seeing is believing

At first he couldn't believe his eyes.There was no way she could be there ,especially enjoying lunch with someone else.He looked away and dialed his phone immediately. The phone started to ring and he immediately turned to the woman who was laughing and flirting around with a young man.As her phone started ringing the she checked her phone and ignored the call." Aren't you going to answer that darling? it could be an important call." the girl grabbed his hand and leaned over for a kiss." it's not important...I can take care of it later."With those words Liam felt angered and called again.She immediately shut off her phone turning her focus back to her date.He had confirmed what he was dreading Sadie was right all along with her words that morning. Camille was cheating on him and was not afraid to even be out in public with him worried that she could be seen.They were only weeks away from getting married.He got up to confront her but immediately stopped.He then decided to take a few pictures of Camille and left before she saw him.While Camille enjoyed special company with her boyfriend She turned and saw from a distance a tall man that in a way resembled Liam.Feeling a bit panicked she immediately went to the restroom to call liams office just to make sure he was still at the office.when his assistant answered she immediately questioned her." Is Liam in the office right now?"The assistant at that moment was speaking with Sadie who heard camilles voice.Sadie put it on speaker to hear her question." oh Camille sorry I didn't recognize the number since you usually call his phone."the young lady responded. " Dont speak to me like you know me!!!its Mrs. Hayes to you!!!dont forget your place Now is my fiance in his office or not?"Sadie waved to the young lady signaling her to yes." I'm sorry ma'am yes he is but he is in a meeting at this moment and cant be interrupted at the moment " sadie gave her a thumbs up."thats what I thought. dont tell him I called"Camille said and immediately hung up." That woman is up to no good.I hope my brother sees that before it's too late.thank you Annie for going along with me."

Liam got in his car and sat there thinking of what to do next.His cell phone started ringing and he answered it once he saw it was his sister." Is there a reason why camille just called the office instead of your cell phone?" Liam looked around to see of camille was anywhere around."What did you say?"he asked her."well she spoke to your assistant but I told her to say you were in a meeting."Liam felt a bit relieved to hear that." ok I appreciate that. I won't be going back to the office this afternoon I need to be alone for a while....and Sadie you were right" he hung up right after not giving her a chance to question him.He decided to just drive around the city to clear his mind.He decided to head over to the cafe and order himself something small to eat and an iced coffee from there.When he walked up he noticed how different it looked outside .He walked inside and was a bit surprised to see how different the place looked since the last time he was there.When he walked up to the register he asked for Carol hoping to talk to her." sorry she has been out for a while.we have someone else currently taking over for her to get this place back up."Liam felt disappointed but still placed his order." the place looks great.Well I was hoping to see carol but it's fine.Ill see her when she returns."the guy at the register quickly sent the order to the back and began to make Liam's drink.Once he got all his order Liam went back to his car and realized what he had done." what was I thinking....shes no longer there.Why do I keep doing this to myself?"Liam felt upset about what he did and drove off.

He drove for another 30 minutes and finally decided to stop at the park.He finished his food and grabbed his drink getting out of the car. He decided to just walk around to clear his mind.Away from his work ,away from his home that was now empty and alone.It now felt like an empty shell since his siblings moved out the moment Camille moved in with him.He thought that having her in his life would make things better but once again he was mistaken.She fooled him once again. What bothers him more about seeing for himself that Camille has been cheating on him is the fact that he doesn't feel the pain in his heart of a person who is in love.He felt more anger towards the fact that once again she was using him to have the lifestyle she so desperately wants.He walked by the playground seeing all the children play as the parents watched and some even by the childs side helping them.He once pictured himself with a family of his own but camille made it clear she didnt want any kids.She didn't want to deal with anything like that especially if it meant possibly doing damage to her body. Liam continued walking and passed by the area where he first met liv. That unexpected run in she had that caused them to first collide against each other was something he will always remember.To him it was that moment where he fell in love with her without knowing who she was.He continued walking around and went towards the bridge to get away from all the people in the park.He hadn't been there in a while and just with the smell of the trees and fresh air made him feel more relaxed.He missed going out to that location.He slowly walked towards the bridge seeing it come up in the distance.He was able to hear the water already.

As he got closer He noticed that there was someone standing on the bridge looking out towards the water already. He stopped walking and stood there thinking if he should just turn back and leave from there or whether to continue walking and hopefully that person would leave the area once they realized there was another person there.He sighed amd continued walking.Every step he made the person came into better view.He realized that it was a woman standing there.Her brown wavy hair came into view.He felt his heart beat fast as he got closer.could it possibly be her? did she finally return or is it my mind playing tricks after so many thoughts of her that day.

Liv had a stressed out morning since the moment she woke up. she had gone straight to the cafe that morning and gave instructions on what was still needing to get done. All of her orders arrived just like Ian had informed her and she made sure to get everything put away correctly.She managed to help them open up the store and help with the orders while instructing them what their daily tasks were for the day.She stayed there until everything was going smooth giving her a chance to leave to get a break from everything.She was deciding on heading home but didnt really want to head there just yet.She got in her car and drove off to the park.She went to her usual spot away from the crowds within the trees where the bridge is.She went there and stood there admiring the view of the water with all the the trees and flowers on the side.She smiled and breathed in the air. She felt all of the stress and tension leave as she looked at the ducks floating under.The silence felt so nice after everything from that morning when everything started in total chaos trying to get everyone organized.

"Is everything ok love?"At the sound of that familiar voice she immediately turned around.She felt her heart sink and tears started wanting to come out."'re actually here."He looked at her not believing that she was actually standing a few feet away from him.He was speechless at the sight of her bright blue eyes staring straight back at him.Without even realizing he was already running up to her embraceing her holding onto her like of she would disappear at any moment.She held onto him as she was in his arms that familiar scent made her heart beat fast. She pushed herself away from him and looked at him."I cant believe you are actually here.I didn't think I would see you."He studied her face and caressed her cheek."You have no idea how much I wanted to see your beautiful face and hear your angelic voice once more." He kissed her in the lips at that moment and liv felt startled by that unexpected kiss from him not sure on what to do at that moment.