
Those who say they're normal usually tend to be the opposite. No matter how the world is, people are always at the bottom; ones who are magic. They're known as Shires, but they aren't supposed to be alive.

Long ago the witches, wizards, and warlocks scattered across the globe. Centuries back there was a bloody battle that almost destroyed the world. An evil presence cursed the Shire lands, getting rid of everyone's beloved magic. But with every spell there's a consequence; the presence that casted the spell could only cast it for 700 years.

Scattered in the past from generations the now classified humans have forgotten what they actually are. 300 years ago from my generation these Shires started reappearing out of nowhere... powerful entities of a core elements cracked through these poor people. Some say that their eyes turn different colors when starting their transformation. How are these transformations occurring, well they are triggered by emotion.

Few of the population turning into dangerous Shires, while the rest of the population's caused to panic in fear of their lives. In 3000 Harper Gelshimo set a law to exacute all shires. The people of magic didn't like this, as some fled for their lives, and others stood their ground.

The battle of KaDoom blazed over the ones that stayed. Unfortunately they lost to the non-magic's technology. The survivors of the battle were immediately executed; even the children.

Thousands of Shires surround the outside of the walls in the town I live in; Celstar. With their numbers increasing outside, the inside humans panick in fear of them attacking.

Many shires who are late bloomers for the cursed blood line are now appearing in my generation. My bestfriend was a shire, but before I could save her the Magic Regulations Office Exterminators got her. Once discovered as a Shire, the government will try to kill you.

Sorry got of track... I forgot to introduce myself to you. How's it hanging Coolios, the names Zima... Zima Shima (Also you can remember it because it rhymes). I'll be kind and give an image to myself. Ugly from head to toe this human has brown awkward looking hair, ice cold eyes that could freeze anyone who wants to mess with me. A layer of dancing freckles singing on my pale skin. Most say I'm tall and skinny, but I think 6' isn't that tall as they exaggerate it.