy plain I created and go on my way further through the Maze. Now that I am in the section between floor 50 and 100 where Zen is am looking around again. The maze has the same configuration as before 80 moving parts on 50 floors it's amazing again how many strange things I can see here.

For example, a room filled completely with plant type monsters including even the famous tentacles plant monster. Surprisingly or unsurprisingly it's the strongest monster in the entire maze. Strangely it has the unique skills tentacles transformation, and monster transformation. Its race actually shows human, 8 years old and male it could actually be a reincarnated individual.

It's strange how most reincarnated people have either protection, support, fighting, money making, and sexual type of unique skills. Few have taken unique skills making them able to manage a lot of people like Mito's Friendship skill from the original. It would make it so easy getting money by managing a lot of people who are working for you or with you.

Well the level of that person is 43 and he has Murder, Child Abuse and Rap* in his reward and punishment. So I didn't bother that much with him taking his unique skills and killing him on the spot. Killing a child didn't sit well with me thankfully my system showed his actual age as 45 years.

So I knew what I did wasn't wrong, especially considering that guys skill choices. Considering those, I realized if I take unique skills I already have they get elevated getting a strength boost. Seems like the words Demon God said about cultivated powers in the newest chapters in the original were true they are actually stronger than my uncultivated powers are right now.

And they give me a nice boost considering my sexual ability. I most likely won't use them on anyone besides the 110 slaves I bought or the guards/maids I created but realizing the indispensability of training my unique and special skills I created an isolated world to train in.

Just consider it like a different dimension like Asora from Tsuki ga michibiku isekai. It is connected to me so it exists as long as I do. Now that I consider it I could create my own world to rule within it but that's certainly for later when I start to need divinity. I could create some races that pray to me giving my divine type skills a boost. Also, it's like my own personal realm nothing can interact with unless I allow it.

I may have asked for all skills including perfect mastery so it's easy doing everything but it seems only to be the cause if I actually use the skills that they give me the mastery. I realized that the skills only become second nature after training with then making it actually necessary to have a time of day I would train within Asora I came to that conclusion when I reached the final room where Zen was already waiting for me.

I am really thinking about how Zen's skills will influence the growth of my other skills. I walk in through a big archway and I am now standing face to face with Zen the homunculus girls lining up on both his sides.