I want her out

When Camille stayed I her room she quickly dialed her uncle to update him on everything going on."perfect princess , I'm heading to the lawyer right now to change some stuff in regards to the company. Your brother Will have no part in it just you and I.stay away from Theo in case he tries to contact you." Adam instructed. "of course .now I just have to worry about liv staying in the same house.Ill take care of it dont worry" cam said as she layed down on the bed after hanging up. "this will soon be all mine!!!"she laughed feeling so accomplished.

Sadie was about to go ask both of the girls if they would accompany her to go buy clothes and other necessities when Liam stopped her." here is my card ,get liv what ever you think she might need.I dont think she should go out anywhere right now after what happened."smiling at her brother she hugged him."ok I'll invite camille giving you some time with liv" At that moment Camille walked out of the room." oh sorry I was just going for a drink of water."cam said surprised to see them talking. " I was just coming to invite you out. what do you say if we go shopping? since I'm pretty sure you need a change of clothes." Sadie said enthusiastically." of course I would love to join you both"she said smiling to Liam." I unfortunately have some business to attend to at the moment so it will be just you two" he told her as he walked off to the office."Liv is not coming?" she asked Sadie." No I wasn't going to but if you like I can invite her" Sadie responded."NO...she really doesnt have money to go shop at the places we enjoy going to. besides she must be asleep after everything today. its best to let her sleep."cam said pulling Sadie away from livs room.

When they arrived at the stores camille immediately started grabbing clothes and commanding for shoes and accessories to match."I just love shopping.there is so much stuff here at the boutiques"Camille said as she modeled the clothes in front of the mirror.Sadie had just arrived back and sat down looking at cam."have you found what you need? It's getting late and we still have a few more stores to go to."Sadie asked cam."yes ...im taking all these outfits.are you getting anything?"cam asked as they took her stuff to the counter."I have already purchased some things."Sadie said showing the four big bags from the store." well then I will catch up to you in the next store."Camille told her as she went to pay.

After Sadie and Camille left the house Liam went to knock on livs door. Liv had been laying down thinking about everything when she heard a knock. Opening the door to see who it was she couldn't help but smile with surprise."Liam...I thought I wouldnt see you until tonight"she said as she pulled him in the room closing the door behind them."I had to make sure you are ok... Seeing you in that situation really scared me and angered me that someone would be capable to try that"he said as he embraced her in his firm arms."Thanks to you it didnt go that far.What can I do to repay you for everything.?"she asked him."You have nothing to repay...Your love is more than enough for me" he said kissing her."rest up we will continue talking after dinner."he told her as he left back out to head to a conference call.

Liv was getting ready for dinner when she heard another knock on her door."I'm coming in!!!these are too many bags for me to carry and honestly getting heavy." sadie said as she walked in."what's all this?Sadie here let me help you" she said grabbing some bags and boxes from her to place on the bed." This is everything you will need from clothes to shoes. undergarments and some extra stuff you might enjoy." Sadie said pointing at the stuff. "You didn't have to do that.this looks so expensive"liv said as she pulled out the clothes."I didn't ...it was Liam." Sadie responded helping her hang up the clothes in the huge walk in closet."the stuff in this box is from me"she said handing her a box."look at it after dinner.your welcome"Sadie said as she left the room "dinner is at eight...see you then."

Camille was so happy about getting to eat dinner with Liam that she tryed on different outfits searching for the right one.she finally decided on a black tight dress that was really short with some red heels with matching necklace and earrings.Looking at the time she walked out of the room at the same time as Liam. "you look nice miss Wilson" Liam complimented her."why thank you.I hope you like this"she told him walking right by his side.At that moment Carter walked out joining them. "shall we go have a seat already dinner is ready to be served."he told them. "yes Sadie and liv will join us in a few minutes"Liam said walking to his seat as Carter helped cam with her chair.

They were in full conversation when sadie and liv walked in to the dining room. Liam stopped mid sentence his conversation with carter when he saw liv.she was wearing a white loose fitted dress with a golden colored zipper in the front. her hair was pinned to one side.She looked like a doll in his eyes. How can she always take his breath away with just her presence alone? Camille saw his reaction and filled with anger."I thought you wouldnt be joing us.dont strain yourself too much you dont want to cause any more trouble do you?"

"I'm quite honored that you came to join us"Liam told liv as he pulled out the chair for her to sit." thank you...to all of you for everything"liv said sitting down.She was in no way going to let liv stay here for too long and interfere. close to the end of dinner cam brought up an unexpected question to liv "since you no longer have to stay here for too long why dont you go the south and attend school elsewhere like you always dreamed of doing?"cam questioned liv hinting to her that she needs to back off." I had forgotten about that" liv told her keeping a serious face." I wasnt aware that you dreamed of leaving here"Liam asked feeling concerned."there is a lot about her you dont know but with time you'll see who she is"cam added trying to add fuel to the fire."I'm sure there is also stuff about you that we are not aware of...lets not make dinner uncomfortable for everyone ok" sadie added keeping her gaze on Camille.Feeling angered by sadie's comment camille excused herself and went to her room to make a call.

"we need to speed things up.the longer she stays here the closer she will get.Call your person and let me know when you get it so I can meet you." Camille spoke to her uncle informing him everything." when the time is right I will make my move and guarantee she disappears."She knew exactly what to do all she needed was the right moment and the stuff she needed her uncle to get her to complete her plan.Liv was going to be out of the picture and she was willing to take matters into her own hands to do so.