But the real question is...

As the time passed Ian stood outside watching as people went in and out of the hospital.The sun was bright but he didn't feel it was warming him fast enough.His thoughts kept going back to liv and the news of the baby they were both expecting.he went and sat at a bench deep into thought."Cigarette?" asked a man who was a few feet away lighting one.Ian snapped out of his trans at that moment." sorry no I don't smoke.thanks anyway"he told the man as a couple walked out of the hospital with a car seat carrying a newborn baby."what I would give to be that lucky man.Both a wife and a baby to raise together" the man said as they both saw the happy couple getting farther away as they smiled at their new member of the family."wouldn't have taken you as a family man with your appearance right now"Ian blurted out to man.Laughing at the comment the man sat down on the bench "don't get me wrong , I love my life right now full of trips and fancy hotels but I want to start a family with my girlfriend."Ian looked at him "well if you have the girl ask for her hand before life takes an unexpected swing at you.I had my chance and blew it.Now I'm struck co-parenting with the woman of my dreams and her stuck up fiance." the man whistled in surprise " man that really blows...Sadly my girl doesn't have any plans of raising kids much less having them.She has plans right now and my job is to support her with everything she does."Ian listened to him and responded "well at least you're together ,maybe things will change.To be honest the thought of being a father really makes me happy especially since it's with the woman I love.She honestly changed me for the better.I was the town playboy.being in a relationship didn't matter to me after what I went through and woman just threw themselves at me.then she showed up...I didn't expect her to impact me the way she did."well my love story isn't anything like yours but we do have alot of fun.Once things get settled we should be getting married."the man told ian as his phone received a notification "well I'll see you around sometime if we end up bumping into each other again. I have to meet up with my girl before she flips out on me for being late."the man said as he walked towards the parking garage.Ian waved as he looked at the time and decided to go back in.As he was going inside camille was barely walking out with a huge smile on her face."well it was fun catching up with her.I do hope you take my offer before I bring you down to the floor.Liam will make sure of that for me."she told him as she tried touching his face.Quickly grabbing her hand ian responded to her "I already gave you an answer and I can assure you it won't change.Leave liv alone she doesn't need trash around her.stay away from her."Camille pulled her hand out of his grasp "well that child has done its purpose for now.I will be sure to inform my fiance of this new addition to keep him away from her. congratulations though...let's hope things go as planned for you since it always does for me."she walked away from him with a wicked smile on her face full of accomplishment.Ian quickly rushed inside to see liv.When he went inside the room he found her with hands on her head and crying out in pain."What's wrong?liv what's going on?"he asked her as he looked for the call nurse button and saw that the control was on the floor away from her.instantly he grabbed it and called for a nurse."my head feels like it's about to burst!!!Pass me something quick im gonna be sick!!"

she told him as she received the small Bucket from him.Ian quickly went outside the room to call someone when he saw the doctor that attended her earlier.The doctor went in with a nurse following him with the instructions he had given her."Please stay out of the room we will inform you shortly" the nurse said as she went back into the room.Ian stood there out of breath not knowing what just happened.He went outside wanting to get fresh air and stayed there for a few minutes.Carter happened to be arriving at the hospital with a bag in hand when he spotted ian looking distraught."Has something occurred once more?by the look on your face I'm assuming its nothing good"carter told him."I don't know...I dont know what happened.they said to wait outside the room."Finally realizing something he went back inside to the nurses desk.Carter watched him leave and he followed behind him curious of what was going on.

Ian went to the nurses station and saw the nurse who was sitting in front of the computer. "I need to know if anyone else went in to see liv Harris around the past thirty minutes" he asked as the nurse looked at him confused by the sudden question."I'm sorry I can't give you that information sir" she said."She is in her room suffering and I want to know what or mainly who caused it" he told her.Surprised to hear those words the nurse tensed up a bit causing Carter to question her "seeing that reaction from you really makes me wonder now.Is there something your not saying?"she looked at him upset "I don't have reason to answer.From what I know that woman is fine in her room and you're just trying to get information out of me." Ian was about to walk off when the doctor called out to him and went up to where they were at."I have news for you but you might not like what I have to say"the doctor said as he looked over livs chart again "we managed to calm her down but she was getting dehydrated so we had to put an Iv on her to help.Shes resting now no tv or anything that can stress her." Feeling a bit more relaxed ian sighed.Carter looked at the nurse with suspicion when she seemed interested in what the doctor had to say."who would be the person that we would need to request video recording from an hour ago to verify if anyone unwanted showed up?" Carter asked keeping his eyes focused on her."well I can get someone from security to verify and the nurse here can also release the list of visitors since it was instructed by mr.hayes to only allow certain people in to see her" the doctor said."well then, if that's the case ian can go look at the footage while I get the list"carter said as the nurse avoided eye contact."will there be a problem doing so now?"carter asked looking at her with a grin."no sir ...I'll get that information and send it to you right away to her room"the nurse said as she focused on her computer screen.The doctor walked off with ian as he continued explaining everything to him leaving carter there with the nurse."You and I both know that someone didn't do their job correctly causing for that young lady to get sick...Now I will be leaving to see the patient and be expecting full cooperation from you." The nurse looked at him nervous and worried at his words.she slowly nodded and watched him leave.

Carter knocked on the door giving her a warning that someone was at the door before going inside."I come with a gift...As instructed by my siblings I brought a new phone with all the important contacts on it.How are you feeling?" he asked as he walked up next to her placing a small bag at the table next to her. "Thank you carter but I thought liam was going to be bringing it to me."she said as she layed in bed looking paler than usual."He had an unexpected appearance to make and will more likely be back to see you tomorrow" he told her."I'm assuming that appearance is with camille...Tell me carter who is the real liam Hayes?"she asked him with a serious gaze."oh my dear liv,he is what people refer to as a devil in disguise.He has always made people fear him by just his presence alone.To be honest camille and liam are the same in certain ways.Both will stop at nothing to get what they want which in my opinion could be their downfall.He has so much wealth and power which is the reason why he is in charge of everything"he explained to her as she watched him."When he met you ...I must admit that it had me quite shocked.You are not the type of women he would be seen with.I didn't expect for him to get so serious with you but he did.You changed him ,but the real question is how much did he really change?"