Meeting Li Jun

Qin Yin was in bad mood, She suffered a bottleneck in the Purifying Fire technique. She looked For Chu Yang and was informed that he didn't come back for an entire week.

"Why didn't he return?! Chu Yang always visits the alchemist association every week " thought Qin Yin. She didn't know why but she felt that there something wrong.

"Zhou Yixing" called Qin Yin. Zhou Yixing entered Qin Yin's alchemy room.

"Was there any changes in the city in the past few days?!" asked Qin Yin.

"There was a movement in the city lord mansion" said Zhou Yixing.

Qin Yin's eyes narrowed and said "Continue".

"From the information we gathered, Li Jun's men were seen heading toward the forest in large groups. Also, Li Jun went to the forest before 2 days" said Zhou Yixing.

Qin Yin finger tabbed on the table while thinking deeply about it.

"Zhou Yixing, I will go out for a while, Take care of the association while I am absent" said Qin Yin as she disappeared from her seat.



Chu Yang killed two groups, he killed three 5th stage cultivators and five 4th stage cultivators.

He found that those men only used two types of weapons: swords and sabre. He took the sword and went back for the cave.

"For now, I will teach Gao Yue sword technique. If she has talent I will let her learn even more about sword" said Chu Yang as he went back to the cave.

Entering the cave he saw the two cubs playing Gao Yue while wolfy laid beside her.

"Master, you came back!" Gao Yue was happy seeing that Chu Yang wasn't injured.

"Of course I will come back! How can I leave my lovely disciple alone?!" said Chu Yang.

Gao Yue blushed when she heard Chu Yang, "Master, don't treat me like a small child!".

Chu Yang laughed seeing Gao Yue expression.

He put the Sword and give it to Gao Yue.

"For now, I will teach you a sword technique" said Chu Yang.

He started explaining the Shadow swords technique. Suddenly, He heard Wang Wei" Chu Yang, there is a group of people near the cave! They are about 5 minutes from it".

"There at least 10 people in this group. Seven of them are at the 5th stage, one 6th stage, one 7th stage, the last one is at the 9th stage of body tempering realm" said Wang Wei.

Chu Yang face fell after hearing this.

"Take that girl and leave this place now!" said Wang Wei sternly.

Chu Yang body moved and grabbed Gao Yue.

"Eh" Gao Yue was surprised and saw that Chu Yang carried her like a princess.

"Li Jun men are here, we need to escape" said Chu Yang. the colour drained from Gao Yue face when she heard Chu Yang.

Chu Yang ordered Wolfy to escape, Wolfy right away carried her two cubs and followed Chu Yang order. He didn't hesitate and activated his movement technique to the limit making him disappear from the cave.

"Master. Will wolfy be alright?!" Asked Gao Yue.

"We should think about yourself first!" said Chu Yang.

"I believe in you master," said Gao Yue.

Chu Yang looked at Gao Yue speechlessly. He could only shake his head at Gao Yue words.

Suddenly, he felt the sensation of a deadly crisis followed by Wang Wei and Su Yu warning him.

Chu Yang grabbed Gao Yue tightly and ducked down. A shadow passed just above his head and struck the tree beside him. Chu Yang looked at the tree and found and an impaled arrow in it.

"How could he notice me?!" asked Chu Yang.

"They will not be able to notice your presence but they can see you, We hide your presence not your body!" said Wang Wei.

"I found them!" The one who shot the arrow roared causing the multiple presences to head toward him.

Chu Yang know that he couldn't escape with Gao Yue so he said " Gao Yue, I will protect you while you escape! Leave now".

Gao Yue looked at Chu Yang and said " Master, how could I leave you?! You will die! "

"Gao Yue, as your master I order you to escape!" said Chu Yang sternly.

Gao Yue bit her lips and became silent.

"Gao Yue, there isn't enough time to think! Escape now!" said Chu Yang.

"But mast...."

"I said leave now" roared Chu Yang.

Gao Yue eyes turned red and said " Master, I will not forgive you if you die". after that, she started running.

Chu Yang used his sword and deflected the arrows at him and Gao Yue.

"Master, Elder Su, I am sorry! I might die here and won't be able to help you" said Chu Yang.

Wang Wei shook his head lightly and said " Why are you talking like you will die?! Don't you have me and Virgin?!".

"We can raise your cultivation forcibly for 3 minutes by two levels. But know that it will hurt your body badly" said Su Yu.

"Will it affect your souls?" asked Chu Yang.

"We will fall into a deep coma for 2 weeks, after that we will be fine" said Su Yu.

Chu Yang nodded and felt that the people have reached him.


A group of men appeared in front of Chu Yang, they were led by a handsome young man. The young man wore a silver robe with a sabre strapped at his waist.

Chu Yang eyes turned sharp and knew that this young man might be Li Jun.

"I never thought that I would have the honour to see the City Lord little brat!" asked Chu Yang mockery.

Li Jun eyes shone with cruel light as he looked at Chu Yang.

"Young Master, There was another person with him when i attacked him, That person most likely to be a female" said a man who had a bow.

Li Jun smiled and said "Such a righteous person! You want to help that female by distracting us! sadly you won't be able to do so".

" Li Jun, Did Elder Zhou treat you will?!" said Chu Yang.

Li Jun smile froze and looked at Chu Yang with killing intent.

"I truly wanted to see your expression! Elder Zhou described it for me and i became depressed knowing that i missed it" said Chu Yang with a sad face.

"Don't worry, next time i will be there for you!"

Li Jun face turned red from anger and said "You are the one who asked him to warn me?!".

"Of course! My joy in life is to fuck you up" said Chu Yang.

"Cripple him, then hunt that bitch! I want him to see how i will toy with her in front of him" said Li Jun.