I accept the test

Chu Yang entered the city and thought " Master and Elder were silent through the trip! It's weird that they didn't start to provoke each other".

He went back to his house and sat on the bed.

"I need to earn money! I can't even buy the lowest grade sword and it costs 1 silver coin"

"If I worked at the City stores, I will need an entire 3 months of salary to buy the sword and that when I don't spend it in my daily needs!" Said Chu Yang.

"Master, How can I earn large amounts of money in a short time?!"Asked Chu Yang.

"Well alchemy is your best choice! But you will need to memorize at least 100 herbs and their effects and then, you must know their different combinations and what pill could be produced by them!" Said Wang Wei.

"Chu Yang. is there an alchemist association in this city?!" asked Wang Wei.

"Yes, but they will not allow me to enter! You have to pay a fee of 5 silver coins to enter it" said Chu Yang.

Wang Wei started thinking for a few minutes before saying " If you show them that you have a talent for alchemy then they will definitely allow you to enter the association!".

Chu Yang nodded his head and said " Master if I see something thing I will memorize it right away".

Wang Wei eyes started shining, he looked at Chu Yang and said " Are you sure about it?!".

"Yes master. My grandmother worked hard in order to allow me to enter a school. after I learned how to read and write, I memorized an entire book in few minutes! My grandmother said that I shouldn't tell anybody about it, she said that sometimes gifts will bring jealousy and harm to you! I dropped out of the school after 1 month because i memoried all the books in their library and felt there is no need to stay in the school anymore!" said Chu Yang.

Wang Wei mouth twitched as he heard this.

He has only one word to describe Chu Yang


"Okay, but before you go to the association, take the ginseng and rise your cultivation" Said Su Yu.

Wang Wei nodded his head in approval.

"Elder Su, Didn't you say that I should cultivate slowly in order to have a firm foundation?!" Asked Chu Yang.

"The ginseng you found doesn't have any side effects in your cultivation. Actually, it will nourish your body and make stronger and sturdier!" answered Su Yu.

Chu Yang eyes shone and looked at the ginseng, he saw that it have 6 roots. He took one of the roots and eat it. Chu Yang closed his eyes and started The Heavenly Immortal Technique.

The ginseng turned rapidly into a massive ball of Qi in his body. Chu Yang slowly refined half of it while the other seeped into his bones and muscles.

Wang Wei and Su Yu waited for Chu Yang to see if he can achieve a breakthrough or not?!.

"How about we bet?!" said Wang Wei.

Su Yu looked at Wang Wei and said " Please be quiet, You may distract him and make him accidentally reach the 9th stage!".

Wang Wei didn't know what to respond with against Su Yu words.

They continued to watch Chu Yang silently.

Chu Yang refined 3 strands of Pure Qi making it 5 strands in total. seeing the 5 strands he decided to try clearing 3rd meridian.

1st stand: fail

2nd strand: fail



5th strand: success.

He cleared the 3rd meridian and felt refreshed.

Chu Yang didn't feel any discomfort and wanted to use the Devouring Devil technique but stopped.

"I shouldn't use the Devouring Devil Technique in the city" Said Chu Yang.

He stretched his body and said " Master, I will go to the alchemist association now".

Chu Yang exited the house and headed to the association. When he reached the association he was stopped by the guards next to the main door.

"Where do you think you are going?!" asked one of the guards.

When the guard noticed Chu Yang simple and plain robe, he sneered and though" A poor young man that doesn't know his place".

Chu Yang noticed that the guard's gaze was filled with contempt. He felt angry but calmed himself.

"I came here in order to become an alchemist!" said Chu Yang.

The guards were stunned then started laughing.

"You want to become an alchemist?! This is a noble profession and someone like you doesn't qualify to clean the shoes of an alchemist!"

Chu Yang Felt his blood boiling and looked at the guard.

Wang Wei was screaming in Chu Yang's soul palace.

"Fuck you, How dare you insult my precious disciple?! I Wang Wei will never allow any person to do so!"

Su Yu shook his head and said " Chu Yang, Don't be rash! He is in the 5th stage of body tempering realm! you will reach his level in...." Su Yu suddenly stooped as he wasn't sure how much time Chu Yang will need to reach the 5th stage.

"You will reach his level quickly then teach him not to be disrespectful for people" said Su Yu.

Chu Yang looked at the guards and turned around. Suddenly, he heard someone calling him.

"Young Man, wait for a moment".

Chu Yang stopped and looked back, he saw a dignified old man walking toward him.

"What is your reason for wanting to become an alchemist?!" Said the old man.

Chu Yang looked at the old man and said " Because I want to change my fate!".

The old man smiled and said " Fate isn't easily changed".

"I will change my fate" said Chu Yang.

"You came to the alchemist association so you are confident in your ability. Right?!" asked The old man.

"Elder, I can instantly memorize anything I read! No matter how complicated it is, I will memorize it from reading it once" said Chu Yang.

The old man showed a surprised expression and looked at Chu Yang eyes. He saw that it shone with confidence.

"Young man, I shall test you but let me warn you that the alchemist association doesn't welcome liars" said the old man.

Chu Yang smiled and said " Elder. if I can't uphold my words then I will accept any kind of punishment".

The old man turned around and entered the building. "Follow me," said the old man.

Chu Yang followed the old man to the association building. His gazed at the guards and smiled as he entered.

The guards fumed from anger as Chu Yang smug smile was engraved in their minds.

"He better succeed in the test, because if he didn't, I will beat him to death," said the guard who stopped Chu Yang.



Chu Yang followed the old man to a room. when they entered the room, the old man said " Wait here" and walked away. After 15 minutes, the old man came back with a thick large book.

He put the book at the table causing it to shake.

"..." Chu Yang.

The old man smiled and said " This is my test! I want you to memorize this entire book in 3 hours! Do you accept the test?!".

Chu Yang looked at the old man then at the thick book. The book thickness has the same length as a normal toddler.

His eyes turned sharp and thought "He wants to make me an example for the people!".

In Chu Yang soul palace

Wang Wei was calm while Su Yu shook his head in disappointment.

" I never thought that alchemists are narrow-minded" said Su Yu.

"This is isn't planned by him. He must have been ordered by the person in charge! His face showed slight embarrassment after putting the book on the table, its like he was forced to do so!" said Wang Wei.

Su Yu become silent after hearing Wang Wei.

"It's may be hard even for Chu Yang" Said Su Yu.

Wang Wei smiled and waited for the show to start.


Chu Yang looked at the old man and said " I accept the test".

He opened the book and started reading it. he looked at each page for a second before moving to the other one.

The old man looked at Chu Yang and thought " Young man, don't blame me! I never thought that the head alchemist was angry and choose to release some steam by putting this ridiculous test".

After 30 minutes, Chu Yang Closed the book and said " I finished memorizing it".

The old man raised his eyebrows and asked " are you truly ready?!!!".

Chu Yang nodded with a smile in his head.

"Elder, How do you want me to read the book? Do you want me to read it normally or backwards?!!.

The old man was stunned.

Chu Yang didn't wait for the old man respond and started to repeat the entire book, he didn't forget to say the number of the pages and describe the images on them.

The old man opened the book and followed Chu Yang. At first, he was amazed, then dumbfounded, in the end, he was scared from Chu Yang.

Wang Wei clapped his hands and said "10\10, one of the best comebacks I have seen in my entire life".

Su Yu sighed and didn't know what to say.

Chu Yang finished talking and looked at the old man. He saw that he was looking at him in a daze.

Chu Yang smiled and said " Elder, did I pass your exam?! You shouldn't make your test so easy!".

The old man snapped out of his daze and said with a shaken voice " You passed but wait here for a second " after saying this, the old man ran out of the room with haste.

In Chu Yang Soul palace

Wang Wei sighed and said "Some people are born with an extraordinary memory and it seems Chu Yang is one of them! Not only that, when our souls merged with his soul it strengthen Chu Yang soul making him become more abnormal".