Testing the Sword path power

Chu Yang described his sword path to Wang Wei and Su Yu.

Su Yu said " I didn't expect that you will create your own sword path! Also, the concept behind your path is the Life and Death Dao! One of the grand Dao".

"If you want to advance your mastery you have to understand more about Life and Death Dao," said Su Yu.

Chu Yang nodded his head.

"Chu Yang, since you created this path, what do you want to name it?" asked Wang Wei.

"The Revered Devil path! this is what I named it" said Chu Yang.

"Good name! I Like it" smiled Wang Wei.

"Wang Wei, shouldn't you help Chu Yang by making The Explosive Devil Qi Pill?!" said Su Yu.

"Oh. I forget due to the excitement " said Wang Wei.

"Chu Yang, after taking the Explosive Devil Qi Pill, you should test your sword path's power" said Su Yu.

"I was planning to do so!" said Chu Yang as he walked to the city.

He reached the alchemist association and entered his alchemy room.

"Master, Since the Explosive Devil Qi contain a Devil Qi won't it alarms Qin Yin?!" said Chu Yang.

"Chu Yang, you underestimating your master ability! do you think that I will cause any trouble for you? I can mask the Devil Qi perfectly and even Master realm cultivator will not notice it!" said Wang Wei.

"Su Yu, I will not your help in it, but I will need you to suppress the Perfect grade Pill Qi. I don't want that girl to bother us!" said Wang Wei.

"You don't have to say it!" said Su Yu.

Wang Wei took control over Chu Yang body and started to make the Pill.



Qin Yin was sitting in her Alchemy room and felt that Chu Yang has entered the alchemist association. Suddenly, Chu Yang presence disappeared after entering his alchemy room.

Qin Yin was stunned from this. "How could a Body tempering realm cultivator evade my spiritual sense?!".

She wanted to investigate it but remembered that Chu Yang has given her the Purifying Fire technique and His 7th tier Alchemist master. She smiled and sent a message to Zhou Yixing.

" Zhou Yixing. Don't let any person interrupt Chu Yang" said Qin Yin to Zhou Yixing.

Zhou Yixing was startled and said "Yes head alchemist".

He appeared in front of Chu Yang' room and stood there staring at it. " Why Head Alchemist ordered such a thing?!" thought Zhou Yixing. he thought for a second before sending his spiritual sense into the room. Suddenly, A massive pressure fell upon him causing his body to Freeze.

"I said no one shall interpret Chu Yang. Also, His master might be in the room with him, His master is a 7th tier alchemist" Qin Yin's message scared Zhou Yixing.

Zhou Yixing body became drenched in sweat as he thought that what will happen if he angered a 7th tier alchemist master.

He stood in front of the door and guarded it as his life depends on it.



Wang Wei who controlled Chu Yang's body has already reached the final step in making the Pil.

"Su Yu, ready yourself! the pill will be formed in a few seconds " said Wang Wei.

"I was born ready!" said Su Yu as his spiritual sense engulfed the cauldron.

The medical essences started to fuse together and slowly formed a black Pill.

Su Yu spiritual sense engulfed the pill and pulled it into Chu Yang's hand. Chu Yang grabbed the Pill and put it in a bottle.

"Don't eat the pill here, go to the forest and consume it" said Wang Wei weakly.

"Thank you master" said Chu Yang as he bowed to Wang Wei.

Wang Wei nodded and closed his eyes.

Chu Yang headed to the door and opened it only to saw Zhou Yixing with red eyes.

He was looking left and right, if he saw an ant he will step on it before it reached the door.

Chu Yang became speechless.

"Elder Zhou, what are you doing?!" asked Zhou Yixing.

"I am following the Head Alchemist order to prevent any person from bothering you!" said Zhou Yixing.

Chu Yang smiled and said " I am grateful for what you did Elder Zhou. Also, thank Qin Yin for it". After this, he left the alchemist association.

Zhou Yixing nodded before going to Qin Yin.



Chu Yang found a cave and inspected it.

"Chu Yang, there is a beast in the cave! it's an early level 1 beast so you can kill it easily " said Su Yu.

Chu Yang remembered that beasts have levels.

From level 1 to level 9. Each level has 5 stages: Early, Middle, Advanced, Late and Peak stage.

Each stage is equal to a cultivator who opened 7 meridians.

Chu Yang grabbed the sword and took a deep breath. He entered the cave while checking for his surrounding.

Suddenly, he heard a howl from the inside of the cave causing him to raise his sword.

When he saw the beast he was stunned. The beast was a large silver wolf guarding 2 cubs!

"Elder Su, let's find another cave" said Chu Yang.

Su Yu smiled happily at Chu Yang words, He liked Chu Yang even more after seeing this.

"The wolf has given birth and became weakened! She might attack you at any second so it's better to leave now" said Su Yu.

The Wolf's eyes were red while she looking at Chu Yang, She howled and dashed toward Chu Yang.

Chu Yang dodged the wolf attacks easily but he didn't attack. He looked at the wolf as she was weakly trying to push Chu Yang away from her cubs.

"It seems that she lost too much blood" said Chu Yang.

His eyes started to shine and a white light engulfed his sword. The wolf howled and tried to bite Chu Yang's neck. Chu Yang smiled and slashed with his sword toward the wolf's abdomen. The Sword went through the wolf body causing the wolf to stop.

The wolf looked at Chu Yang for few seconds. Suddenly, the wolf's body started twitching followed by it laying in its back, The wolf's face show ecstasy as her body twitched harder.

The Wolf howled of happiness before passing out.

"....." Chu Yang.

"..." Su Yu.

"Chu Yang, please don't use this sword on females" said Su Yu.

"It will be even worse if I use it on males!" said Chu Yang as he imagined the horrifying effects.

Wang Wei was looking blankly at what happened. He was restoring his soul power and opened his eyes only to see Chu Yang using the white light. Wang Wei exploded into hysterical laughter.

"Hahaha. I am going to die!" said Wang Wei with tears falling from his eyes.

The Wolf woke up and jumped toward Chu Yang.

the wolf threw its body toward Chu Yang's sword.

"..." Chu Yang

He cleared his throat and said " I need to use my path in order to understand it".

He slashed at the wolf again, the wolf happily received Chu Yang sword then it fell on the ground twitching again.

This cycle was repeated until the wolf was satisfied and went back to her cubs. Chu Yang's clothes were drenched in sweat and looked at the wolf with terror.

"Master, Why is the life attribute cause such a thing?!" asked Chu Yang.

"I don't know but I can say for sure that it's more deadly than the Death attribute of your Sword path!" said Wang Wei.

Chu Yang noticed that the Wolf was looking at him with a gaze that made him shiver.