you don't deserve to be hurt

"just tell me what happened please....thats all I need to hear from you at this moment."Liv told him as she watched him pace around in front of her." look ....i don't know how to start this ..." he told her.She felt uneasy about how he was acting ."who was it Ian?was it Kayla?" she asked him as she watched him stop pacing the moment she questioned him." yes...but it's not what you think Liv please " he told her as he quickly walked up to her to grab her hand before she tried walking off." she pulled her hand away and leaned on the wall unable to say anything."I got home one night and like I normally do after a long day I went to the room to get changed.When I turned on the light to the room she was already on the bed waiting for me in a robe.I told her to leave several times." he told her trying not to tell her the rest." was that the night you didn't answer your phone?tell me everything Ian I need to hear it from you."Ian looked down "honey I don't think it's a good idea that..." Liv grew upset "JUST TELL ME IAN!!!" he sighed " ok ...kayla came into the house with an extra key she had.She pleaded me to take her back since Jason married someone so suddenly.She didn't want the same to happen with me.I tried getting her out and she started kissing me next thing I know she's already undressed and pulling me to the bed but honey ...we didn't do anything I stopped everything before we actually..." Liv slapped him before he could finish talking."I called that night several times and you didn't answer me.did you see I was calling?"she asked him looking straight into his eyes." I saw ...I just wasn't sure...i don't want to lose you are the reason why I stopped things from getting too far.I love you"he told her trying once more to hold her hand."you obviously didn't think of that love you say to have for me when she started undressing in front of you that you ended up about to sleep with her."she walked a few feet away from him."Look I will support you as I have with your business but between us there should be some space...I don't want to hurt anymore Ian please.i fell in love with you and for once thought things would be different.I guess that's alot for me to ask going back to the party don't ruin this for your brother or Sadie."she quickly left inside before he could see her crying. once she walked into the building she stayed in the main hall trying to calm herself before entering the party.she then walked into the woman's restroom to fix herself before anyone saw her.

Liam was walking out of the party when he saw liv walking to the restroom wiping off tears from her face.He then walked back outside to look for Ian who was punching the wall upset." that wall didn't do anything to you ..." Ian turned to look at him." what do you want?Are you happy with the way things turned out?" Liam slowly walked up to him "if seeing liv cry because of you is what you call happy then no...She doesn't deserve that." Ian snickered at his comment." How does what you did to her make it any different from what I did?"Ian asked him."for starters I didn't intentionally do those things to her.I was drugged and set up by Camille which liv knew from the reports I handed her.what seperated us was the pregnancy that Camille faked causing a huge stir with the media causing me to try to fix the bad image by having to marry Camille.sadly when things got cleared up for liv and I to be together she had already left without saying a word."Ian listened to him talk." How can you say you love her when you couldn't even fight for her in the first place?when she needed you the most she felt she the best option was to leave."he asked Liam as he turned to him."I know what mistakes I made and I dont plan to make it again.I love her Ian all I want is the chance to give her all the love and happiness that she deserves." Ian paced a bit thinking "you're still engaged to Camille and that was by choice" he told Liam." lets just say I now know her true colors and for my sister's sake I have to keep this little charade going.I don't have any intentions of spending my life married to an unfaithful manipulative woman."Ian leaned on the wall " well as long as liv knows you are engaged she wont take you serious." Liam walked up to Ian. " Do you really think you can make her happy with what you did?Can you truly give her everything that I can give her?She is my first and only love ...We had our many firsts together and that is something you dont share with her.She is in my eyes my one true love, my soulmate and I intend to win her over no matter what it takes.I recall you had a ring for her but I know for a fact she won't accept it after what you did."Ian stayed speechless thinking of liv and the conversations they had about her past.what he said was true for him and liv also shared the same opinion on things.who was he to separate them when they finally had another opportunity to be together again?"I'll take my leave and go back to the party.Ive said what was needed to be said." ian immediately spoke before he left "In the end she is the one to make to that decision not us."Liam stopped in his tracks and smiled without turning back " You know very well what liv has gone through think about it before you make any rash decisions."

When Liam walked in to the building liv was also walking back to the party. "Is everything ok love?" he asked her as they both got close to the door to the party."Liam ...uhh yeah everything is great why do you ask?"she answered him trying not to look him in the eyes because of the red and puffiness from crying."Love I can see that you were crying even if you try to hide it from me...I can hear it in your voice." He told her as he pulled her away from the door gently."We might not be together but no matter what I will be here for anything you need even if its just a shoulder to cry on."at his words she burst in to tears causing Liam to embrace her as he layed her head on his chest crying.Being in his arms made her remember how safe he always made her feel.The smell of his cologne made her heart beat fast as she felt all her feelings towards him return she felt she couldn't hide anything from him anymore."You dont deserve to be hurt liv...I want to make sure you dont suffer anymore.I love you and even if you want to be friends I will accept anything as long as I can be by your side to protect you."he gently raised her head and looked at her watery eyes only an inch away from their lips touching.Ian walked in at that moment and saw how close they were.He wanted to confront them but instead stood their frozen."Liam I will always love you but I can't do that to Ian ...not again...we can talk another time but now is not a good time.excuse me" she told him as she pulled away from him and walked into the party Ian walked up to Liam who was standing there looking at the door liv walked through."you heard it for yourself she admitted it" Liam told him. Ian didnt say a word and walked back into the party.

Liv was already sitting down and talking to Sadie.She had a bright smile but it was obvious to both Ian and Liam how much she was trying to hold in her pain.Ian got there when sadie stood up pulling Jason up." it's time for the couples to dance!!! come on liv...get Ian on the dance floor!!!" she turned to Ian who looked at her." may I have this dance?even if it's the last one I ever get with you" he smiled gently at her." Fine but I'm only doing this for sadie and Jason.I don't want to ruin their day." They both walked towards the dance floor and started dancing "Honey I'm..." Ian started before liv stopped him."please don't call me that anymore..we're not together anymore.If you want call up Kayla but as of now I'm really hurt and it's hard to believe that you didnt sleep with her.Im more than positive you both slept together in our bed Ian."Ian felt a pain in his heart."Do you still love him?" he asked her as she looked up at him confused by the question." what?why do you ask me that?"Ian continued dancing with her as the next song played."I saw you with him right now before you came in...." he told her.She fell silent as she looked at him listening to him speak."I think that we both cant get over our past relationships and I think it's best for us to return to them."