hidden feelings

She wanted to stop him but feeling the warmth of his lips against hers and his strong secure embrace made her stay like that returning the kiss.after a moment she finally stopped him." Liam I cant ....Its not right for us to be ...."Liam stepped back and sighed " I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you it's just that I have dreamt of this moment for so long.You had me searching for you like crazy." Liv leaned back against the bridge looking at him She felt overjoyed to finally be by his side." I'm sorry I didnt tell you....I really couldnt handle everything that was going on at the time.you and camille were engaged to be married because of the child.theo going crazy at the cafe.There was just so much "Liam walked right next to her as she looked at the water."If only I knew then what I know now things would be so different for us."he told her as she sighed "It doesnt change that you are still engaged to the same woman who did so much to tear us apart.Does she know you are here?" she asked him as she turned to him." No she doesnt quite frankly she's out enjoying her boyfriends company at this moment while she assumes I'm at the office." liv grabbed his hand " Liam I'm so sorry ...you don't deserve that.No one deserves to be betrayed in any way." Liam hugged her once more " having you by my side makes things feel in place." she pushed him away. " Liam I'm with someone and I cant betray his trust." Feeling like a pain of jealousy at her revelation he kept hold of her hand." what about the love we have for each other? are you betraying everything we had before? I still love you liv and thats not going to change.Stay with me please I'll make things right for us if you give me a chance." Liv pulled her hand away from his grasp." You are my first love Liam and that is something that won't ever change but I love him too.He has helped me become who I am today after everything that you put me through." Liam felt shocked at her words." I know I messed up liv..."he started telling her when she cut him off." NO LIAM!!!you are still engaged to Camille And if you really loved me you would have fought for our future together ...FOR OUR LOVE LIAM!!!why was it so hard then?" she told him.

He looked at her with a serious expression." you are right.I was only thinking about keeping the company name clean.I should have fought for us then sadly that's in the past and there isn't much I can do to change things now.That doesn't mean I wont stop fighting for us now.I dont want to lose you again liv ... I love you so much" liv paced a bit feeling her emotions confused ." I have to go its not right ." she was about to leave when he got her hand stopping her from leaving."Do you feel the same for him as the way you felt for me? " she couldnt help but sigh out loud." Liam what I feel for him is different than what I feel for you.it is something I cant change or forget no matter how hard I try."he smiled at her " So you still love me?" she quickly pulled her hand away as tears rolled down her cheek." why does this have to be so hard? Liam I ...l have to go." Liam hugged her before she got the chance to run off and liv stayed frozen.She then returned the embrace and held onto him.He kissed her forehead which caused her to look up at him.His blue eyes always stood out by his blonde hair.He leaned in for another kiss and liv returned it back they both kissed and held on to each other.He didn't want for that moment to end.He wished for that moment since the moment she left.they slowly pulled themselves apart from each other."I cant do this to him Liam please understand.I have to go now please don't stop me anymore it will only be harder for us." she told him and walked away from him as fast as she could.Liam stood there watching her leave and felt happy to have finally seen her again ,but at the same time he felt hurt to know that she had already moved on with someone else.He realised then that he still deeply in love with her.All he wanted was her ,he wanted the life they both lost due to his own selfish desires to keep up an image in front of the world.Now that he knows the truth all he wants is to have a life with a person he loves and will return the same to him.Now that he knew she was there all he wanted was to fight to win her heart back.

He started to walk back to his car when his phone started to ring.Sadie once again was calling him."Yes dear sister? How can I help you." he answered. "well that's a sudden change of tone in your voice.Did you finally get a chance to relax?" she asked him."Yes ,turns out all I needed was some time in the park away from all you fools."Sadie was laughing at his remark but felt a bit relieved to hear him sound like his old self."well the reason I was calling was because I received word that the party you were planning for me and Jason has been changed not only from location but also the date.Is there a reason for not notifying me of the changes?" At the news of that Liam already suspected who was responsible for that."this is news for me too... I am correct to assume you suspect my fiance of doing all those changes,correct?"Sadie immediately replied to his assumption." Yes so now that we both know of this I think you know what her intentions are.So should I handle this situation by myself?" Liam grinned as he thought for a moment." No sister ,We will handle this situation but for now we will play along with her little game.Let her continue thinking she is a step ahead of everyone."Sadie was a bit shocked at his words " I thought you were madly in love with her? Are you still planning on marrying her?" he stayed quiet for a bit before anseering her." why yes ....have you forgotten that we have a wedding coming up?" Sadie sighed at that response." well I guess I was hoping for too much.Listen I have to go we have some stuff we need to rush now that your fiance has changed everything around."After hanging up he looked back at his phone debating whether to call Camille or not.

Finally once he got into his car he immediately dialed her phone.After the third ring she responded."Liam ...thats a change. I was not expecting to see hear from you until later on tpnight" she told him.Hearing her voice he felt a bit of anger but didnt react in any way that would make her realize he knew everything."well I decided to clear my afternoon to spend it with you.I was thinking of going out to dinner together since its been a while,what do you think?"She was surprised but responded to him."well I had made plans already with my friends."Liam replied to her "well then don't cancel your plans I will gladly join you to keep you company." she immediately responded to that "No!!!that's not necessary.Ill cancel with them for you but why dont we have dinner at home?" He already knew why she didnt want him to join but went along with it." I would appreciate that especially after the discussion I had with my sister today.I think you were right when you told me that she is not ready to have control of the company yet ,well her part at least." Camille immediately felt happy at his remark. " I knew you would eventually see it.At can continue this conversation when we get home.I'll handle dinner for us."

After what happened in the park Liv went straight home. She couldnt stop crying and felt so confused.what hurt her more was that she betrayed Ian by allowing Liam to kiss her.She wanted to call him immediately but wasn't sure how to start.The only person sje could think of calling was Sadie but she was not sure how to tell her either.She finally got her phone and started calling Ian.He answered her immediately " hey is everything going smooth with all the order placed?"he asked her.She felt her heart hurt at the sound of his voice." Listen Ian we need to talk" she told him." Is there something wrong?liv what's going on?" he questioned her." Look I dont even know how to start ...its got nothing to do with the cafe it's about us"she told him as he sighed after she finished that sentence."Look we can continue this later if it's ok with you. right now I'm about to go into a meeting.If it's really important let me reschedule first please." She immediately stopped him " No don't do that ,we can talk later it's not a big deal.call me when you get a chance."