Liv couldn't stop thinking about Liam.She felt her heart was torn in two. His words kept repeating over and over again in her mind.what is there left for him to fight for? She remembered the warmth of his lips and she couldn't help but cry.Not because she hated the kiss.In fact she was afraid to admit to herself that she was still deeply in love with Liam.After all that time having him stand in front of her and being in his arms made her heart beat like crazy.She missed him but remembering all that she went through was enough to bring her to reality.He was still engaged to the woman who sabatoged everything.Not to mention she was also in a relationship with a man who has done so much to help her become stronger as person.She was also in love with Ian which made things more confusing for was she going to explain things to him.She betrayed him and he deserves so much better than a betrayal from her.
At that moment her phone started ringing she answered her phone without even checking who it was thinking it was Ian finally calling her back."Ian ..." she said as soon as she answered." No liv ...its me sadie.we have a favor to ask of you ,hope its not bad timing for you right now with everything." liv was surprised at her words and responded "how did you find out?" Sadie chuckled " well I'm pretty sure its not hard to figure out since you have been putting alot of work into that business.Im sure your leaving exhausted and stressed trying to improve it."she sighed hearing her response."Yeah ... Yeah its been alot but it is starting to get better slowly with the few changes I've made.ehat can I help you with?" she asked Sadie."well you remember the party my family is having in order to introduce Jason and I as a married couple?" Sadie asked her. " is that going?" liv told her as she looked at the time."well camille is trying to make me look irresponsible in front of everyone that way Liam is given everything."at the mention of Camille she felt upset."Sadie I love you like a sister ,but I don't want anything to do with finally better from what she ..." sadie cut her off." liv I wouldn't ask of this from you if it wasn't necessary but you are the only family Jason has since not everyone will be able to make it in time.Ian has alot on his plate right now so he won't be able to make it either.All you have to do is show up at the party and dance...have fun."liv thought about things and was unsure about seeing Liam again."what about Liam won't it be a problem for us to be there in the same place? I want to be sure Ian is fine with it too." Sadie immediately replied " dont worry about Liam he has a fiance to attend to and besides Ian is fine with you going jason already spoke with him." Liv sighed as she pondered things." Ok fine I'll go but I don't have anything to wear for that occasion." she then remembered about the call she was waiting on with Ian."actually Sadie before we make any other plans I have to talk to wouldnt be right of me to agree before I even know how he personally will react to things." Sadie stayed quiet " ok we will talk tomorrow...ill pass by the cafe to see how things are going. Jason will be with Carter discussing some new business they both will be starting together so it gives me time alone." liv smiled " ok I'll see you tomorrow."
Ian felt worried after that sudden call from liv.As he reviewed the paper work in his hands he felt uneasy and wanted to finish the meeting he had with the investors." Ok well it all looks like a great idea but is this for only the bar and grill here in town only? or do you also plan on having it expand to the cafe in the city?" the two men just stayed silent as they looked at each other hoping one of them would speak up."well the cafe with all respect has gone down in business recently and I don't think it would be the right move invest there." Ian felt upset at that.He went there with the thought that their boss wanted to invest in both of his restaurants.Now at the news that they only want to work with one made him rethink the whole thing."well your boss said it was going to be both not just one.the cafe is currently under new management at the moment and is improving rapidly.I will only agree with the contract if it is both not one.I understand your point of view but the agreement was with both.I will not put my focus in just one when I have both to make sure that are being run properly."He told them as they both looked upset." if you sign the agreement right now we can possibly see if the boss wants to invest in the other place but as of now we want to focus with the one in town." Ian listened to their words and got up." well then we know exactly what to do then.I will go back to my business while you both go back to your boss and inform him that i will not sign at all.we had made an agreement already and he did not follow through as said.I will not require to have investers who will possibly not comply with said contract." the two men stood up upset with his words." we will inform him but I can assure you that you will not find anyone else to invest in your businesses" Ian watched them leave immediately.He felt that he made the right choice of not signing and knew it was going to be difficult but one way or another he would make sure thier business would flourish.He walked to his car and decided to head home already.He wanted to call liv right away to make sure she was doing well.He felt really worried that something was wrong.
when he arrived home he called her right away.Liv answered her phone the moment it rang. " Ian how are you? did the meeting go well?" she asked him." well... if well means not signing a contract with investors who can't keep their word then yes I'm doing amazing" he told her sarcastically.She chuckled at his comment " I'm sorry things didn't go as planned but you will find someone who will invest to further your there anything I can do for you?" she asked him." the better question is what can I help you with? your call had me worried and I know there ia a reason you called me at around this time."Hearing him say that made her heart sink and grow silent thinking on how to say it."Jason already informed me about the party this weekend.Sadly I wont be able to make it suddenly since all the flights are sold out.I honestly think you should go." he told her."Ian I dont know..." she said."look he needs someone there and well he might not know you as well but you are family...he knows how much you mean to me and what my intentions are." liv started crying at his words " Ian stop ...please." At hearing her words he felt worried. " Liv...honey whats wrong?" he asked her." I saw him today...I saw him and he kissed me but ... what hurts me is that I responded to it.Im sorry Ian I'm really sorry." Ian felt hurt ,he felt jealous." liv... please don't cry.I know what he meant to you before we met.I know the circumstances that you both got seperated and that if you are not together with him is because of what happened."liv couldn't stop crying "why are you such an understanding man? it makes me hurt so much knowing what happened and that you are calm about it." Ian sat down feeling upset " if only it were true. ..Im a jealous wreck right now.I love you so much and the thought of another man kissing you drives me crazy."Liv felt so hurt at hearing him say that."I understand if you want to end our relationship.I wouldn't blame you after that." Ian sighed " how did that encounter with him go?" he asked her."If you are wondering if we are thinking of going back together no.He is engaged and I'm in a relationship with you"she told him."How do you really feel about him after that encounter you had?after that kiss you both shared?"he asked her fearing on what the response is.