The first conflict

Chu Yang Finished cleaning himself and heard Wang Wei asking him" Chu Yang, Who is your grandmother?!".

"Why do you want to know about my grandmother?!" asked Chu Yang.

"I want to know everything about my disciple! also, you may have the chance to see her!" said Wang Wei.

Chu Yang body stiffened for a few seconds before saying "I can see her?!".

"As a cultivator, you are blessed with a long life so there is a chance to see her reincarnation in the future" said Wang Wei.

Chu Yang went silent after hearing this, he took a deep breath and said "My grandmother name is Li Qingyi, She is from a small town 30 km away from here. She came here with my grandfather who died 20 years ago. She found the infant me 15 years ago and took care of me. I couldn't buy the medicine for her when she was sick. She died 3 years ago because I was useless".

Wang Wei and Su Yu eyes turned sharp after hearing this. There is only one thought in their mind " Who could be retarded enough to throw away such a genius in cultivation?! There must be a reason for it!".

Chu Yang noticed that Wang Wei and Su Yu became silent so he said "Master, elder Su. don't worry about it. I may have lost my grandmother but i have you two. You two give me a chance to change my fate and this alone makes me unable to repay both of you in my entire life!"

Wang Wei and Su Yu smiled after hearing this.

"Chu Yang, didn't you say that you could achieve a breakthrough?! then what are you waiting for? " said Wang Wei with a smile.

Chu Yang exited the room and headed to the forest.


Qin Yin was listing to Zhou Yixing report with her eyebrows raised.

"Is this What you gathered?!" asked Qin Yin calmly causing Zhou Yixing body to tremble.

"I used all of our resources and asked all those who talked to him. even those who talked to him once were asked but the result was this" said Zhou Yixing.

Qin Yin tabbed on her thigh while thinking deeply about it. Zhou Yixing felt that the finger was tapping on his heart.

"Gather more information. You know what will happen if it was not up to my expectation" said Qin Yin.

"Yes, head alchemist. I will not disappoint you" said Zhou Yixing. After saying this, he left with haste.

Qin Yin sighed and closed her eyes in order to resume her cultivation.




Chu Yang was setting in crossed legs position. his body was trembling. a breaking sound was heard as Chu Yang body stopped trembling. He opened his eyes and smiled.

"I have cleared the 4th meridian" said Chu Yang.

Wang Wei and Su Yu inspected Chu Yang body. Wang Wei asked " Chu Yang, i want you to punch any tree with everything you got".

Chu Yang walked to the nearest tree and stood in front of it. He clinched his first and punched the tree.


The tree broke apart from Chu Yang punch. Chu Yang eyes started to shine seeing this while Wang Wei and Su Yu sighed.

"Chu Yang, you still didn't breakthrough to the 1st stage of body tempering realm but your body strength is comparable to a cultivator in the 1st stage".

"But, you can't defeat them. After breaking through to the 1st stage of body tempering realm, the cultivator will be able to store Qi in the meridians and use them to attack or defence" said Wang Wei.

Chu Yang nodded his head and said " So i need to clear the 7th meridian to achieve the 1st stage in the heavenly immortal technique and the 8th meridian to achieve the 1st stage in the devouring devil technique" said Chu Yang.

"Correct" said Su Yu.

Chu Yang smiled bitterly and said, "I have a long road to reach the 1st stage".

" Chu Yang. Once you achieve the 1st stage, you will be able to concoct pills. Your cultivation will be many times faster than before!" said Wang Wei.

"Chu Yang, Your cultivation is so fast that it will put the geniuses in shame if they know about it. And don't forget that you cultivate 2 techniques at the same time" said Su Yu.

Chu Yang nodded his head.

Su Yu smiled and said " Chu Yang, I will give you a movement technique. This technique is called the floating steps technique".

Chu Yang got the technique and started studying it. He was surprised by the technique effects.

When the cultivator master this technique, each step he will appear like he is floating. Also, the cultivator speed will be increased by one fold.

Chu Yang started training in this technique and didn't forget about the shadow swords technique.

Chu Yang lost himself in the training while Wang Wei and Su Yu watched him silently.





Chu Yang trained like crazy for an entire month.

He cultivated, trained on the techniques and honed his alchemy skills.

Chu Yang cleared the 7th meridian making him step into the 1st stage of body tempering realm with the heavenly immortal technique.

He was now cultivating in order to clear the 8th meridian. Chu Yang guided the 10 stands of Devil Qi and started impacting the 8th meridian.

Chu Yang was already used to the pain and didn't take a breather between each strand.

Using the 10th strand of Devil Qi, he cleared the 8th meridian.

He opened his eyes and roared in happiness.


Chu Yang inspected his meridians and saw them.

4 white meridians and 4 jet black meridians.

Each one had small amounts of Qi stored in them.

He then grabbed his sword who he bought after giving the alchemist association 2 elixirs he made during this month.

When Chu Yang walk a strange thing happened.

Chu Yang appeared like he was floating with each step.

Su Yu and Wang Wei sighed as they saw Chu Yang.

" I didn't except that he will master all the techniques i gave to him in one month" said Su Yu.

"Actually, he spent less than a month if you subtracted the days he cultivated in them! But he didn't disappoint me in his cultivation speed!" said Wang Wei.

"He drank the Bone Marrow cleansing elixir like it was water in the past month!" said Su Yu.

Then, Su Yu and Wang Wei noticed that Chu Yang didn't take the usual route to the city.

"Chu Yang, where are you heading to?" asked Su Yu.

"I am going to visit grandmother's grave, I want to clean her grave, the place is near the city so it won't take too long to reach it" said Chu Yang as he continued to head to the east of the city.

When Chu Yang was near his grandmother grave, he noticed that there are some changes in this familiar site. Chu Yang face stiffened and rushed toward his grandmother grave location.

When he arrived at his grandmother grave, his pupils constructed. he found that his grandmother's grave was dug out. Also, all the graves in this place suffered the same.

Chu Yang started breathing heavily and his eyes turned red.

"You there! What are you doing here?!" Two men appeared in front of Chu Yang.

The two men wore similar robes, one of them was at the 2nd stage of body tempering realm and the other was at the 1st stage.

Chu Yang looked at them and asked in a cold voice "Did you do this?!".

" Yes, we follow young master order! He wanted to clear this area" said The 1st stage cultivator.

"You better leave and never show your face again! otherwise, don't blame us for being ruthless" said the 2nd stage cultivator.

"Why?!" asked Chu Yang as his body started trembling.

"The young master wanted to build a mansion for him to rest and this is the place he chose" answered the 2nd stage cultivator as it was obvious that he is irritated by Chu Yang presence.

Chu Yang felt something snap in his head after hearing this. He roared and activated the floating steps making him appear in front of the 2nd stage cultivator.

He stabbed with his sword causing the 10 sword images to appear with the attack.

The 2nd stage cultivator wasn't expecting Chu Yang to be this fast and tried to block the attack. But, sadly he was too slow causing the sword to stab into his chest. Chu Yang didn't stop as he punched him in the face which sent the 2nd stage cultivator flying through the air.

Chu Yang turned around and grabbed the head of the 1st stage, He slammed his head in the ground causing it to crack.

The 1st stage cultivator's body twitched before stopping completely.

Chu Yang, then walked toward the 2nd stage cultivator.

"You will die a horrible death! You just offended young master by attacking us!" screamed the 2nd stage cultivator.

Chu Yang looked at him and said "Who is this young master you are threatening me with?!".

" My Young master is called Li Jun, the city lord only son! He will make you pay for what just happened. My Young master is in the 6th stage of body tempering realm and he can kill you with one finger! Kneel down and beg for forgiveness!" said the 2nd stage cultivator. He wanted to scare Chu Yang by using the young master name.

Chu Yang sword moved and pierced the man throat. He opened his eyes and looked at Chu Yang with hatred.

Chu Yang draws his sword back and looked at the 1st stage cultivator.

He only has one thought in his mind " They must die".

Chu Yang cut the 1st stage cultivator head. Then he walked to what was his grandmother grave.

He fell on his knees and tears started falling from his eyes.

"I am sorry, grandmother. I couldn't help you when you were alive and now i couldn't even protect your grave" cried Chu Yang.

Su Yu and Wang Wei didn't say any word as they know that Chu Yang needed to release his emotions.

After a few minutes, Su Yu said " Chu Yang. you have to leave this place now! That young master's followers may come at any moment".

"But my grandmother gra..." Chu Yang wanted to speak but was interrupted by Wang Wei.

"Chu Yang, If you stayed here you will definitely die and will not be able to make them pay for what they did! Live so you can take revenge on them" said Wang Wei.

Chu Yang looked at his grandmother grave and showed an unwillingness to leave but he forced himself to move.

He rushed to the alchemist association. he said while getting his teeth "Li Jun, i will make this place your grave".