Liv had a long night at the coffee shop she worked in.Thankfully her manager got there early and let her go home.Sadie just happened to have gone by for a cup of coffee when she bumped into liv who was about to leave.
" hey you're back!how was the trip?" liv asked as she hugged Sadie." it was perfect Carter stayed there a bit longer to finish off the deal and I came back to finalize some stuff with Liam in regards to work."they both sat down and started talking when Sadie saw the time " have you been here all night?it a quarter til seven " she said as she got up." Yes I pulled a double shift and was heading home already."liv told her smiling." well you are not driving tired...lets go I'll take us home" Sadie said as both girls walked out to her car.
"you know since you came into my brothers life he has been really happy.I still dont trust your friend,but you both seem to trust her."Sadie told liv."he really makes me happy too...I love him and I would do anything to make him happy just as he's done for me."liv told her as they pulled up to the house.
"I need to go see Liam before I get some sleep.he wanted to take me out yesterday but I had to cancel."she explained to Sadie." do what you need to do "she said as they came across the coffee table with the empty bottles and shot glasses."was there a party or something?"Sadie asker as she picked up the box containing the ring.Liv immediately started walking to Liam's room with sadie behind her feeling confused. His door was slightly open when she got to it so she opened the door entering it right away.
"LIAM ?!!!" Liv screamed at the sight of him in bed Camille both naked in the covers with their clothes scattered on the floor leading to the bed.Hearing her voice Liam woke up feeling groggy and. turned to look at luv when he saw cam in bed next to him waking up at the same time." what the hell is your problem?"Sadie told both of them as hugged liv who was in tears looking at both of them. " it's not what it looks like please! Nothing happened ...we just drank and I came to bed feeling sick and passed out!!!tell her Camille!"Liam said as he wrapped the sheets on himself walking to liv.
" I cant lie to you liv. sorry we drank and things got a little out of control and we made love!!!he admitted his feelings to me last night"cam told her as she put on her dress.
"NO!!!that's a lie I wouldnt do such a thing to her. she's the one I love. we were celebrating that I am asking for your hand in marriage." Liam said trying to hold livs hand. She immediately pushed him away." No ...Get away could you!!! both of you stay away I need to be alone!!" liv said as she ran off.Sadie stood there in disbelief." pack your things and leave....what type of friend are you."she told her as she turned to her brother slapping him ."you just ruined your chance with her."
camille walked out of the room to get her things in a very happy mood at what just happened. Sadie walked out and headed to the office to call Carter.Liam quickly changed and tried to get liv to talk to him with no success.Still feeling sick he went to sadie and explained what happened. she drove off with him leaving camille and liv alone in the house.
Liv stayed in her room crying no stop and didnt notice when she fell asleep.
Camille took that opportunity to call her uncle and tell him what happened and left to his house." Now all we have do is is wait a couple of weeks and find Theo to tell him where to find liv." Cam told her uncle Adam who then questioned her about the substance she used." did you use it all?" he asked her. " yes I did worked better than I thought." he immediately turned to her." you idiot were you trying to kill him or get caught?" she felt confused at his remark. "go back to that house and pour a little of this substance in one of the empty bottles.lets hope no one has picked up anything" he said handing her a small amount.
Sadie and Liam were both sitting in the doctors office waiting for the results of all the blood work and studies they had done on him.
" Do you believe me sister?" he asked her. "to be honest I'm not sure. Like I said before I dont trust Camille.What you both did really destroyed liv. let's hope she can forgive you if what you say is true." sadie said when the doctor came in with the chart." We have your results and indeed it is as you suspected mr.hayes....I will give you a copy of this and for the record any more and you would have been are lucky we were able to get to you on time." the doctor told him.Sadie immediately called the police to investigate and headed home .
camille was already headed out of the house when they arrived causing Sadie to walk up to her and punch in the face causing her lip to bleed."what did I do ? im leaving just like you want !"she said as sadie pulled her inside.
Liv heard all the screaming going on that she walked out to see what was going on." I will make sure you are arrested for attempted murder!!!what was your plan by drugging him?" Sadie screamed."what is happening right now? "liv asked as Liam handed her some papers." I didnt lie to you liv .....look it was all a set up please forgive me...police are on their way " he said as grabbed her hand while she read it." wait it wasnt me I promise I wouldnt do such a thing I'm a victim of this too please believe me!!! liv I'm your best friend I wouldnt betray you like that." at that moment two investigators arrived and talked with both Liam and Camille.they took the bottles and glasses that were on the table." were these all the glasses? You said there was a cup that you gave him water with?" they asked cam. " yes but I washed it after he used it I can still get it to you"she told them as they shook their heads no."those bottles were a gift from my brother a couple months ago. we just never drank them." she added.liv immediately turned to Liam " what if it was theo's way of getting to me?" the investigators grabbed all that information down suspecting Theo. If the bottles came back with the substance then Theo had something else to worry about now.
Liv felt a bit guilty about blaming them for what happened but she felt she couldn't forgive him so easily just the same as cam. even though they are friends she felt betrayed. Sadie let cam stay keeping a close eye on her while Liam tried everything to gain livs trust back.It took her three weeks for her to start talking to them like she use to especially after hearing that Theo was the one who caused everything.camille tried to make it up to Liam by talking to liv and convincing her to go out on a date." fine ...Ill go out for dinner with him. look I know none of this is either of yours fault but I'm hurt. seeinf that really hurts cam."Cam hugged her friend." im sorry if I can go back in time In would...he loves you and I love you please.lets leave this in the past."
At hearing liv say she would join him for dinner Liam grew hopeful at the thought that things would go back to before.he made reservations and dressed up ready to propose to her.Liv dressed up for dinner feeling nervous about the date. She was still unsure but wanted to give him a chance .She loved him with all her heart.Once at the restaurant Liam and liv talked with each other as if nothing had changed he loved seeing her smile and she felt that things were going back to normal." I have something to ask you..." he said as he got up from his seat and got on one knee next to her."Liam what are you doing ?" she asked him." will you marry me ? I know things have been difficult but I promise things will get better.I want a family with you...I want the rest of my life to start and end with you in it every day" he told her. Liv didn't know what to say. so many emotions crossed her heart and mind.