Are you happy?

Liv smiled at the handsome man who had just proposed to her in front of evryone in that restaurant. All eyes were on her as expecting an answer from her as well." Yes Liam yes I'll marry you...but please I dont want for anything else to ruin our happiness." she said.

Liam kissed her and placed the ring on her finger.For that moment everything was full of happiness.after dinner they both went to his company office to meet up with Sadie and Carter giving them the good news. " I'm so happy that you both were able to fix things. you both belong together.!"Sadie said hugging them both." Congratulations indeed... you both could start a new life together running the new office away from here." Carter said looking at liv. she was confused at his comment." Liv darling I will be leaving here and moving to Louisiana or maryland to start the new office.I was hopeing you would come with me."he told her." oh... that's unexpected.Ill support you all the way Liam."she told him.

Cam was waiting at home for them to arrive. She had already discussed her continuous plan with both Adam and Theo so they would be aware. Theo at that time felt so much anger towards his family for dragging him down so bad. He just agreed with them to be aware of what steps they made.

When cam heard the front door open she jumped out of bed and ran to greet them.

"how was dinner? you both seem happier than usual." she said as she saw liv and Liam kissing. " we are getting married!!!he asked me to Mary him!!!" liv told cam showing the ring."I'm so happy for you both!!! when is the big day?!!" cam asked not expecting that to be so soon." that is completely up to liv...Hopefully before we move but I will wait as long as I must for her." Liam said kissing liv once more."well as long as I'm maid of honor I'm happy!!!" cam said with so much joy in her voice. "I'll be in Liam's room discussing plans. talk to you later" liv said as they walked to his room." Just be careful...we dont want a shotgun wedding" cam teased as she went to her room dialing her uncle and some other people she needed favors from.

" Stay with me here love,you don't have to go back to your room" he said as they passionately kissed inside his room."are you asking me to move in with you Mr.hayes ?" liv teased as she unbuttoned his shirt." maybe I am "He whispered in her ear as he lifted her in his arms and layed her down." You'll have to convince me sir... but I think I can give you a trial run this week"she said as she nibbled on his ear. Their night continued with so much love that cam noticed liv didnt return to her room.She had to put a stop to the wedding.

Early in the morning camille left to go meet up with a friend.her friend handed her a brown bag that cam put away in her purse so that no one would see what's inside.She went to her uncles house so no one would suspect they still had contact.He had assured her that his friend was on board with the plan with a certain amount of money to keep quiet." I made sure to pay her a large amount and as far as anyone knows she's just a doctor that was recommended to you. she has high ratings so they wont deny her word."Adam informed cam." Now I just need to start with my plan and everything will fall into place." Cam said feeling relief at her uncle's support .

She decided to head home before liv went to work and liam got home.she went to livs room knocking on her door."hey cam come in I'm getting ready to leave." Cam walked and sat on the bed."I tried going to class but had to leave early." she told her. " liv put her brush down and went to cam "are you ok?what happened?" cam suddenly ran into livs bathroom throwing up.Liv walked to her friend " are you sick? do you need anything?"cam flushed and rinsed her mouth ." I think I have a bug.I started this morning.unless I got food poisoning from breakfast this morning that I ate out." she told liv.

"lets take you to your room and you may down. I'll stay home from and make you soup"liv said as she dialed her boss explaining what was going on.she called Liam who was at work with sadie and Carter telling him she would be home. once Sadie heard what happened she started to pace around." is something wrong sister?" Carter asked." what if camille is pregnant?"Sadie asked as she looked at Liam." no ,liv said she was sick from food poisoning. besides it's only been three weeks" he told her. " going on 4 weeks but I hope for your sake that's true Liam."

camille played it off as if it was just a normal stomach bug she had and it would take a couple of days to get better.Liv tried her best to help her out postponing her plans with Liam. They both continued to spend every night together discussing how their days went.After two weeks had passed they were all together enjoying dinner when the conversation of liv and Liam's wedding plans came up." we will be going out tomorrow on our day off to look at wedding venues."Liam said as he held livs hand both smiling at each other."How exciting !!!all these weddingplans will be amazing .next week liv and I are looking at dresses" Sadie said full of joy.

At that moment cam got up from her chair covering her mouth and ran to the bathroom I. her room. " is she ok?"Sadie asked as liv got up to check on her."I'm going to check on her " liv said walking out with Sadie following behind.when they got to her room She was coming out already." I can explain...I wanted to talk with you but I wanted to be sure first" cam said as Sadie interrupted" your pregnant". Liv stayed frozen as Camille took out two positive pregnancy tests from the restroom counter. "

I found out before dinner but didnt want to ruin your conversation"she explained as Sadie took them showing them to liv. At that moment Carter and Liam arrived."I'm so sorry liv ... I didnt want this to happen. I still need to see a doctor." Liam walked up to liv holding her in his arms seeing the test results for himself. He felt his heart drop at realizing what just occurred." we wont know for sure until she sees a doctor."Liam said . At hearing him say that liv felt so much anger." she's got two positive tests!!YOU CANT DENY IT LIAM.SHES IS PREGNANT WITH YOUR CHILD!!"she screamed running out the door and running to her room ignoring everyone knocking on her door.

Liam couldnt even look at Camille .he went straight to knocking on livs door without getting an answer.Sadie walked over to him " brother let her be...this is a big shock for all of us, especially her."

Liam didnt want to leave the door hopeing for her to open the door.carter stepped in to talk to his brother" get up... come with me. " he told liam going into the office." you no longer look like the man that people feared. You look weak. Think before you act brother. You wont fix anything like that." Liam sat down and thought about everything "you're right. proof first and then I will go from there" Carter grinned at his brother. " what if camille is indeed pregnant? what will you do then?"