Weird bloodline

The Old man ran until he reached the largest room in the association. He stopped in the front of the door and said " Zhou Yixing greats the head alchemist" after saying this, Zhou Yixing bowed and waited for a response.

"Why did you come?! shouldn't you be testing that arrogant young lad?!" a pleasant sound was heard behind the door.

"Head alchemist. the reason I came is that he passed the test. It took him around 30 minutes to memorize the entire book! Head alchemist. it's the first time I have seen something like this! ".

silence descended and only the breathing of Zhou Yixing.

"interesting! Zhou Yixing guide me to this guy".

" Yes, head alchemist" Zhou Yixing.

The door opened and a graceful figure exited the room. The woman walked behind Zhou Yixing and headed toward Chu Yang test room.

Chu Yang was bored while waiting for Zhou Yixing.

"That old man is late" said Chu Yang.

"I don't blame him! You scared him and you expect him to come back early! Give him some time to calm down" said Su Yu.

"Chu Yang, If you read all the books in alchemist association then you can compare yourself with a 2nd-grade alchemist in knowledge" Said Wang Wei.

"2nd-grade alchemist?! there are grades for alchemists?!" asked Chu Yang.

"Yes alchemist have grades from 1st-grade to 9th-grade. there are higher grades but you don't need to know about it now" said Wang Wei.

Chu Yang was interested in the alchemist's grades and wanted to know more but he heard Su Yu saying "There are two persons outside the room".

The door opened and Chu Yang saw Zhou Yixing with a woman behind him. When Chu Yang saw the woman, he became dazed as this is the first time in his life seeing a beautiful woman like her. He saw her perfect S body, each step she took was filled with elegance and her body radiated the aura of nobility. Chu Yang eyes couldn't leave her two beautiful peaks.

Wang Wei clicked his tongue and said " Such a perfect body! but I will give it 8.5 out of 10" then he noticed that Chu Yang was in a daze so he roared " Chu Yang, you will make yourself look like a stupid person! snap out of it".

"Virg....." Wang Wei becomes speechless as he noticed that Su Yu was also in a daze.

"You too?!!! Chu Yang is a young man so he can't be blamed, but what is your excuse?!" roared Wang Wei as he slapped Su Yu causing him to wake up.

The woman giggled when she noticed Chu Yang was looking at her in a daze.

"Young man, How do I look?!" said the woman.

Chu Yang said absentmindedly "I never thought that a heavenly fairy could descend into the mortal realm but it seems that I was wrong".

Wang Wei mouth opened wide enough for an egg to be stuffed into it. " I didn't know that Chu Yang is so smooth with women! will I can be".

The woman was stunned for few second before flashing a beautiful smile at Chu Yang.

"What is your name young man?" asked the woman.

Chu Yang snapped out of his daze and said with a smile "My name is Chu Yang. Can I have the honour to know fairy's name?".

The woman giggled and said " My name is Qin Yin".

"Miss Qin, did I pass the test?" asked Chu Yang.

Qin Yin looked at Chu Yang handsome face and said " If you don't pass the test then I don't deserve to be the head alchemist!".

Chu Yang was surprised and said " It seems that coming to the alchemist association was a wise decision".

Zhou Yixing was sweating like hell seeing Chu Yang flirting with Qin Yin.

"Young man, you are flirting with a tigress! Do you know how many young masters were castrated by her?!! if you know that their number can fill an entire imperial palace, what will be your expression?!" Zhou Yixing screamed in his heart.

Qin Yin smiled and said "Chu Yang, did you study alchemy?".

" Today, was the first time i read a book about alchemy" said Chu Yang.

Qin Yin eyes shone with light and said "You have an amazing talent to memorize but alchemy isn't all about memorizing! You need to make pills and this step is 10 times harder than memorizing a text".

" Knowledge is important but the experience is more important".

"Since I decided to become an alchemist, I will definitely practice it with all of my strength" Said Chu Yang.

Qin Yin looked at Chu Yang for few seconds then said "Chu Yang, I can't give you a badge of 1st-grade alchemist if you can't make 1st-grade pills. But If you become able to make them then I will give it to you right away".

Wang Wei nodded his head and said " That is reasonable! alchemist are tested in knowledge and the ability to make pills of their representative grade".

"That is fine by me" said Chu Yang.

"Then my business is finished here! Come tomorrow and Zhou Yixing will teach you how to make pills" said Qin Yin. she turned around and walked away.

Chu Yang walked out of the room after Qin Yin. He decided to go to the forest and open the 4th meridian. Chu Yang reached the forest and took one root of the ginseng and activated the Devouring Devil technique. Chu Yang put the root in his mouth and swallowed it. He started to refine it and only finished after forming 3 strands of Devil Qi. He noticed that it was already dark.

"Chu Yang, cultivate to the morning. we will wake you" said Wang Wei.

Chu Yang continued his cultivation after hearing Wang Wei.

He only stopped cultivation after forming another strand if Devil Qi making it 4 strands.

Chu Yang knows that if he cultivated more he will be late for his appointment. So, he started moving toward the city.


Chu Yang reached the alchemist association and saw the guards chatting happily. When they noticed Chu Yang, their bodies tensed and saluted Chu Yang.

Chu Yang ignored them and walked beside them.

The guards sweated seeing this. only one thought in their minds "We are fucked".

Chu Yang saw Zhou Yixing and said" Greeting Elder".

Zhou Yixing looked at Chu Yang and said "Follow me".

Chu Yang followed Zhou Yixing to one of the rooms.

When they entered the room, Wang Wei said " Chu Yang, that girl used her spiritual sense just now then retracted it. She inspected your cultivation just now".

Chu Yang raised his eyebrows and said " Master, what is the cultivation of Miss Qin?!"

"She is in the 9th stage of Apprentice realm! Also, I think that she is a peak 3rd-grade alchemist! " said Wang Wei.

Chu Yang was surprised and thought " I expected that she will at least be in the Apprentice realm but didn't think she will be at the peak of the realm".

Zhou Yixing looked at Chu Yang and said" Chu Yang. Now I will teach you how to Concoct a low-level elixir! as you don't have cultivation you will not able to concoct a Pills. You must control the flames and this can only be achieved by being able to control Qi! Elixirs are inferior to pills and their effects are ten times weaker"

"Let's start".

Zhou Yixing started to explain how to use the cauldron, how to start the fire and how to merge the herbs.

Chu Yang listened to Zhou Yixing only to be criticized by Wang Wei.

" Chu Yang, don't follow his method! It the most primitive method that I heard or read about! listen to me!" After saying this, Wang Wei started describing his method making Chu Yang eyes shine.

"This is ten times easier and faster than Zhou Yixing method" Thought Chu Yang as he ignored Zhou Yixing and continued to absorb knowledge from Wang Wei.

Zhou Yixing saw that Chu Yang was looking at him in deep concentration making Zhou Yixing smile in happiness. But, sadly he didn't know that he is being roasted by Wang Wei.

After 3 hours of explaining, Zhou Yixing said "Now I want you to demonstrate to me what you have learned. There are 10 herbs in the room, use them to make an elixir from what I taught you. Also, I forget to tell you that head alchemist said that for any elixir you make, you will have 50 % of the profit"

Chu Yang smiled as he heard this, While Wang Wei licked his lips.

"Chu Yang, follow my instruction and I will help you make an elixir called Bone marrow cleansing elixir. it will be extremely good for you! it will expel the impurities in your body and make it easier to achieve a breakthrough!" said Wang Wei.

Chu Yang became excited and said " Elder Zhou, for the first elixir that I will make, can I take it for myself?".

Zhou Yixing shook his head and thought" he is being overconfident!!".

"You can take it " said Zhou Yixing.

"Chu Yang, an alchemist need to suffer some setbacks and defeat them in order to advance in his techniques!" Though Zhou Yixing.

Chu Yang walked to the cauldron and looked at the medicinal herbs. He saw 10 sets of medical and heard Wang Wei saying" Chu Yang, as it your first time, you will not be able to correctly make the elixir, so use it to make yourself familiar with the process".

Chu Yang nodded his head and started the fire. He followed Wang Wei instruction.

Zhou Yixing was surprised by Chu Yang movement as he didn't follow his method. He started shaking his head in disappointment.

Chu Yang started separating the herbs and clumsily put them in the cauldron.

"Chu Yang, wait 10 seconds to add the silver star grass"

"Now wait for 3 seconds before adding the Red flower ".

Chu Yang reaction speed was amazing as he followed Wang Wei.

Zhou Yixing didn't know what to say at Chu Yang weird method.

Suddenly, The elixir turned black causing Zhou Yixing to sigh.

" Don't worry, Chu Yang. You did a good job but don't make it affect you" Wang Wei.

Chu Yang nodded and started to make the Bone marrow cleansing elixir.

"It seems that Chu Yang is trying to make the Bone marrow cleansing elixir! But sadly it is the hardest elixir! if he chose something easier then it will be better" Thought Zhou Yixing.

Chu Yang movement became faster and more accurate.

2nd try, Fail.

3rd try, Fail.




7th try, success.

Chu Yang was sweating so much that his clothes became soaked. He smiled as he saw the yellow elixir in the cauldron. Chu Yang didn't that Zhou Yixing was petrified and his mind was in chaos.

"He succeeded in making the elixir! How the hell did he do it?! And he only took seven tries to succeed! are you kidding me?! It took me more than 70 tries to make it and he only needed 7 tries" Cried Zhou Yixing in his heart.

Chu Yang cleared his throat and said " Elder Zhou, I feel exhausted so I will take the elixir and go cultivate" after that he found a bottle in the room and put the Bone Marrow cleansing Elixer in it. Chu Yang smiled and walked away from the room.

Zhou Yixing was in a daze and didn't react to Chu Yang. When Zhou Yixing woke up from his daze he ran to Qin Yin.




Qin Yin was in deep thought after hearing Zhou Yixing report.

"Is what you said true?!" asked Qin Yin.

"I don't dare to lie about it" said Zhou Yixing.

Qin Yin eyes shone with light and said "Then this young lad is worth the investment. Zhou Yixing, allow Chu Yang to make elixirs and pills without any restriction! Also, investigate his background".

Zhou Yixing bowed down and left the room without any delay.




Chu Yang was in his house with the elixir bottle in his hand. He drank it and started to feel the elixir wonderful effects.

Chu Yang body started to be covered in a black greasy substance with a foul smell.

He felt that he could gather the Qi much faster.

Wang Wei and Su Yu smiled seeing this.

"Devil, You did a good job. He truly needed this elixir. But we have to do something about his bloodline!" said Su Yu.

"I know but the problem is that I don't know what is his bloodline ability is! if his bloodline was a fire type bloodline and I give him a pill that used for ice type bloodline then the results will be unimaginable" said Wang Wei.

"He will suffer from numerous bottlenecks and his cultivation will not be smooth if he doesn't awaken his bloodline!" said Su Yu.

"We may need to stimulate his bloodline"said Su Yu.

Wang Wei looked at Su Yu with killing intent and said with a cold voice " Su Yu, do you want to die?!! Stimulate his bloodline, do you even know what this means?! Stimulating the bloodline is one of the most dangerous things in cultivation! and you have the gall to say it!".

Su Yu looked at Wang Wei without any change in his face. He said " I didn't say we have to do so, I just wanted to tell you that we might end up needing to do it".

"I will absolutely not allow it! I will not put Chu Yang life in danger" said Wang Wei as he nearly exploded from anger.

Su Yu shrugged his shoulders and said "Have it your way".

Wang Wei said " Su Yu, you better not tell Chu Yang about it. No matter what is the price I will definitely find a way to awaken his bloodline".

"Wang Wei, I want to ask you a question. all of this, did you do it for Chu Yang or for yourself?!" said Su Yu.

"I refuse to believe that you actually think of him as your disciple! Why didn't you teach him one of your many life-saving techniques? Then what about teaching him some movement techniques?" asked Su Yu.

Wang Wei looked at Su Yu for few minutes before saying " When he said that he will find a way to revive my wife, I decided to teach him everything I know. but, he is too weak to be able to use my techniques. If I gave him one of my techniques he we will lose his mind and become a bloodthirsty devil. He must be at least in the Apprentice realm to use them ".

Su Yu became silent after hearing this, he sighed and stopped talking With Wang Wei.

Wang Wei also didn't want to talk with Su Yu anymore so his gaze moved to Chu Yang and continued to watch him.

" I have to make sure yo know what Chu Yang bloodline ability is before trying anything funny"

"He has a weird type of bloodline, but I have a hunch that when he awake his bloodline, he will have a giant leap in his cultivation" Thought Wang Wei.

Chu Yang opened his eyes and breathed out a black mist.

"It was an amazing experience! sadly it didn't last long" said Chu Yang.

"Master, after drinking the elixir, I feel that I could clear the 4th meridian" said Chu Yang.

"You should clean yourself before doing anything" said Wang Wei.

Chu Yang looked at his body and found it was covered in black substance. When he smelled it, he felt sick.

Seeing Chu Yang expression, Wang Wei and Su Yu smiled.