You can teach her my technique

"I caused all of this" said Chu Yang.

The girl's eyes became wide open and looked at Chu Yang in a daze.

"H-How did you cause this?!" asked the girl with quivering lips.

"I had a conflict with Li Jun. I used external help to suppress him which caused him to became enraged".

"I didn't expect that he will direct his anger at innocent people!" said Chu Yang.

The girl calmed down after hearing this. She asked " Why did you suppress him?! What did he do to you?!".

Chu Yang eyes became sharp and said " He dug up the Graveyard near the city! My Grandmother grave was there. He wanted to build a mansion for him above the Graveyard!".

The girl looked at Chu Yang and sighed. She thought "He wanted to protect his grandmother grave! If I was in the same position I would have done the same".

"You didn't cause this! It was caused by that bastard Li Jun. don't blame yourself for it".

"I would have done the same thing if I was you! " said the girl.

Chu Yang bowed and said "Still, I have to apologise for this".

In Chu Yang' Soul palace.

Su Yu looked at Wang Wei and sighed, he said " He should teach her! I am afraid that if he didn't do so, the guilt will disturb his heart and suffer a backlash".

"You don't have to tell me the obvious! However, He should be the one to decide!" said Wang Wei.

Su Yu became silent and waited for what going to happen.

Chu Yang looked at the girl and said " I will teach you how to cultivate".

The girl looked at Chu Yang eyes and saw the guilt in his eyes. She took a deep breath and said " Gao Yue greats master".

Chu Yang shook his head and said " My name is Chu Yang. please don't call me master".

"I want to call you master!" said Gao Yue while kneeling.

Chu Yang sighed.

Suddenly, Chu Yang thought of the two men that have escaped and said " It has been 6 hours since they escaped. This means that Li Jun will send his men to hunt us".

"Gao Yue, I know a good place to hide for now. Follow me" said Chu Yang.

Gao Yue nodded and followed Chu Yang until they reached a cave. suddenly, she heard a howl which scared her.

"Wolfy, I came back" Said Chu Yang. The Howl stopped then a shadow dashed from the cave opening to Chu Yang.

The Wolf stopped in front of Chu Yang and looked at his sword.

"Good girl," said Chu Yang as he patted the wolf head.

"We are going to stay in the cave for few days until things calm down. I will give you a cultivation technique so you can train in it in these few days" said Chu Yang.

Gao Yue nodded, then she hesitated for few seconds before saying "Master, I want to clean myself".

Chu Yang stopped and looked at Gao Yue. He raised his eyebrows and thought for a few minutes.

"Gao Yue, stay here and I will look for a nearby lake" said Chu Yang.

"Wolfy, protect her and I will stab you 5 times!" said Chu Yang.

The Wolf howled happily while Gao Yue was dumbfounded.

She looked at the wolf happy face and thought " Why are you giving such a happy face?!!".

Chu Yang noticed Gao Yue weird gaze and didn't know how to explain this so he acted as he didn't notice it.

He sat down and closed his eyes, he entered his soul palace and said to Wang Wei and Su Yu " Master, Elder Su, can you help me?!".

Su Yu looked at Chu Yang and said " You can teach her the Heavenly immortal technique!".

Wang Wei and Chu Yang were surprised. Su Yu noticed their expression and felt pride, He said "You can say that the Heavenly immortal technique is a basic technique for cultivation so there any problem in her learning it!".

Wang Wei's mind short-circuited when he heard 'basic technique'.

Wang Wei was enraged and roared " You motherfucker! How dare you give Chu Yang a basic technique?!!!" He dashed toward Su Yu to kill him.

"You crazy Devil! let me finish! I gave this technique to Chu Yang because of its ability to evolve!" said Su Yu as he dodged Wang Wei attacks.

"I cultivated in this technique and look what level i am at! even though this technique is a basic one, its ability to evolve is what Distinguish it from other techniques".

" The Pure Qi can be evolved into any type of Qi aside from Devil, Demon, Ghost and Death Qi!" said Su Yu.

"The Pure Qi is basically is a normal Qi but is extremely pure. If Chu Yang found a good a spiritual vein of any attribute or gain enlightenment into a specific Qi then his Pure Qi will evolve into the Pure form of that Qi"

"Let's say that Chu Yang Found a Spiritual Vein of Fire attribute then his Pure Qi will turn into a pure Yang Qi. If he gains enlightenment into the Buddha then his Pure Qi will turn into Pure Buddha Qi! Do you understand what this means?!" said Su Yu.

"What if he didn't find a spiritual Vein?!!" said Wang Wei.

"Don't let me start talking about Chu Yang luck!" said Su Yu.

Wang Wei sighed and could only agree with Su Yu words.

"I gained enlightenment in the righteous path causing my Qi turned into the Righteous Qi" said Su Yu.

Wang Wei calmed down after hearing this, he started to think about the possibilities and a smile appeared in his face.

"Oh, i forget to say that the meridians will also take the same attribute " said Su Yu.

Wang Wei smile became bigger and said " Righteous Virgin, You gave Chu Yang a good technique!".

Su Yu sneered and said " Of course i will give him a good technique!".

Chu Yang looked at Su Yu and said " Elder Su, didn't Master say that I couldn't cultivate normal Qi?! I spent 3 years training on a basic Qi cultivation technique but nothing happened!".

Wang Wei started coughing weakly When he heard Chu Yang question, he thought" Chu Yang, forgive your master for deceiving you! The reason you couldn't cultivate is because that technique you used to train in it for 3 years is actually a joke technique! it's a method used by the old generation to pull pranks on their young generation! What baffles me is how the fuck did this technique fall in your hand?!"

Wang Wei remembers how his master used a Joke technique on him. His master and all of his friends laughed at how he diligently cultivated that joke technique. He was traumatized form it and started studying techniques until he could instantly recognize a joke technique.

"Also, thank goodness that Su Yu was raised by his master with great care and didn't't suffer from it. Otherwise, he would have noticed the technique abnormality right away and figure a loop in my explanation. He would have noticed that Chu Yang can actually cultivate normally but will need to find another technique for the remaining 36 meridians" thought Wang Wei.

Su Yu smiled at Chu Yang question and said "If you couldn't cultivate it then I would have given you another technique".

"In the end you succeeded in it so there no need to think so much into the subject".

"Are you okay with Gao Yue learning this technique?!" asked Chu Yang.

"I have a good feeling from this girl! Also, I want you to collect good karma in order to gain enlightenment in the righteous path. The more you gather good karma the easier you can enlighten in the righteous Path" said Su Yu.

"Go and teach her" said Su Yu.

Chu Yang left his soul palace after this and opened his eyes.

"Gao Yue, before I go, I want to give you a cultivation technique " said Chu Yang.

Gao Yue sat in front of Chu Yang and started to listen to his words. Chu Yang repeated the heavenly immortal technique manual 6 times before Gao Yue memorized it.

"Cultivate on it while I am out" said Chu Yang.

"Yes Master " said Gao Yue. she crossed her legs and closed her eyes.

Seeing this, Chu Yang nodded and left the cave.

Su Yu used his power and made Chu Yang's presence disappear.

He inspected 10 km around the cave but couldn't find anything.

"Oh right, the wagon" Chu Yang remembered the wagon, but he thought that it may be dangerous for him.

Also, Chu Yang felt that he was stupid when he remembered that he didn't take the 1st tier alchemist badge from Qin Yin.

"How could I forget about it?!"

"If I go back to the city Li Jun men will kill me before I reach the city gate!".

"Also, Li Jun must hate the alchemist association now so he will feel more satisfaction when he kills me" said Chu Yang.

"I need to at least rise my cultivation level to the 5th stage in order to survive ".

after thinking for a while, he decided to see the wagon.

He went to the wagon but was very careful in his movement. Chu Yang reaches the wagon and notices that there was no one near it.

" Chu Yang, there is no one here, I inspected this place with my spiritual sense" said Su Yu.

Chu Yang sighed in relief and went to the Wagon. He looked inside and found two small bags. He took them and returned to the cave.