
When sadie had dropped off liv neither of thr girls noticed the car that was parked in front of the house by the sidewalk.liv had walked straight inside locking the door behind her after Sadie left.Liv had gone to her room to put her phone to her charge since it was dead and went back to the living room turning on some classical music to continue reading.

Walking up to the pathway to livs house without a care in the world and in bright daylight without anyone even noticing any malice was Theo.He had in his possession the extra key that his uncle had given him for emergencies.He quietly unlocked the door and let himself in.hearing the music coming from the living room he sneaked in without her noticing him walking towards her taking something out of his jacket.

At that moment liv closed her book and sat up when she felt someone cover her mouth and felt a sudden sting in her neck.when she was released she tried to stand up to run but felt herself go weak and numb from her legs. With her attempt to run she managed to drop some frames and vases shattering on the floor.She felt as if her everything around her was spinning turning into a blur and suddenly everything went black.

As he watched her try to leave he couldnt help but stare at her beauty. Seeing her unconscious he went to check on her to make sure she was out.As he saw her in that dress laying on the floor all he thought of was feeling her in his arms.Picking her up he carried her to her bed and had to make sure it looked like an attempted robbery gone bad.He knew what his part of the plan was.Calling Adam to tell him how he had accomplished everything so far he couldnt help but think of the beautiful woman up stairs.

All that was left was to take liv away and scare her back into his arms and away from interfering with Camille's part of the plan.As he went up to her room he noticed that she looked so different from before. There was something about her that was different aside from the way she was dressed.She always dressed so conservative making her look like so plain to everyone until they actually paid attention to her.This time the silk dress that perfectly suited her body made her so tempting in his eyes. He thought about her being with her as he eyed from head to toe as she layed unconscious.He sat next to her kissing her lips and wanting more of her body as he traced her figure with his hand stopping to where the slit of the dress was.He knew in his heart that she belonged to him and be was willing to do anything to make sure that no one would want her .what he felt was deep love for her had turned more into an obsession for her.

Feeling a sudden urge he started kissing on her neck going down to her chest. Feeling that he only had such a short time to take advantage he started removing his jacket and started picking up her dress and removing the straps from her shoulder. Feeling her body once more as he admired her beauty he was about to remove her underwear when he felt a sudden punch across his face knocking him off of her and landing on the other side of the bed hitting the floor."what the hell is wrong with you?!!!!" screamed Sadie running up to liv who was still unconscious."You will pay dearly for ever laying a hand on her!" Liam yelled at Theo as he picked him up and pinned him to the wall."I'm calling the police right away " Sadie said walking out of the room.

"Stay out of what happens between us. She's drunk ,I'm just doing what she asked me for.She wanted me to be her first and only man in her life!!!"Theo told Liam taunting him.

Feeling anger by theos words Liam punched him breaking his nose and making blood gush out with the strong sudden impact.dropping him to the floor Liam ran straight to liv holding her in his arms covering her up.Sadie ran back to where liv was and was on the phone with the police who were on the way.Hearing that Theo immediately got up and started running out of the house before police showed up.

"he's leaving shouldnt we stop him?"Sadie asked liam. "I'm not leaving her side...He will get what's coming to him do not worry."

"why isnt she wakeing up? what happened?"Sadie asked holding her hand." my guess is he intended to take her."

once police showed up they took pictures and statements. Liv was starting to regain consciousness and was terrified at what had happened crying into Liam's arms.After being checked by paramedics she was released to go with the siblings since Theo was not caught.Hearing what had happened made Liv grateful that they arrived before anything worse had happened and felt bad for doubting her friend after hearing what occured in the meeting.

"let's go, we will get you what you need later but it's not safe for you here"Liam said as he helped liv up."yes your friend is back home with Carter waiting.shes probably worried about you since we haven't gone home yet." Sadie said as she placed her hand on livs shoulder.

"Now another thing...keep your relationship a secret from her and anyone else.lets not make things worse for now"Sadie said as they walked to her car."I agree....for now until it's settled" Liam said thinking about today's unexpected events.

After running off Theo drove off and headed out of the city to a town that was about an hour away.He drove up to a bar and decided to have a few drinks until he got an answer from his uncle.Finally after about thirty minutes adam answered his phone. " where are you?!!!the police just left after searching my house looking for you!!!YOU IDIOT !!!WHY WOULD YOU TRY SOMETHING LIKE THAT WHEN WE WERE SHORT ON TIME!!!"screamed Adam through the phone."LOOK!!!" Theo said as he realized there was people around"I'm know I messed up but I need you right now to help me please" he pleaded. Adam was furious at him" You are on your own. Forget about me and the company.Thankfully your sister still follows directions.She is all I need in order to be successful.Dont come home."he said as he hung up the phone and blocked his number.

Theo felt so furious.How could he betray him like that? his own family.He rented a hotel room and decided to just drink away the time until things cleared up.He had nothing left just the money he had taken out of his bank cleaning it out.

when Liv walked into the house with Liam and Sadie she saw her friend running up to her full of tears running down her face"I'm so glad you are safe! I'm sorry that happened to you ,but we are both safe now thanks to Liam who has done everything to keep me safe"camille said as she placed her hand on his arm after hugging liv. Liv felt a bit of jealousy seeing her try to flirt but controlled her emotions"Well I'll show you both to your rooms so you can relax a bit and freshen up." Sadie said as she wallked both Girls to the guest rooms.

Sadie showed cam her room first and they left her getting ready for dinner later.when sadie got to livs room they both entered and Sadie quickly shut the door behind her." Your room is across from Liam's room.I thought you both would like that.Another thing ...I dont trust her liv.She can put on a good act but I don't get fooled easily. Be careful she seems very interested in my brother and is not afraid to show it." Sadie warned her. "You are right. she doesn't seem like the cam I know anymore."Liv told her "greed can change a lot of people.Especially when they are use to having everything handed to them without lifting a finger.Ill see you later."Sadie said as she left the room.