unexpected decisions

Liv had just finished giving the girl her instructions and carefully watched her from a distance as she prepared the bottle.Liam walked up next to her and whispered " sit down for a bit and eat something." liv snapped out of it and turned to him " I'll be there in a bit." she walked up to the girl who was in her early 20's " you said your name is Macy correct?" she asked her." yes ma'am, did I do something wrong?" she asked liv. "no ,you didn't ,I'll take you to the nursery. can you feed and burp her?" liv asked as they walked." yes ma'am, I can " Macy responded. " I'll be back in a few minutes ok,I'll just go look at all your paperwork and I'll ask you a few questions afterwards" liv told her as she slowly walked out of the nursery as she watched the girl pick up the baby and feed her.

Back at the dining room liam and Jason caught up with all of the company work that they have been working on.Sadie listened to their conversation and also included the information that she also knew." well I'm pleased to know that Carter has taken up the company name.im impressed with all the progress he's made in handling everything" liam spoke.

Liv walked in at that moment and sat down "have you done a background check? looked over her references and resume?" she asked him. "yes love I have ,believe me I had a list of different people and she is one of the few that I think will be a good fit" he told her."OK I would like to look it over myself" she told him."well then why don't you just pass over the numbers of the others so we can maybe consider this option and I can put in my part for the company " Sadie told them." if that's what you want I'll gladly hand you the list tomorrow at the office" liam told them. " well jason will be the one to receive it since I stay home with the baby" Sadie told him." jason, I wanted to ask you about ian..." liv asked him causing liam to make a serious face to the sudden question.Clearing his throat he replied to her " no ,nothing at all he's not back home.the house is abandoned aside from the weekly clean up that Maddie and her sister do aside from running the store.Dont worry about the store here it's all going well ,business has improved tremendously.other than that there is no word from Ian at all not even a number or letter" he told her. " well looks like the man just wants to be left alone,which I think is better for everyone, it's gives this family a fresh..." he continued as he got cut off."stop liam don't... you know what I think I'm done with dinner here ,sorry about everything but I need to go with my daughter" she told them as she got up and left.Liam sat there upset watching her leave without saying anything. " what is with you?!!!" Sadie asked him after liv was out of sight." nothing " he told her." that is clearly something, I get that you finally married her but dont ruin it now. ..you can still lose her ,liam" sadie lectured him." I know you accepted that baby with open arms but that doesn't mean her biological father has to be out of the picture because of your jealousy.he never knew about that child being his.Im positive he would be here for that child if he knew" she continued." enough Sadie, he's not here ,I am...I'm sorry jason I know he's your brother but he's not here.hasnt been from the start.that child should have my last name not his ,I wanted to be the one making all the final decisions here for her future without thinking of him" he told them." Sadie I think it's time we go home,I'll get owen and his bag ,see you in the car...thank you for dinner" jason said as he got up and left." I hope you realize how wrong you are...in the end she married you after the hell you put her through" Sadie told him as she got up " Don't ruin your marriage by being selfish.money can't buy you everything and she will be the one to prove that to you if you don't fix that horrible attitude." Sadie walked away after telling him that.liam stayed sitting in the dining room thinking about everything.

Jason walked in to the nursery to find liv carrying owen as Macy changed Juliettes diaper." hope he wasn't a handful" he told her as she handed him over." he was good ,had just woken up...I'm sorry jason I didn't mean for all that" liv apologized " no don't apologize, it happens sometimes, I'm just surprised to hear she doesn't have the famous Hayes last name" he told her." yeah it's only fair ,Ian was always such a good person and she is his daughter, I just wish he could have been here for everything,that he knew about her " liv told him. " soon ...hopefully soon he will get to meet her" he told her as he grabbed the diaper bag and started walking out.liv walked towards Macy to receive the baby from her " I'll see you tomorrow and go over your paperwork. the driver will take you home since it's late" she told her as she sat down on the rocking chair that was by the window . " OK thank you so much ,I'll be here early morning " Macy said as she walked out.

after half an hour liam finally walked into the nursery room to find liv with baby in arms rocking on the chair."I apologize for what happened at dinner" he told her."I don't want to talk right now, I'm putting her to sleep" she told him." so when is the right time? " he asked her." not now, I don't want her to hear your yelling " she replied." all I want is the best for the three of us... I'm sorry it upset you but everything I do is for you" he told her.liv carefully got up and placed the baby in the crib. " if it's truly for us then take my say so into consideration.We are married we have to discuss things before doing anything at all" I appreciate you looking for a nanny but I want to be the one by her side not a stranger.shes only a month and you already want to find someone to do the job for me!!! thank you for stepping up but she has her biological father too.the circumstances are not ideal but we will get through everything together" she told him." I truly don't deserve you" he told her as went to hug her." I will consider Macy just for your sake ,but that doesn't mean it's an all day thing "she told him as they walked out of the room." that is fine love, I'm just happy you're no longer mad" he told her." oh that's where you're wrong liam.im furious ,I'm just carefully thinking on what I think is best to do " she replied." I deserve that, but at least let's go to bed already " he told her causing her to freeze " I'm sorry but I think it's best I sleep in my old room for tonight. goodnight liam" she said as she walked off leaving him alone in the hall.

During the night liv heard the baby crying and went to go get the bottle ready.to her surprise the bottle wasn't there and the formula had been moved.she went to the nursery and heard liam talking to the baby causing her to stop and listen.

liam was sitting down on the chair as he carefully fed the baby who was wide awake watching him." my littlest love, you are so innocent in all of this chaos... all I want is for you to grow up with everything you need.I want to see you happy all the time.in my eyes you are my princess and because of that I will be there for you every step of the way" he told her.

Liv walked in quietly not to startle the baby when liam noticed her." Sorry love didn't want to wake you.she just need to burp" he told her as he handed her over."diaper is changed also"he replied. " thank you, I really mean that.. let's just see how long it takes for her to go back to bed" she told him. " I'll leave you both alone,give you some space" liam said." wait liam...I love you and I.." she started saying." don't apologize for being right love, I love you too and I know I need to improve in certain ways.it will take time but hey we have all the time in the world" he told her as he went to kiss her.