Happiness Vilage and Port Natalia Tour

They reached Happiness Village, so they came down from Diane's back and got around the village.

Girl: We managed to repulse the invaders with the Harpies' help. And at last, peace has come to this village… Also, even some angels have settled here. As long as they aren't violent, I don't really mind.

Marco: Neat...

Pipi: They broke some beehives… A lot of bees escaped.

Woman: But as long as our family is safe, that's all I could ask for. I'm so happy…

Piana: Hero… Thanks to you, our village was protected. We are truly grateful to you…

Marco: ...And your husband? The woman said "our" family, so it means that a man should be with you.

Piana: ...Eh? Our husband? He died in the assault.

Marco: Well, he did his best and we won, even if he would like to be still alive to enjoy it, he could give the middle finger to Ilias and telling her that we won in the otherworld.

Piana: ...

Young woman: All 17 of us in our family fought as one in the battle. And in the battle, our bond deepened… And as soon as peace came, we got back to some good old family bickering.

Girl: I was really scared, but I was cheering with Pim from behind!

Harpy Girl: We kept everyone healthy with the Harpy Dance! I hope we were useful…

Young boy: …

Young harpy girl: …

They aren't looking at each other anymore… Why are we even watching it? Next.

Deputy Chief: ...The village mayor? Why, that's the Queen Harpy, of course.

Marco: And you?

Deputy Chief: Me? I'm just an old man…

Harpy Girl: That's right, honey. Hehe, forget all of your worries tonight again with me.

Deputy Chief: Ohhh ho ho ho.

Marco: ...Do I really need to do the world tour?

Alice: Yes.

Marco: *Sigh*

There was a man buried in the ground…

Young man: Piana… Forgive me… I won't flirt with the angels anymore! Urhg… Someone… Help me… Piana! Pipi! Forgive meeee!!!

Marco: ...Well, we found the dead husband…

Man: The Harpies and Angels are both scrambling for men to marry. Oooh… It's even worse than the surprise attack…

The three angels Marco sealed here were talking to each other…

Trinity: Who should we crucify with pleasure today?

Harpy: I… I won't lose to some angel! Us Harpies will learn new tricks too!

Young woman: We won't lose either! Never underestimate the human spirit!

Marco: ...Sometimes I wonder… Did I do a right decision for choosing coexistence? Then I realize that true peace would be achieved when no one is in the world…

Alice: Oi! Out from the dark thoughts!

Marco: About dark… Do you know why the semen came from Ilias Continent to Sentora?

Alice: ...I'm intrigued…

Marco: Because I wore the wrong sock.

Alice: Ugh…

Alice closed her eyes in disgust and backed away.

Pii: I fought with everyone, too. But whenever I got scared, I played dead…

Pina: All the arrows you shot hit an ally. Pii was quite annoying…

Marco: 'That's a little oof over there…'

Lucretia: Hero… No, Villain Marco… Thanks to you, the world has been saved. Of course, everyone else in the village is grateful as well.

Marco: Don't mind it, everything is done here, as I can see…

Lucretia: So humble…

Marco: I don't have cookies.

Lucretia: So evil…

She was on the ground with her head casted downwards… Then she stood up and faked some coughs.

Lucretia: *Ahem* ...If not for you, victory never would have come about. As Queen of the Harpies, I thank you deeply. As thanks, would you accept th-

Marco: Money?

Lucretia: ...We could give you 500 gold coins…

Marco: That's enough, I don't want to get your "Special" hospitality, I'm not dumb.

Lucretia: ...You are right… Sorry for trying that trick…

Marco: Yeah, but you got into my trick. *Chomp*

Lucretia looked at Marco and noticed that he was eating a cookie.

Lucretia: Y-You had one?!

Marco: I have a bag full of it, and since you tried to trick me into having sex with you, there's no cookie for you.

Lucretia: Noooooooooo!!!

Meanwhile, Marco and Alice left from the village, they hopped onto Diane and left, heading to Sentora, more precisely at Port Natalia, while he passed over the port, he found his old ship and used the power of water to crush it with a water hammer.

No one should know about the engine…

Then they hopped off from Diane and entered Port Natalia.

Young Man: Our bond is eternal, Honey!

Mermaid: Oooh Darling, I love you forever!

Marco: ...Let's leave immediately…

Man: The mermaids following the Queen Mermaid settled down here, too. On the surface, the men here hesitated… But deep down, we were all jumping for joy.

The women aren't very receptive, of course… It's true they attacked the village once… But they reformed, and helped defend it the second time.

Marco: That's good.

Alice: Yeah, I told you everyone now is living peaceful after the stunt you pulled.

Young woman: After the decisive battle was won, more mermaids came here to settle down. I'm not a racist, but…

Marco: Don't worry, I am racist. (AN: Don't worry, I am not, I just like dark humor.)

Alice: You are?

Marco: Not against monsters…

Alice: And against what, then?

Marco: Something "Before"... 'Now that I noticed, here I saw only asian people and white people, there was no black people… Meh, it's different world thing…'

Alice: Oh…

Young Woman: Whatever… Now there's going to be a lot of competition for men…

Soldier: Should I retire from being a soldier, and settle down here? I want to take a mermaid wife, and take it easy…

Marco: Then do it, no one's going to stop you and the war ended, the only thing one should fight for is for hunt food or defending from wild monsters, if there's any… I don't know.

Soldier: Oh, there are some.

Mermaid: Mermaids under the direct control of the Queen mermaid are living here now. But the Queen herself is living in a palace a little ways away… Still, she has accepted humans and mermaids living together… I'm so happy!

Marco: 'I honestly don't give a fuck…'

Alice: 'I can see he doesn't give a fuck…'

Mermaid General: Hero Marco… I apologize for my actions before. I've taken the role of Guard Captain for this town, now. The humans here are actually quite kind. I truly lament the fact that I once tried to destroy this town…

Young Mermaid: I made friends with El!

El: Hey, hey! What should we play next!?

Mermaid Merchant: Neither the Fried Sea Slug or Fried Starfish sold at all… Even my secret item, Best Best Manju Crab didn't sell at all.

Marco: ...What the fuck is a Manju Crab? No, why are you even continuing cooking with this shit?

Mermaid Merchant: I'm out of ideas now… So now I'm selling myself!

Marco: Good luck with prostitution, at least you can get more money…

Mermaid Merchant: No! I'm trying to sell my personality so someone will take me as a bride! Why would I prostitute?!

Marco: Why would you phrase it that way?

Mermaid Merchant: ...You are right…

Weapon Shopkeeper: Since then, the Queen Mermaid and her group have moved in. Those mermaid blacksmiths under the Queen are quite good. I can't match their quality, and I never had great sales during peacetime anyway…

I think I'll have to look into opening up a different kind of shop.

Tool Shopkeeper: I've done it! I've created Mermaid Knee Socks! ...But it doesn't look that sexy. It sort of just looks like a tight fin bag. And if it isn't sexy, there is no meaning to its existence.

Marco: There is a reason no one attempted to create a Knee Sock for mermaids, it just can't be done in a good way that doesn't look like a bag where to puke or put food for meal.

Alice: ......Damn pervert.

In a church…

Mermaid Priest: Heelllooooo! Welcome, welcome! If you have something to confess, Lord Yahweh will listen!

Alice: Pffft…

Priest: After Ilias fell, I looked for something new for my church. And when I heard about the 10 commandments and what Yahweh did, I was surprised and quickly made a church for him! He saved all of us by giving his blessing to the hero who defeated Ilias! Is it true, Hero Marco!?

Marco: …

A boy walked in the church and kneeled in front of the Mermaid priest.

Boy: I… I'll confess… I've been feeling strange in my lower body whenever I look at the mermaids…

Mermaid Priest: Then let me just fix that for you…

Marco: ...Oh God…

Alice: Hehe…

They entered in the Mermaid Pub, and were welcomed from the Mermaids.

Mermaid 1: We're having out grand re-opening! We've got new employees, too! A complete revival!

Mermaid 2: Hehe… It's nice to meet you, Mr. Hero. As thanks for saving the world… I'd love to give you some extra friendly service…

Marco: No, the adventures of the Crimson Fucker is ended, I'm not getting drunk alone anymore…

Alice: Hmm?

Marco: Not alone…

Alice: Oh…

Mermaid 2: M… Monster Lord! It was just a joke…! Forgive me, I'd never intend to take away your husband. Please, make it quick if you have to!

Alice: Come on, don't be so scared! But why are these strange rumors spreading all over the place!?

Meia: Thank you, Hero! You've helped me out so much…

Marco: Pfft, it was nothing… 'I already got my reward the first time and when I took out the mermaid it was only a coincidence…'

Meia: I really must thank you, no matter what. So… If you would like, why not enjoy my mou-

Marco: No.

Meia: Oof…

Marco and Alice were in front of a small palace, where the Queen Mermaid lived.

Queen Mermaid: My misanthropy cannot be changed now. But there's no reason for me to pass it down upon my descendants… So I've decided to migrate here for the sake of my family. I will let them experience for themselves, and let them decide on their own.

Marco: I see…

Queen Mermaid: I'm also here to ensure a tragedy as what happened to me before doesn't arise again. I'm expecting great things from you…

Marco: ...Nah… My job as the Protagonist is ended, I've done everything and won, there isn't anything to expect from me now…

After saying that Marco and Alice left, while Marco left with a bitter smile, he will miss the fighting… Now, it's time for the last adventure he will take with Alice, then he will settle down with Alice, if she accepts his proposal, but he didn't have any doubt that she will refuse.


1st. Return to Lucifina's grave

2nd. Make Alice happy


1st. Reach the end of the world tour without "Strange" problems.