4th stage of body tampering realm

Chu Yang gave the bags to Gao Yue and waited outside the cave. She found what she needed form the bags and started cleaning her body.

Chu Yang waited for few hours before he heard Gao Yue, "Master, I finished cleaning myself".

He entered the cave and saw her, He was surprised by how beautiful she was. Gao Yue could compare to Qin Yin in beauty but Qin Yin has a mature and noble aura which attract men to it.

" I didn't expect you to be this beautiful " said Chu Yang.

"It's my curse" said Gao Yue sadly.

Chu Yang smiled and said " Your beauty was given to you by your parents. If you hate it, then you actually hate what your parents gave to you! You should feel pride from".

Gao Yue looked at Chu Yang for few seconds and nodded her head.

"Gao Yue, I want to ask you about your age. because you need to break through to the Apprentice realm before the age of 17" said Chu Yang.

"I will be 16 years old next month" said Gao Yue.

"Good, she has a chance to reach the Apprentice realm if you help her" said Su Yu.

Chu Yang looked at Gao Yue and said "You should start cultivating. if you have any question then I will answer it".

Gao Yue nodded and started cultivating. Chu Yang followed her and started to cultivate.

He took one of the Qi gathering Pill and ate it. Chu Yang felt a warm current moving in his body and opening all of his body's bores.

" Chu Yang, the effect of the pill last for 6 hours! use it wisely " said Wang Wei.

Chu Yang entered his crazed cultivation state and greedily absorbed the Qi.

The Qi formed a vortex around Chu Yang body.

Chu Yang and Gao Yue cultivated until the next day.

He opened his eyes and thought " If I use 6 pills I would be able to break through to the 4th in both techniques in one week! I will leave the remaining 4 pills to Gao Yue".

Chu Yang looked at Gao Yue and found that she was still cultivating. He was surprised that she lasted for an entire day.

Chu Yang thought for a while and decided to find something to eat. He left the cave and started his search. Chu Yang hunted 2 rabbits and went back to the cave. Suddenly, he sensed some movement near him.

Chu Yang put down the rabbits and stealthily went to it. He found 3 men sitting in front of each other. Two were at the 5th stage and the last one was at the 4th stage of body tempering realm.

"We have been looking around for an entire day but we couldn't find those two" one of the 5th stage cultivators .

"Young Master is enraged because of losing a 5th stage cultivator. If we came back empty-handed then he will skin us alive" said the other 5th stage cultivator.

"We should continue our search in the morning" said said the 4th stage cultivator.

"Cultivate with ease!, I will be the guard tonight " said the second 5th stage cultivator.

Chu Yang saw this and decided to kill them.

"Since Li Jun want to lose men, I will comply with his wishes" said Chu Yang.

The second 5th stage cultivator leaned with his back at a tree and was continuously inspecting his surrounding, any slight movement will cause him to wake

Chu Yang was carefully moved behind the tree and his sword was already in his hand. Life attribute formed around the sword and Chu Yang covered his sword with a piece of his clothing.

His sword passed through the tree slowly and touched the man in his back.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh" a scream that pierced through the heaven exited his mouth.

His companions jumped on their feet and draw their weapons, they said " What happened?!!".

Then they looked at him only to become speechless. They saw that he was twitching while a tent formed between his legs, his face was flushed red and showed an expression that caused his companions to be disgusted.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Can't you hold it for one day?! Also, what with the scream?!" said the first 5th stage cultivator.

"I didn't think that you scream like a little bitch after relieving yourself! This is something worth telling!" said the 4th stage cultivator.

The first 5th stage cultivator went to him and wanted to give him a good lesson.

Suddenly, a black shadow shot toward him, The shadow was Chu Yang who activated the Death attribute. The 5th stage cultivator felt the sensation of deadly crisis and grabbed his weapon, but sadly he wasn't fast enough. Chu Yang cut his neck cleanly and sent it flying through the air.

Chu Yang didn't stop and attacked the other 5th stage cultivator who was leaning on the tree and killed him.

The 4th stage cultivator couldn't react as what happened was too fast. He saw Chu Yang looking at him and felt cold in his heart.

Chu Yang appeared in front of him and said " Don't blame me for this", his sword stabbed the man throat.

The 4th stage cultivator looked at Chu Yang with hatred for a few seconds before falling down.

Chu Yang looked at the 3 men and sighed.

"Magnificent! You did well!" said Wang Wei.

Su Yu didn't say anything, he only looked at Chu Yang silently.

"The Life and Death attributes are one of the best combinations I have seen in my life! The life attribute can stun the enemy while the death attribute can finish them off".

" Chu Yang, You have to increase your understanding of those two attributes, You will be invincible in combat!" said Wang Wei.

Chu Yang nodded and searched the 3 corpses, he only a small pouch of rations.

"With the rabbits that I hunted, this can sustain us for a week" thought Chu Yang.

"Should we leave the cave or stay in it?!" thought Chu Yang while walking back to the cave.

He entered the cave and saw that Gao Yue has finished her cultivation.

Gao Yue saw Chu Yang and said " Master, I think that I need a week and a half to achieve the 1st stage of Body tempering realm!".


Wang Wei laughed and said " Chu Yang, of course she will need less time than you! You cultivate two techniques at the same time. You don't need to feel down from it".

"Actually, I feel good if she can get stronger faster and help me" said Chu Yang.

"Master, can her body handle the medical strength of the Qi gathering Pill?" asked Chu Yang.

"She can handle it" said Wang Wei.

Chu Yang looked at Gao Yue and said " Once you achieve the 1st stage of body tempering realm I will give you a pill that increases your cultivation speed".

Gao Yue eyes started shining and said " Thank you Master".

"Okay, take a break from cultivation and eat something, you can't stay for a full day without eating" said Chu Yang as he thought a pouch to her.

Gao Yue thanked Chu Yang and started to eat from it.

"I will give her the rations, for now, the rabbits will be cooked tomorrow away from the cave. Li Jun men absolutely can't notice this cave!".

Chu Yang sat down and wanted to cultivate but he was stooped by Gao Yue, " Master, you didn't eat anything!".

Chu Yang smiled and said " I already eat some before returning to the cave".

He closed his eyes and started cultivation.

A week went by, Chu Yang cultivated crazily until he heard a crack in his body. He opened his eyes and smiled, "4th stage of body tempering realm in both techniques! Those pills are truly amazing!".

Suddenly, he felt a weird sensation in his body. He couldn't describe this sensation.

" Master, Elder Su, I feel weird especially in my soul Palace!" said Chu Yang.

Wang Wei and Su Yu smiled when they heard this.

"Chu Yang, your soul power has reached the absolute limit in the body tampering realm! If you reach the 5th stage of body tempering realm in both techniques then your soul level will advance to the Apprentice realm!" said Wang Wei.

"Also, when you achieved the Sword Seed your soul became even stronger!" said Su Yu.

"Chu Yang, ready yourself for the Heaven baptism!" said Wang Wei.

"Heaven Baptism?!" said Chu Yang.

"Heaven baptism happens when a cultivator advance to the Apprentice realm, This is the acknowledgement of the heaven that the mortal has officially shed his mortal shill and stepped into the immortality path" explained Wang Wei.

"In your case, you will have 3 heaven baptism!! One for each cultivation technique and the 3rd for your soul" said Su Yu.

"Find a suitable place other than this cave, it must be hidden so no one attacks you" said Wang Wei.

Chu Yang nodded and exited the cave, He started training on his sword in order to increase his mastery.

"When will Qin Yin notice that I disappeared for an entire week?!" grumbled Chu Yang as he trained in his sword. His ability to change between the two attributes became faster and more smooth.

"Life attribute Stir the body Qi and increases vitality explosively, but Death attribute can't only make my sword sharper for now" Chu Yang know that he didn't truly understand the ability of the Death attribute.

Chu Yang went back to the cave and started thing deeply about the Death attribute. Suddenly, he noticed that Gao Yue body started to tremble.

Su Yu also noticed this and said " This girl has a great determination, She pushed herself to the limit!".

Chu Yang looked at Gao Yue face and saw that she was biting her red lips until blood appeared.

He sighed and waited for her, after 10 minutes, Gao Yue opened her and she was in a daze.

"Congratulation in your breakthrough" said Chu Yang.

Gao Yue was dragged out of her daze and said "I wouldn't have been able to achieve it if you didn't guide me".

"Don't cultivate for a day! You need to let your body rest and get used to the new strength".

" I will look for a weapon for you to use" said Chu Yang.

Gao Yue understand what this means, She wanted to help him but she knows that she will only a burden for him now. She bit her lips and said " Master, be careful".

Chu Yang smiled and left the cave.