sometimes it's for the best

Liv watched him as he spoke of Liam.She felt her chest grow tight as she tried picturing the man carter described."If he really is as bad a person as you say then why havent I seen it?" she asked him. "well darling that is a part he doesn't want you to see...once you both are public and you are around the office more you will see exactly what I mean."Look I dont want to stress you out in any way...I'm sure that he truly is in love with you.Now just relax and tell me what exactly did camille want earlier?"carter asked her."The usual conversation about herself and liam...Nothing more"she told him as she thought about the conversation she had earlier with camille." I understand if it is something you don't want to talk about but something must have really triggered you " carter told her.

Ian Walked into the room when liv was about to speak."Liv.. okay sweety, I know she was here and I want to know if she did anything to you.I saw on the security tapes and she was in the room for several minutes.What happened?"he asked her going straight up to her ignoring Carter's presence there.Carter watched them amused at his reaction but didnt say a word."Nothing happened...she didn't do anything...we just had a discussion nothing more...please I'm fine now...I dont want to make things any worse"she told them.

Carter walked slowly towards them watching their interaction with each other."well ian ...i will be taking my leave since I have dropped off what was instructed.May I please have a word?it was nice seeing you again liv...take care" he said as he walked out of the room with ian following behind.once they were both in the hallway he turned to him "tell me still love her dont you and I'm absolutely sure you regret ending things with her when my brother confronted you at the party." Ian looked at him with a serious expression "If we're being honest here then between you and I what your brother said that night might have made an impact on why I ended my relationship with her. I feel it was my guilty conscience but now knowing how things have taken a turn I am willing to fight for her back." Carter stood tall and amused as he shook his head in a disapproving manner "like I've said before my brother is not one to mess with...he will do what ever it takes to have what he wants.He appears to be in love with this young girl ,but for one she seems to also love him which will also make things interesting in your little love triangle filled with so much confusion and unsaid words." Ian watched carter as he thought about what he said staying silent."Since it appears you are speechless at the moment I suggest you go back and try to win her heart once more while you are still given the right to be around her"carter told him causing ian to grab him by his shirt and face him "he is no one to tell me to stay away from her and my child!!!"Ian told him with anger in his voice."well then we shall see how things turn out from this point forward shall we" carter told him as he removed Ian's hands off of him." I will remove myself from your presence for now since it appears you seem to have a lot to catch up on "he told him as he walked calmly away from him.Ian stood there catching his breathe momentarily as to not go in alerting liv of any type of problems.he opened the door and saw liv trying to get out of bed pressing the nurses button."what are you doing?lay back down ..."he told her as she immediately cut him off."Ian dont!!please I just want to leave and go to my home.. please being here isn't doing me any good!!!"she told him.He grabbed his cell about to dial when she stopped him."Dont call him!!! I dont want him to know that I'm leaving here. . .I just want peace of mind ian and I havent gotten that at all." The nurse walked in and liv began to speak to her.Ian walked out for a bit giving liv her privacy.when the nurse walked out she turned to him "sometimes it's for the best and its important for both to stay safe.ill call the doctor and see what he decides before he leaves for the day."

Liv sat by the side of the bed feeling tired and frustrated.She felt her heart so conflicted with everything she had heard that day.she heard the door open and the doctor with the nurse behind him go towards her. As ian stood there he decided to go to the lobby and sit there for a while.He hated the thought of liv marrying Liam after seeing everything betweeen him with camille earlier that day.Suddenly he heard Jason and sadie coming into the hospital."hey what are you doing out here?Is everything ok?" he looked at them as he he replied "yeah I just needed to get out of that room for a bit while the doctor made sure she was good." Sadie looked at Jason and smiled as she walked away from them.

when sadie got to the room the doctor was already exiting the room giving the nurse the final instructions needed.she walked in to find liv sitting up."hey is everything ok?did something happen?" she asked her."yeah it's all good...I'm going home to finally have some peace of mind.Ive had a very mind opening day and if I dont get out of here soon it's not going to make things easier for me" liv told her."if it's for the best then I say go for but you need to relax which means no contact with anyone who is stressing you out" sadie said as she messaged jason and ian to go get her fresh clean clothes to leave "well we will be here for a while longer so might as well put them to use to get you clothes.Im assuming you dont want my brother to know since hes not here." Liv sighed really loud "no he doesn't and please keep it that way.I just want some time to think."ok we will talk when you feel up to it about what happened but for now dont stress over it.after today's events all that matters is your health"sadie told her.

Camille was out shopping for a new dress with her boyfriend at her side when she received a call.She saw the unknown number and answered it to see was calling."well thank you very much for keeping me updated gives me a chance to get her a little something for her return home so she doesnt feel like I've stopped loving her as my sister.just make sure to delete this call from your call log so you wont get in trouble." she turned to her boyfriend and smiled "well I have work to do and I think I have to make a call to another dear friend who should be here." her boyfriend looked at her worried " havent you done enough camille?just leave the poor girl alone for once're getting married to that rich guy and you have me just let her be." she turned to him with fury in her eyes "she has destroyed my life and I plan on returning the favor.she doesnt deserve happiness!! I do!!!and I will make sure she remembers that when she hits rock bottom from where she started at when we first met...out in the street begging for food and shelter."a bit shocked at her words he stepped back "it was just a comment ...I just want us to have a happy family but of course when you're finally married and get what you can from him."camille smiled "glad you understood now if you'll excuse me I have some people to call for my next step."