You are naive

in the city center. there was a large mansion. it belongs to the city lord.

In of the room, a young man had a naked girl sitting in his lap while saying" Young master, please one more time!" Then she started kissing the young man.

The Young man smiled and grabbed her from the neck.

"Sorry, but I am bored with you" said The Young man as he threw her to the side.

The young man cleaned himself and said to one of the servants outside the room " use her as you want then sell her ".

" Young master! please spare me. I will do anything for you" pleaded the woman but sadly the young man ignored her and left the room.

After leaving the room, he saw a man in a black cloak kneeling.

"Young master, something happened! We found that two of our men has been killed in the graveyard" said The cloaked man.

The young man eyes turned sharp and said " So there is someone who dares to interfere with my plans! Find him and bring him to me. I want to see who is seeking death!".

The cloaked man nodded and disappeared.

The young man then walked to the basement of the mansion.

He saw a black door and an aura of death was released from behind it.

He bowed and said " Master"

"Li Jun, enter the room" a cold aged voice came out from behind the room.

Li Jun entered the room and saw an old man. the old man was like a dried corpse but his eyes shone with light.

"Master, it seems that there are some people who don't know their places! Two of my men died in the graveyard today and I sent my men to investigate the graveyard".

The old man eyes turned sharp and said "I will give you one month to finish preparing the graveyard! If you didn't do so then your hopes of entering the Apprentice realm will be destroyed".

Li Jun body started trembling and said "Master, I will look into this matter personally and will bring that bastard to you".

"You better do so" said The old man.

The old man then inspected Li Jun body and said " You have broken to the 7th stage!".

"Yes master, you give me an amazing technique so how could I not achieve a breakthrough?" said Li Jun.

"How many women did you suck their Yin during this month?!" said the old man.

"16 women" said Li Jun.

"as I thought, you are compatible with a Yin plucking technique " said The old man.

"Now, leave"

" Yes master" said Li Jun, then he left the room.

The old man coughed black blood after Li Jun left. he wiped the blood and said " Damn you Qin Yin. I didn't expect that bitch to be this strong!".

The old man smiled coldly and said "Qin Yin, once I heal all of my injuries and use the death Qi in that graveyard i will definitely breakthrough to the master realm. Qin Yin, I will make sure to train you into my personal sex slave" laughed the old man.

"You will not expect that I was in the city right under your nose! all of that is thanks to that retarded Li Jun! He thinks that I will take him as my disciple! I can't imagine beautiful his expression will be when I suck all of his cultivation" the old man laughed even more.



Chu Yang reached the alchemist association and shut himself in one of the rooms.

He sat down and calmed down. He looked at his hand and the sword for a few minutes.

"I killed two men today!" said Chu Yang sadly.

"I know that if I didn't kill them I would bring trouble to me!" said Chu Yang.

"But these two men may have done it to support their families! I may have destroyed two families by killing them" said Chu Yang as he clinched his fist.

"The one who should pay for it is Li Jun not those two men".

"Still, I couldn't control myself and killed them"

"The scary thing is that I didn't feel anything when I killed them. Actually, I felt relief and slight happiness when i killed them" said Chu Yang.

"Chu Yang, don't blame yourself for it. Even Buddha will be enraged if something like this happened to him" said Su Yu.

"This is the cultivation world rule! it's either you kill or get killed".

" If you can't harden your heart then you will be killed without mercy".

"Even I had to kill people in order to protect myself and those who are important to me"

"Chu Yang, only kill to protect yourself and those who are important to you" said Su Yu.

Wang Wei sighed and said "Chu Yang, Imagine that you let an enemy go, What do you think will happen?! if you think that he will not look for revenge then you are naive!"

"Chu Yang, do you know my biggest regret?! is that I speared the life of my love rival!! I could have killed him but I speared him because my wife pleaded for him. he was the childhood friend of my wife! Do you know what happened?! In our wedding, he stabbed her in the back then destroyed her soul right in front of my eyes!" said Wang Wei.

Chu Yang was stunned.

"I became a Devil after the death of my wife. I killed him and exterminated his clan but it didn't change the fact that my wife died" said Wang Wei.

Chu Yang became silent after hearing this

He took a deep breath and said With determination" I understand master, Elder Su".

The guilt he felt didn't disappear but it was suppressed by Su Yu and Wang Wei words.

"Now you, need to rise your cultivation level rapidly if you want to survive this problem!"

"There are two pills that will help you but each one can be used once or your foundation will become unstable" said Wang Wei.

"The first pill is called the explosive Qi pill. it will help you in opening from 4 to 6 meridians for your heavenly immortal technique".

"The second pill is a variant from the first pill. Is called the explosive Devil Qi pill. The only difference between them is one herb".

"Chu Yang, write down the herbs who I will name" said Wang Wei. He then started to name the herbs. silver grass, star lotus...

Chu Yang wrote down more than 15 herbs. He then looked for Zhou Yixing.

Zhou Yixing was minding his own business when he saw Chu Yang walking toward him.

"Elder. I reached the 1st stage of body tempering realm and I want to start making pills" said Chu Yang.

"What kind of pill do you want to make?" said Zhou Yixing with interest.

Chu Yang gave Zhou Yixing the paper and said " Can you provide me with these herbs?".

Zhou Yixing grabbed the paper and started to read it. He raised his eyebrows and said "The herbs you want is rare and priceless! I can't make the decision for your request. You have to see the head alchemist for it".

Chu Yang said "Can you guide me to the head alchemist room?!".

" Follow me" said Zhou Yixing as he started walking to Qin Yin personal room.