Cold melts over my body sleeping soundly, as my frozen eyes awaken. Sudden headaches pound pain to me. Touching the soft skin on the top of my forehead, the pain disappears. I turn to my left; displaying a disappointing face from the lack of snow. "Ughhh! Now I have to go to school!" thoughts cloud over in disbelief.
Looking down at the phone tucked in the blanket; reading 10:59. Jumping to my feet, I panick towards a brown-tall-wooden door in front of me. Touching the head of the door knob I quickly turn it, and burst through.
surrounding me in clothes I grab the first acceptably trendy outfit in society I could find.
Having blue-Jeans with little tiny rips near the knees, a white half-length sweatshirt, and a dark plumb colored tshirt; in my hands I rush with the clothes into the bathroom to change.
Being 10min later I run through the dark-empty halls toward the spiralling stairs with wooden steps, and tile bases. Making my way down the shakey steps I enter a spacious open floor plan with a kitchen across the living room. Tip-toeing to the kitchen; I reach inside a silver-rectangular shaped refrigerator.
Holding a leather lunchbox, I start packing it with leftovers from yesterday's meal. Glancing down toward the phone on the counter next to me; my heart stops. "11:30, I'm so late to highschool!" With the lunch box in my hand I run for my school bags, and head out the tall heavy door.
In front of me parks a White convertible; stumbling for my keys, I unlock it. Reaching for the car door I pull it up and slide into the car. Shifting the gear out of park, I back out of the driveway.
Few minutes pass as I'm sneaking my car into the large-gray parking lot revolving around the gigantic-brick highschool. Turning a corner I drive straight; cars parked all the way down the lot with small spaces in between. About half way I tuned into the narrow parking space.
Stopped; I shift the stick to park. A loud noise of gears changing rings over the car. I reach for the side of the cars door. Pulling it open I step out one foot at a time.
Getting out of the car; A warm embrace of sun greats me as I swirl around breathing fresh air. Realizing I have school, I start jumping over to the back of the car. On the back a handle to lift the trunk.
I quickly pop the trunk open. Reaching for a small bag and a few other crazy colored school bags for certain obserd classes.
After walking a few long minutes I finally reach the ginormous-bricked- High school. With my heart pounding the speed of light; I enter through the tall-spacious-glass doors.
Turning the handle I enter. "Zima! You're late again! Goodness gracious child..." Behind a glass door to the side of me is the front office; a short and stubby lady with blonde hair racing down her back. Glaring at me with her violet eyes, cracking a giant laugh.
I turn side ways to walk through the door to the front office, "Sorry Mrs. Adams, but I live by myself. My parents went out of town without any warning and I was left with nothing. I'm 14 in drivers Ed. What I'm trying to say is I'm trying... really." I stutter. "Zima everything is fine I'm used to it by now, but try to be on time tomorrow." she smiles. "Ok Thank you Mrs. Adams." I grin back.
Mrs. Adams moves her hand down to her desk and grabs a green neon piece of paper and starts to write onto it. Finally finishing she brings her hand up to the top of her desk, then to me. Shaking my hand reaches for it, and I rush for the door professionally, and composed.
Walking into the middle of the school a giant statue greets me. Molded into a Bobcat like creature of stone. Avoiding the statue, I turn left down an open space hallway. Doors of staff line all the way down until anouther intersection of others halls. Reaching for the right of the intersection I reach the freshman classes. A door in the middle of the hall read " room 201".
Stiff with nerves I open up the class room door. Walking in through the door, eyes stared like fire covering my entire body. "Zima you're late... take a seat and I'll write you a detention slip." Coldly the rounder looking teacher glares with her vicious brown eyes. "I have a tardy slip, so I'm excused." quickly I reply to avoid a detention slip. "Oh in that case have a sweet next to Caden." The teacher reply curling her brown hair around her fingers.
Walking to the far back of the class; A boy with blonde shiny hair sits. With the empty seat next to him, I sit down right beside him. "Caden! Baby, sit at my table at lunch!" A girl with red-long-shimmering hair calls across the classroom. "Yo, now's not the time to ask that, but sure." he replies nervously.
Resting my head on my arm, Caden's ocean eyes stare at me, different shades of teal singing across the iris. In a trance Caden kept staring; slowly I could hear kids around me talking this situation.
"Smmmmaaaaak!" My head shifts to the right. I was just slapped, but by who? turning my head I see the same girl before. Anger swelling up in her green eyes. Realizing what she just did she flicked her red locks back showing attitude. I lift up out of my wooden chair, sliding the chair out from underneath the desk.
In eye contact with the wrench; well almost eye contact. I'm 6' 2", and she on the other hand is 5' 5". Raising my hand to hit her back; the teacher barges in to see me three-seconds away from slapping the life out of her. "Zima detention right now!" Shouting across the large spacios classroom the teacher rages. "She slapped me first! Why do I get punished? It's not fair... she started it!" I argue in protest of my innocence.
"Heather, did you slap Zima?" the teacher cocks and eyebrow and glances to her. Panicked Heather stumbles "No! She's lying... a witch is what she is! She slapped me for no reason, you can't trust her!", "Well, Zima looks like you were lying, follow me to detention" reaching for my hand the coldblooded teacher grips my wrist as tight as she could dragging me out of the brown rectangular door frame.
Dragging down the hall she pulls faster and faster. Turning right she reaches the third door on the left wall. Using her boney hands she creaks the door open. Pulling me to an empty desk; I sit down...