I caused all of this

Chu Yang sat away from the wolf in the cave and said " If you protected me then I will stab you with my sword", His sword shone with the Life attribute causing the wolf howl.

"Chu Yang, you can tame all the beasts in the forest if you used the Life attribute! Look at how the wolf obediently followed your order!" said Wang Wei.

Chu Yang mouth started twitching, " Please, the last thing I need now is this, That wolf nearly sucked me dry!" said Chu Yang.

Wang Wei laughed while Su Yu had a grim expression.

"I just imagined when you reach the Sword Intent level and begin shooting your Life attribute all over the place" said Wang Wei.

Chu Yang closed his eyes and ignored Wang Wei. He took the Explosive Devil Qi Pill and ate it. After eating the Pill, a Black Qi exploded from Chu Yang body which caused The wolf to jump on its feet. The wolf remembered that Chu Yang has helped her to heal so she laid back but the wolf gaze didn't leave Chu Yang.

The black Qi was absorbed slowly By Chu Yang. it took Chu Yang a day in order to fully absorb it.

He inspected his body and found 12 Black meridians and 12 white meridians. Chu Yang smiled and said " Now I should test the Death attribute ".

Chu Yang noticed that the Wolf was looking at him with anticipation, he smiled and stabbed the wolf 5 times before leaving the cave.

After leaving the cave, Chu Yang searched for a good practice target.


A scream sounded near Chu Yang causing him to stop for a second before running toward it.

"Chu Yang, You should first observe the situation before acting! you might risk your life for nothing!" said Wang Wei.

"I agree with Wang Wei! don't act rashly and get yourself killed" said Su Yu.

Chu Yang nodded and his speed increased.

He reached the source of the scream in 3 minutes. He saw 4 men surrounding a wagon, beside the wagon was a young girl hugging a corpse while crying.

"All of you will rot in hell for what you did" said the young girl.

The 4 men laughed and a bald middle-aged man said " Grap her, we shall have a good night".

Chu Yang eyes turned red from anger.

"Chu Yang, don't act rashly! the bald man is at the 5th stage of body tempering realm! and two of them is at the 4th stage, the last one is at the 3rd stage. You may lose your life if you try to save the girl" said Wang Wei.

Su Yu was silent and didn't talk, he waited for Chu Yang response.

"Master, Elder Su I want to save her!" said Chu Yang.

Wang Wei sighed while Su Yu smiled after hearing Chu Yang.

Chu Yang looked at the 3rd stage cultivator and dashed toward him. The bald man noticed Chu Yang and exclaimed " 4th brother. Watch out!" sadly Chu Yang was too fast and his sword separated the man head from his body.

"NOOOOO" screamed the 3 men.

"Kill this brat, make it slow and painful" roared the bald man.

The Two 4th stage cultivators released their aura and moved toward Chu Yang.

"Chu Yang, use the Death attribute" said Su Yu.

Wang Wei looked at Su Yu and saw that his spiritual power was gathering around him.

"With Chu Yang cultivation and his Sword Seed power, he can fight equally with a 5th stage!" said Wang Wei.

"Even so, this can be considered his first real fight! I want to be ready in cause Chu Yang makes a mistake" said Su Yu.

Chu Yang raised his sword and a black light covered his sword.

The bald man eyes turned sharp and said " get back! I will deal with him. I never expected that this brat is able to use Sword Seed Power".

The bald man grabbed his axe and dashed toward Chu Yang. His Axe radiated a yellow light, the bald man raised the Axe and slashed toward Chu Yang head. Chu Yang jumped backwards and dodged the attack.


He looked at the bald man and circulated his movement technique to the limit. He appeared in front of the bald man and stabbed at his chest while using the Shadow Swords.

The bald man noticed the sword images and sneered, He said " You think that you will injure me with this lousy technique".

The bald man and Chu Yang traded more than 30 blows.

"2nd brother and 3rd brother, grab 4th brother corpse and leave! " said the bald man.

He was amazed by Chu Yang combat ability, a 3rd stage cultivator can go fight equally with a 5th stage cultivator! He was sure that Chu Yang is a young genius from a strong clan.

"Brat, leave now and i will not kill you" said The bald man.

Chu Yang ignored the bald man's and continued to attack him.

"Chu Yang, follow my instruction!" said Su Yu.

The bald man noticed that Chu Yang started revealing mistakes causing him to smile. He saw Chu Yang using all of his power in a slash toward his neck.

"He just a brat, once i block the attack his stance will become unstable, That is when i will kill him" Thought The bald man.

He used his Axe and blocked Chu Yang Sword. Suddenly, he noticed a small grin on Chu Yang face.

Chu Yang changed the Death attribute into the Life attribute just before his sword collided with the Axe. The bald man saw Chu Yang's sword light change into a white colour followed by the sword passing through his Axe. The Sword white colour changed into the black colour and but cut his neck.

The Bald man eyes were wide open and didn't know how Chu Yang Sword passed through his Axe.

Chu Yang then looked at the two 4th stage cultivators and found that they have already escaped. He sighed in relief then looked at the girl. The girl was hugging a corpse of a middle-aged woman.

Chu Yang walked to her and bowed, he said " I apologise for being late. if i was faster none of this will happen".

The girl raised her head and looked at Chu Yang, He also looked at her face. The girl's face was covered in dirt and her clothes were drenched in blood.

"Don't apologise, you killed that bastard who killed my mother" said The girl. she then tried to carry her mother corpse but she didn't have enough strength.

Chu Yang Sighed and carried her mother corpse.

"Mister, you do.." the girl wanted to say something but she was interrupted by Chu Yang.

"You don't need to say anything! I will help you bury your mother".

The girl's eyes turned misty and bowed, she said " Thank you mister".

Chu Yang looked at the wagon and found that it didn't have anything much.

He walked with the girl while carrying her mother corpse. They found a good place to bury the corpse.

"Mister, please let me bury my mother, " said The girl.

Chu Yang nodded and put the corpse on the ground.

The girl started digging a grave using her hands while tears fell from her eyes. Chu Yang watched her silently and remembered how he buried his Grandmother.

It took the girl about 5 hours to bury her mother, then she knelt in front of the grave and started weeping.

Chu Yang looked at the girl's eyes and saw that it was similar to a dead person. He sighed and sat beside her.

The girl wept until she had no more tears. After that, she knelt in front of Chu Yang and said " Mister, can you teach me how to cultivate?".

"I lost everything when my mother died. Please, i want to be strong" said The girl.

"All of this happened because of that City lord son" said the girl.

Chu Yang eyes turned sharp and said " You mean Li Jun?!

"Yes. I was chosen to entertain him in the bed! My mother refused this as we have witnessed the fate of the previous girls who have gone to him, some became prostitutes in one of the brothels and the others were found dead" said the girl.

"Li Jun used to take women by force every month or two but yesterday he asked his men to gather multiple women for him.

Chu Yang body stiffened after he heard this.

"I was chosen yesterday so we decided to escape from the city" said The girl.

"My uncle is one of the city guards and helped us to escape but who thought that they will follow us after our escape" said The girl.

Chu Yang body trembled as he heard the girl.

"You said Yesterday, Right?!" asked Chu Yang.

"Yes" said the girl.

Chu Yang felt a bang in his heart and looked at the girl with guilt.

"Did he look for women because asked Qin Yin to stop him?! He will definitely become enraged and try to realise his anger into something " thought Chu Yang.

"I caused all of this" said Chu Yang to the girl.