At hearing him ask that she felt the pain of confusion in her heart."Ian I love you...I fell in love with you." she told him immediately." But I'm not your first love.....he is and will always be your first love"he told her." Now are you going to answer my question?"he asked her." I...I still love him but as long as things are the way they are nothing is ever going to sorry...i know how it sounds and you must think so badly of me."she said." Liv I still love you ...and I'm not going to end our relationship because of that.If you ever choose to end things I will respect that.Ive told you that before.I really appreciate you being honest with me." liv wiped her tears from her face." I love you Ian and I want to be with you...i really wish you were here by my side." he stayed quiet for a bit " I love you too...and as for the party ... you will see him once more if you go but I trust you.I wish I could be by your side that day to be able to see how beautiful you look compared to everyone there." she responded to him after that feeling confused." you still want to stay with me after that?I wish you could be here by my side... I really want be see you right now." he smiled as he looked at a picture he has of them together." I wish I could be by your side too.If I'm able to the next chance I get I promise I will be there by your side.Get some rest now honey.I love you and I really am glad you were honest with me."After that he hung up. He sat there thinking of what just happened.He felt so useless in that house all by himself while she was miles away so close to the man who she still loves despite all those unfortunate circumstances.He didn't want to tell her to stay away from him fearing that it will draw them closer.He wanted for her to choose who she wanted to be with.He reached to the end table where there was a small leather box and sighed as he looked at what was inside of it.
Liv felt a bit better after hearing Ian.The only things was that she felt she didn't deserve him.She layed down looking at the ceiling thinking about Liam's words over and over again.After so long away from Liam she thought her feelings would have disappeared but in reality they still hadnt left.One thing she was proud of was that she was able to speak her mind and didn't allow for it to go any further.She was able to finally tell him how she felt and what her opinions on their current situation was.She fell asleep thinking about everything.when she woke up she messaged sadie to notify her that she would be attending.She got up and went straight to shower. She woke up earlier than expected which gave her time to get dressed and cook breakfast for herself without being in a rush to get to work.Her mind felt like it was all scrambled but she didnt want that to interfere with the work she has to do.She walked to her car and sat there revising the documents she had to finish in order to send them to Ian.She put the paperwork into the folder and drove off to get to the cafe before it opened to make sure everything was done correctly the night before.when she arrived she saw that sadie was outside sitting down at a table outside.She walked up to her confused that she was there at that time." Sadie what a surprise.Have you been here long?" she asked as she waved to the employees waiting by the door to be opened.One of the girls ran up to her as liv waved her over to where she was." here go ahead and open up already and get them started on their daily assignments. Here is a list of things that I need to be done today also." she said handing the girl the keys and a list of things she had written down the day before.As the girl ran off to open Sadie turned to liv impressed. "well you seem to be handling everything very well.I can see that you are more than capable of bringing this place up and improving it drastically.Ian made the right choice leaving things in your hands." she smiled at sadies words " all I want is to make sure his business does well. he is a great person and deserves the best."Sadie finished signing a few documents and turned to liv." We need to go shopping for your dress.The party is tomorrow and I want you to look your best.I already booked you with my hair stylist so you wont have to worry about that.All that is needed is your dress and shoes." Liv looked at her watch and turned to the cafe." I have to stay for a couple hours at least to make sure things get done." sadie smiled " take your time I have to take these documents to the office and attend a small meeting with Carter and Jason.I will be back for you when all that is done."Sadie got up and hugged her " ok I'll be here working until you get back.Ill let you go then so I can get started before the cafe opens."
That morning Camille woke up to find that Liam had not slept in the same bed as her. She immediately got up to check where he was at.As she walked towards the kitchen a maid walked up to her." Mr.hayes left early this morning for a meeting he wanted me to inform you that he would not be home until later tonight."camille looked at her annoyed with what she informed her." Ok make sure to make breakfast for two.I will be having company over."She hurried back to her room and immediately dialed a number." hey I need you to come over to my place now...Liam is not home and I have news for you."Once she hung up she walked into her closet to look at the dress she had bought for the next day.She had decided to wear a long yellow gown that was loose fitting with as princess one shoulder look.She made sure to have gems added to the waist area and bought silver heels to go with it.She finally had everything going well for herself.If things continued going like that she would soon have Liam's company and money all for herself.When she was heading down for breakfast the doorbell rang.within a few minutes her friend who also was one of the bridesmaids walked in." finally you get here.sit so we can eat and I can tell you about my conversation with Liam last night." at hearing her the girl sat down."all right let's hear it.It must be interesting if you had me come this way this early." the said as they were served breakfast." oh Steph , you have no idea....lets just say Liam is making things so much easier." she said as she picked at her food." And how is that?" Camille looked at the girl with a huge grin."Well he came home upset and the first things he says is that I was right about his sister.She is not ready to have total control of th company.He doesnt want all his hard work to fail in her hands because of her foolish actions and will do what is needed to not let it happen.One thing causing his doubts is the fact her husband has no interest in any of their work.He is completely dependant on her for everything since he doesnt work or even plans to." the girl listened to her speak." how is that beneficial to you?" she asked cam. " it means that my sudden change of the date for the party will not be questioned because he is willing to make sure she shows how irresponsible she still is.I told him already since the guest were informed and he seemed quite pleased with my actions." the girl took sip of her drink and began talking " I was worried someone told him about your boyfriend who you have been with for a while now." Camille looked at her with anger " He has no reason to find out.So I hope you dont say things like that here where someone might overhear." the girl looked upset " why do that behind his back? he gives you everything" Camille quickly cut her off " he gives me stability.the life I deserve to have.Im with him for thw money and commodity .One day it will all be mine.As for my boyfriend well he makes sure my needs are met since Liam is too busy to do that with all his work." Stephanie sighed at her words." I hope it stays like that for you have done alot to get to this position in life." Camille leaned back " it will stay that just have to know how to control things to your advantage."