you are forgetting

Surprised to see Liam standing in the hospital hallway she went up to him with a serious look on her face."well I wasn't expecting to find you here at all after the conversation and agreement you had with me in regards to my dear old best friend" Camille told Liam as she looked at Ian who was also there with them." well if you do recall I do have a business with this man to run.I heard there was a situation that needed to be attended to in order to continue with construction on the building" Liam told her as he looked at her face "what brings you here to the hospital?are you feeling ill?" he asked her." No darling no I'm perfectly healthy I just heard that liv was in a small accident after I saw her and I wanted to make sure she was fine.We might not talk but I still worry" camille told Liam as she wrapped her arms around him."glad to hear that I'm still number one in your life and she's in the had me worried for a bit seeing you here" she told him as she looked at Ian who was watching them.Liams phone started ringing "I have to take this call its my brother.Excuse me Ian we can continue our meeting later when it's convenient"he said as he left so that Camille wouldnt suspect anything that was going on.

"How did little liv end up with you? you're way to cute to be wasting your time with her..." Camille said as she walked up to Ian "what you need is a real woman in your life who can actually satisfy your every need..." she seductively traced her fingers on his chest as she tried wrapping her arms around his neck.Ian chuckled at her comment as he grabbed her arms and moved her away "let me guess that woman is you?"he asked her with a curious tone.She grinned as she whispered in his ear "of course ,didn't you ever wonder why she can't keep a man?especially after they meet me"she said feeling confident in herself.Ian got close to her enough to whisper back in her ear "Not in a lifetime darling...She is way more of a woman than you will ever be so don't compare." At hearing that she quickly stiffened and grew angry "You are forgetting that Liam is the richest and most powerful man here.I can make sure that you are ruined from ever having any type business here."Ian crossed his arms listening to her rant "sounds good to do what you feel needs to be done its not going to change my mind" he said as walked away from her " Since you have no other business here I would suggest you take your leave." Camille watched him leave the hallway and exit the building.

Camille quickly went up to the nurses desk in front " Hi I'm looking for my friend well she's more of a sister but I was told she was brought here.where is she?are there any news on her?" she asked sounding so panicked and worried about not hearing anything. The nurse looked at her and asked for the name of the person."please I need to know she's ok..."she told the nurse.The nurse looked at her " im not really suppose to give out information on the patient.all I can say is that she is fine but will be staying here for a couple of days." camille wasn't satisfied with that response and opened her purse pulling out a hundred dollar bill sliding it to the nurse."look I just want to know how she is without anyone knowing" Camille told her in a low voice."fine but just so you know this will be the only time...she had a concussion and just woke up not long ago.she did have other injuries but nothing major and a few stitches.The chances of her having a miscarriage at this point is high but as of now she is stable.The doctor does not want her information to go out due to the current investigation going on.You look sincere so I can give you her room number to visit her.Im sure she will be thrilled to see you." Camille nodded her head and got the room number.She felt anger towards the news of her pregnancy but if it meant keeping Liam away it was perfect news to reveal to liam and she knew what her next move was now going to be."thank you but before I go in do you mind checking her to see how she's doing? also if you don't mind notify me if there is anyone there with her" she said as she got the room number."of course I'll do that right away..."the nurse said as she smiled at her walking to the hallway and entering the room.Camille looked around to make sure no one she recognized would see her there.after a few minutes the nurse came out giving her the thumbs up "go surprise her she's awake and watching TV. I'm sure she will be excited to see you right now that she's all alone."camille smiled "I bet she will be excited to catch up after what happened" she told the nurse as she walked towards the room.

Liv was watching TV laying down as she had her hands on her stomach thinking about the baby.The room door suddenly opened as she heard heels walking into the room as the door closed.Thinking it was sadie she called out to her "did you come back by yourself sadie?"as she shut off the tv.Camille walked in with a smug look on her face satisfied by the way liv looked lying on the hospital bed."why yes I did come alone but fortunately for me there is no one else here." Liv looked at her with a serious expression "what are you doing here camille?" camille sat down on the chair next to her bed "I thought you would have been happy to see your best friend at this moment ,after all with the news of your pregnancy I'm sure you must be feeling ecstatic."Liv reached for the control to press the nurse button but camille quickly pulled it away from her."why the sudden urge to kick me out? I just want to catch up.Look with a baby in the picture I'm sure liam will want nothing from you.Im not sure if you know this but liam and I have been trying for one of our own and well tonight we will be having dinner plans that of course lead to a more intimate matter.You would know about it...since I'm sure he already got what he wanted from you." Liv felt upset at her words but didn't want to pay much mind to her words "if that's all then take your leave now camille!" camille clicked her tongue "no need to raise your voice it's just a conversation. I know he slept with you and I know this was recent.Do you think I wouldn't have eyes on him?He is just using you to have fun before we tie the knot.He comes home to me when I'm there and we share the same bed.what more proof do you need?since you left he has only had eyes on me but when you came back and he saw you moved on he made it his personal goal to make sure you don't ever have a happy life with another man."Hearing that come from her lips knowing that some of what she says is true really hurt her.Camille noticed she had hit a nerve with what she said "now I'll return the favor as a heart broken woman who was cheated on by telling your boyfriend what you have done behind his back.maybe I'll send him the proof I have and make sure he leaves you raising a child all alone while I enjoy every moment of my fabulous wealthy life with the love of your life." liv gripped the bed sheets with her fists trying to not cry out in anger "Camille leave this room now! don't come back at all!" camille stood up and walked slowly "don't worry about it...I will take my leave since I finished talking."Her cell phone rang and she stopped in her tracks to show liv it was Liam calling."I'll give you the proof you need bestie" camille told her as she answered it and put it on speaker "darling this is unexpected of you.."she said looking at liv with the phone in her hand." Well I wanted to surprise you by inviting you out to a romantic dinner and well of course where ever the night leads us to" liam told camille on the phone."Of course that would be wonderful especially since I got some new intimate clothes I have been dying to show you once we get to bed"she told liam who chuckled."if it makes you happy then I am excited to see where the night goes"liam told her "I'll send you the address to meet up there since I have business to attend to."camille hung up and grinned at liv "told you he's still into me,you're out of his mind since I made sure to get you out.Now if you'll excuse me I have a date to attend and who knows maybe I'll soon be expecting his child." She walked out of the room leaving liv upset at what she just heard.