Come, i will drag you to hell with me!

"Cripple him, then hunt that bitch! I want him to see how i will toy with her in front of him" said Li Jun. All of the 5th stage cultivators and the 6th stage lunged at Chu Yang.

"I can kill 5th stage cultivators easily but that 6th stage cultivator is a pain in the ass. I should find the right opportunity to surprise them with my trump card" thought Chu Yang as he dodged the attacks.

Li Jun narrowed his eyes as he watches Chu Yang dodging the Eight people attacks, "He is merely at the 4th stage of body tempering realm! How could he avoid the combined attacks of eight people?!".

"That young man combat ability is amazing! If he was at the same stage as me, he would have killed me in an instant!" said the cloaked man.

"He is just a peasant! I could kill him easily if I wanted!" said Li Jun.

The cloaked man looked at Li Jun with contempt and thought "You are at the 7th stage but could barely hold your ground against a person from the same stage!".

Chu Yang dodged the attacks with ease but he acted as he was barely avoiding their attacks until he was corned by a tree. The men were excited as they saw that Chu Yang reached a dead end so their attacks become more ferocious, Seeing this Chu Yang smiled and he said " Begin".

The cloaked man felt a bad feeling so he roared "leave some distan..".

Chu Yang aura exploded and his cultivation rose until the 6th stage. The Cloaked man eyes became wide open when he saw this.

" Shit, There were no signs indicating that he disguised his cultivation level" Cursed the Cloaked man as he dashed toward Chu Yang and the men. He knows that those men life were in danger.

Chu Yang didn't give any of them a chance to react, he slashed with the Death attribute and cut four 5th stage cultivators with one slash.

The cloaked man roared as he appeared in front of Chu Yang. His eyes were red and killing intent caused Chu Yang to nearly suffocate. He stretched his hand and tried to grab Chu Yang neck.

"I will make you suffer for killing my men!" said the cloaked man.

"Don't kill him!" said Li Jun.

Chu Yang eyes fell at Li Jun and they shone with cruel light.

"I will take you with me to hell" roared Chu Yang as he slashed with the Life attribute toward the Cloaked man.

The cloaked man snorted and a Qi shield formed around his hand, his hand grabbed the sword while saying "No matter what kind of.... Ahhhhhhh" the sword passed through his Qi shield and his hand causing his mind to blank out.

Chu Yang didn't waste this chance and he stabbed at the cloaked man throat.

The cloaked man suddenly jumped backwards and roared " What the hell did you do to me?!!", he was able to suppress the sensation he felt but it caused him to suffer a

Chu Yang didn't answer him as he dashed toward Li Jun causing the cloaked man's face to harden. He moved his legs but felt severe pain in his little brother, this caused him to stop for a split-second before dashing toward Li Jun and Chu Yang.

This split second was more than enough for Chu Yang to reach Li Jun.

Li Jun was filled with terror as he saw Chu Yang reach him.

"You dare to attack me?! My father will kill you" screamed Li Jun as he backed but sadly for him, Chu Yang will not miss this heaven-sent opportunity. He raised his sword and slashed at him vertically with the Death attribute covering the sword.

"DIE" roared Chu Yang.

"You dare?!" the cloaked man was already behind Chu Yang, He swings his arm toward Chu Yang.


Chu Yang felt like that his body has been slammed by a mountain, even with this, his slash didn't slow down but changed its direction. His sword cut Li Jun left arm from the shoulder while Chu Yang was sent flying while coughing a large amount of blood. He grabbed the sword tightly and stabilise his body using it.

"Ahhhhhhhhh" screamed Li Jun as he rolled in the ground.

"My arm! My arm!".

The cloaked man face was ugly as he saw Li Jun state. He rapidly took a healing pill and put it into Li Jun mouth while poking pressure points in Li Jun chest causing the bleeding to stop.

Suddenly, a slap hit the cloaked man in his right cheek. The cloaked man was stunned and saw Li Jun looking at him with eyes filled with madness, " You piece of shit! You are at the 9th stage of body tempering realm and can't stop that little dog! Kill him then cut your arm! Do you hear me?!" roared Li Jun with madness. In his entire life, he didn't suffer from any wound, even his father never hit him, now he had his arm cut by a person who he considers a peasant

"Kill him! make it slow and painful! I want him to beg me for death!" roared Li Jun.

The cloaked man body trembled from the slap, he wanted to kill him but remembered Li Jun's father identity and strength, He calmed down and looked at Chu Yang.

Chu Yang body was in mess, his internal organs were heavily injured while his left arm was broken. Also, only 1 minute remains of the three minutes power up.

"Sadly i couldn't kill you" said Chu Yang.

Chu Yang looked at the cloaked man and smiled, blood was leaking from his lips and with Chu Yang smile it gave him a sinister feeling.

The cloaked man felt a shill in his body when he saw Chu Yang smile.

"I have to kill him! If he escapes then it will be the death of me and Li Jun" Thought the cloaked man.

The cloaked man dashed toward Chu Yang then he saw Chu Yang sword shining with white light causing him to stop.

Chu Yang pointed the sword and looked at the remaining men, he said " Come, i will drag you to hell with me!" causing all men to feel cold in their heart.