As liv walked down the stairs she saw Liam approaching her with the same look he first gave her the night they first met in the garden.she reached the third step before reaching the bottom and Liam was already standing there speechles when She started smiling revealing how beautiful her smile and eyes stood out when she was happy." excuse me" Ian told Liam who turned to look at him with surprise.Ian reached for her hand when she got to the bottom and kissed her hand." You are the most beautiful woman that I have ever layed eyes on." He told her as she blushed at his words."Are you here with anyone tonight?"he teased her as Liam watched their interaction confused with what just occurred."I can't believe you are actually here!!!" she told him as they embraced each other and he kissed her forehead.He walked with her in his arms towards Liam."this is my beautiful girlfriend liv who I have told you so much about." Liam looked at liv with hurt in his eyes." you are one lucky man to have this beautiful woman by your side.If it's not a problem may I steal a dance with her later?"Before either of them could respond Camille quickly cut in "It is a problem ...for one she was not invited to attend my party that I worked so hard on planning.Two I dont want you having anything to do with her."At that moment it finally clicked to Ian why those names sounded familiar."She has more right to be here than you do Camille!!!besides this party is meant to celebrate my marriage unless you had other intentions." Sadie said as she walked up to them. Camille quickly walked away pulling Liam along with her when she realized how everyone was watching her outburst.Ian turned to look at liv and kissed her lips to calm her down."I'm sorry about that I should have known better."he told her as she leaned her head on his shoulder as they walked away."The important thing right now is that you are here by my side...I still cant believe you came.Where Jason and sadie in on this too?" she asked him."well not from the beginning but he suddenly decided that he needed to come see you and well we helped from there." Jason told her as he and sadie walked up to them." well that was quite an entrance dont you agree?I'm so glad to see you both happy in each other's arms."The music started playing as people sat down in their assigned seats to eat.Liv turned to Ian " we are assigned in the same table as Sadie and Jason." He smiled at her " dont worry about anything all that matters is that we are together.Dont let them ruin all you have accomplished."she returned the smile " your right ...Im not the same woman who they knew.I won't let them get to me especially Camille."
It was a big round table where they were assigned Sadie and Jason were already seated.Carter sat next to Sadie leaving Ian next to Jason .Liv sat next to Ian.When camille and Liam walked up to the table she immediately looked directly towards liv who was sitting down talking with Ian."well its very interesting seeing you here after things got so difficult for you to handle and you decided to run away."Liv turned to her but didn't give her the satisfaction of showing anger."well it's good to see you again still up to your old ways."Camille smiled at her as Liam sat next to liv."glad you can see that for yourself.Liam and I are madly in love with each other."Liv looked at Liam who in return looked at her with so much confusion."well I hope nothing but the best for you Liam...I truly do." He remained speechless as he looked into her eyes wanting to reach over to her and caress her cheek.He felt so much love for her but yet couldn't express it at all to her."Thank you...I in turn want the same for you." Ian watched as they exchanged words and felt jealous at the way he looked at liv."I think that this music sounds amazing and I would love to have a dance with my beautiful date."He said out loud as he held liv's hand.Liv turned to him and nodded in response " I think its a lovely idea." As the couple walked off Liam and camille both stared at them walk away both with different thoughts in their minds.Sadie watched them carefully observing their movements."I have to go with Steph we have important material to discuss." camille told them as she left without even saying anything else.Sadie quickly sat next to Liam when Jason starter talking with Carter. " Liam you make it very obvious on how you feel for liv.Shes with someone why make it harder on yourself.things would be different if you were not with Camille and she was also single but you are both with other people.Dont make it harder for you both please."Liam looked at his sister and smiler weakly." I love her ,she brings out the best in a person without even trying.Look at her just her smile alone can drive a person crazy." they both watched as liv and Ian danced together both looking at each other full of love." I have to get some fresh air for a bit excuse me sister."
As they danced Ian looked at liv " honey when we get a chance later I would like to talk to you but for right now you'll have to excuse me for a bit.I have to do something real quick.let me walk you back to the table." Liv looked at him confused " ok sure that is fine." at that moment carter walked up to to them as they were heading back to the table."If its ok, would the young lady accept to dance with me?" Carter asked."Ian turned to Liv as she nodded in agreement."of course as long as she agrees." Ian left right after leaving carter and liv dancing. " well that was quite a show...its good to see your here and stirring up camille."She chuckled "I'm not here to cause trouble.who would have know that after everything I would be right back here."
Ian walked out of the building to find Liam standing outside looking up to the night sky.There was no one else outside but them."can I have a word with you?" Ian asked him.Liam turned around to look at him and sighed."it's about Liv right?" Liam asked him standing straight with a serious but sincere look."What you did when you both were together really broke her." Ian started telling him.Liam quickly raised his hand to stop him."I know what wrong I did and believe me when I say if I have the chance I would gladly do everything in my power to make it up to her even if it took me a whole lifetime."Ian chuckled "How can you say you love someone if you couldn't even fight for her when you had her?" Liam watched him closely and responded " werent you the one who told me earlier to fight for the woman I love?She is the woman I truly love.Liv is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.I made mistakes then but I now have the opportunity to fight for her once more."Ian grew upset at his confession "How can you say that you love her when you cheated on her with her best friend who she grew up with like sisters?" Liam immediately snapped at that "AND YOUR GOING TO TELL ME YOU HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING TO BETRAY HER ?" Ian stayed shocked at that question."I know the type of guy you are.You mess around with any woman who throws themselves at you.Your silence to that question is enough proof to admit you have done wrong."Ian stood up to him."WHAT I HAVE DONE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE DAMAGE THAT YOU HAVE CAUSED HER!!!"Liam stepped back and turned towards the main door causing Ian to also turn. Liv stood there watching them both with a look of pain and confusion."What exactly have you done Ian?"she asked him as she trembled."I'll leave you both to talk." Liam said as he looked at Ian who stood there frozen confused on how to start talking.Liam walked towards the front door where liv was and caressed her cheek looking at her blue eyes."I'll be inside if you need anything at all."she grabbed his hand and stepped back."Thank you Liam but at this moment I need to be alone with Ian."He walked inside as Ian walked up to liv trying to embrace her only to get pushed away." How much did you hear?"He asked her as he looked at her."enough Ian ,I heard enough to know that something happened and I want to hear it from you immediately."He paced around a bit as liv waited for him to begin."Ok I'll tell you everything that happened but just remeber that no matter what I love you..."